Friday, October 8, 2010

Fwd: POLITICO Arena: Whose fault is the illegal alien problem - Whitman and Dobbs, or the federal government?



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David Mark



The Nation reports that former CNN host Lou Dobbs, known for his staunch anti-illegal immigration stance, employed undocumented workers on his estates and for the horses he keeps for his daughter. Dobbs responded by saying, "I had been told that they were absolutely legal."

The story broke just after California Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman was accused of knowingly employing an undocumented housekeeper.

Is Lou Dobbs being hypocritical or is his defense valid? Does this dampen his oft-speculated 2012 bid? In the case of Whitman, is this an issue California voters will care about?




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Seton Motley

President, Less Government


It looks like both Meg Whitman and Lou Dobbs practiced due diligence in trying to ensure that their employees were here legally.  These stories are - from all appearances - political hit jobs full of election-season venom and devoid of fact.


The larger point is - it is neither Whitman nor Dobbs' fault that the federal government has been grossly negligent in enforcing the people's laws when it comes to our borders.  Between 12 and 20 million illegal aliens have been allowed to invade our nation – that individual private citizens are now unable to differentiate between those here legally and not despite their best efforts is hardly surprising.


Nor is any private company to blame for offering "For English, press 1" on their phone systems or greeting cards in Spanish.  They simply wish to sell as many goods and services as possible - and must respond to the marketplace in which they operate. 


The federal government has given us a "diversity" disaster area – having been derelict in their border duties, we are now faced with multi-million unassimilated illegal aliens who do not speak our language.  This is no one's fault but the elected officials and bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. 


Were the federal government doing its job on the border, we wouldn't be routinely bumping into these problems.


And despite their overheated charges of "Hypocrisy!" it is the open-border amnesty crowd who are the frauds.  They roundly criticize Whitman and Dobbs for accidentally doing with a few illegal aliens what they seek to deliberately do with tens of millions.  And as with Whitman's housekeeper, they do not hesitate to throw under the bus as many of the illegal aliens they claim to be championing as necessary to advance their ridiculous cause.    


Whitman, Dobbs and whomever else are but the symptoms – it is the Club Amnesty crowd that is the disease.  We cure that, and all the attending problems will simply and completely go away.




Seton Motley


Less Government


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