Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fwd: Fw: obama has the book thrown at him:

Last updated at 3:50 PM on 11th October 2010

This is the astonishing moment a book was apparently hurled at the head of President Barack Obama during a campaign rally in Philadelphia.

The flying missile narrowly missed hitting the President yesterday.

It is not clear what the book was, where it came from in the crowd, or why it was thrown at Mr Obama - who did not appear to notice the danger.

The bizarre incident recalled the moment in 2008 when an angry Iraqi journalist hurled a shoe at then-U.S. President George Bush during a press conference in Baghdad.

The surprisingly nimble Mr Bush ducked the shoe - and the moment became immortalised with online parodies and internet video games.

Duck, Mr President! A book narrowly misses Barack Obama's head after it is thrown on stage during a rally in Philadelphia today
Duck, Mr President! A book narrowly misses Barack Obama's head after it is thrown on stage during a rally in Philadelphia today

Close call: It is not clear where the book came from in the crowd - or what type of book it was
Close call: It is not clear where the book came from in the crowd - or what type of book it was


The US media ran the Bush shoe-throwing incident 24 x 7. But when a US citizen, rather than an Iraq, does the same for Obama, we don't hear a peep about it. 

Sad to say the British media does a better job of reporting on the US political scene than do American papers.
- Mick, Atlanta, USA, 11/10/2010 10:24

WOW..look at all of those hand made signs...they are very creative these demoncrats. 
Sure are a lot of union workers up there in Philly.
- Iwonder, Temple USA, 11/10/2010 10:12

the book is either a Koran or the USA Constitution. Take your pick. If times were better it would have been a hard-cover.
- Dutra, Leeds, England, 11/10/2010 9:55

The media acted mercilessly to President Bush when the shoe was thrown at him. They played and replayed it until I could almost tell you verbatim what was said and done. This episode with Obama isn't even being reported much in our left wing media here. Thanks for keeping us informed.
- Molly Pitcher, Everywhere, USA, 11/10/2010 9:12

Maybe the book is 'The Audacity of Hope' and the thrower wants a refund.
- Jay, Yorkshire, UK, 11/10/2010 8:42

It must be a racist. After all isnt America full of them? When insults and objects where thrown at Bush for eight years we had to listen to the press praise how brave the people were and analyze in detail what it means in society. After eight years of Bush we learned well from Liberals how to be mean and nasty. Liberals are reaping what they sowed. Yet again i have to read a UK paper to even hear about this.
- William, Atlanta, Ga, 11/10/2010 8:30

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