Friday, September 3, 2010

Re: Start the Revolution! Government is out-of-touch with the People!

Being FAIR to America and to Glenn Beck.

Most of us have attended football games in stadia holding, say, 80
thousand people. We've seen Goodyear blimp images of what that
quantity of people looks like compared to the widely-understood size
of a football field. So, I take personal offense when a "supposedly"
objective reporter like Fox News's Chris Wallace interviews Glenn Beck
and says: "… tens of thousands, perhaps a hundred thousand" attended
Beck's 8/28 rally. Does LIBERAL BIAS require blatant unfairness to

Some of you know that I am a registered architect. We structural
designers must regularly account for the weight of crowds of people
standing in ballrooms, conference rooms or halls. Most building codes
require calculating one person for every six square feet of floor
space. The latter is also a standard for calculating the conglomerate
width of door openings for fire safety.

I accessed Google Earth and saw the layout of the reflection pool area
between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. Taking two
simple measurements, I had the crowd extending 5,280 feet from where
Beck spoke, out to past the Washington Monument. And I measured 1,000
feet as the average width of the crowd through the trees and to the
edge of the two clearings beyond the first buffer of trees. The
reflection pool took up about 200 feet of the 1,000, leaving 800 feet
as the effective width of the HUGE crowd. I calculate the area of
ground occupied by those attending Beck's rally as follows: 5,280 feet
x 800 feet = 4,224,000 square feet. *** The very accurate number of
people attending Beck's rally was: 4,224,000 divided by 6 sq. ft. /
person = 704,000 people. *** That's not… "tens of thousands", now, is

It's amazing to me that Fox News is considered to be… conservative.
Yes, they allow coverage of the conservative side of issues. But they
simultaneously allow the lying liberals to put the best "spin" on
anything the CRIMINAL Obama regime does. I include "Fox News
Contributors" Alan Colmes, Bill Beckel, and Juan Williams in the group
of spin doctors. And I especially include Barack Obama, himself, who
is given full coverage by Fox News for every lie that he makes. My
New Constitution includes the following MANDATE for the media:

"Each medium shall respond to breaking news without considering the
response of any other medium. Injuries due to improper news coverage
or non coverage shall not be excused by the media response. A medium
reporting on government shall do so thoroughly, objectively, and with
detachment—being neither laudatory nor critical by form, and not
repressing thoughtful dissent nor its coverage. *** Every medium
shall favor the truth over supposition, without parity nor bias."

And… "Freedom of the press or other medium mandates that there be
reasonable truthfulness in reporting. Wanton distortion of the truth,
or deliberate omission of the truth—except in cases of obvious fiction
or satire—is prohibited. Stating or implying that a particular news
medium has a collective voice (we) or position on any issue is
prohibited, as for example via: anonymous editorials; regularly
occurring accompanying comments; commentary programs financed by, or
ideologically screened by, the same news medium; editorials named as
being authored by management; editorial comments by others that are in
any way ideologically censored, omitted or screened; or by comments
occurring at specific times or designated locations that most would
come to associate with the management of such medium, even if such are
innocuous. *** No medium shall be a forum for promoting the ideology
of its management or owners, nor shall they employ anyone who uses
such job to hawk their personal political preferences—at risk of loss
of license or closure of the business. Flagrantly editing news to
promote the ideology of management is a felony. *** No medium shall
analyze, assess, summarize, or make subjective judgments about any
pending election or referendum. *** Nor shall they invite others
outside of the media to do so. But factual, thorough coverage of the
candidates or referenda issues—on an as occurs basis—is allowed,
provided there are no comments, nor actions, as above, and provided
the same unbiased coverage is given to all of the candidates or to all
of the referenda issues."

Folks, Fox News will be required to cease running ALL of its news
commentary shows. And if they "pick and choose" the developing news
stories so as to be favorable to the political ideology of their
management, Fox News Network will be closed down, permanently.
Similarly, if Jay Leno (or Letterman) has a guest on his program and
asks the guess "who" he or she favors in the next election, Leno must
be fired by NBC, or such network will be closed down. Oprah Winfrey,
as charming as she is, can no longer tout her choice(s) for public
office. Nor can those on 'The View'. The simple reasonable principle
behind all of this is: *** The opinions of those having high paying
media jobs shall have no more influence on the outcomes of elections
than the opinions of any man-on-the-street. Being the editor of this
or that magazine isn't justification for allowing that person,
including the George Will types or the converse, to have extra
influence on what happens in this country, simply, because he or she
has a syndicated column in newspapers, or etc.

The Free Speech aspect concerning elections which CAN continue is the
publishing of magazines or books that DON'T represent themselves as
"news sources". A daily paper having any ideology, whatsoever, is
acceptable if such never purports to be a news source, and clearly
says that on the cover. Even reporting the 'sports scores' or
predicting the 'weather' would be disallowed, because some people
might subscribe just for the latter, then be badly influenced by the
biased political commentary. It is important to note that the latter
right to commentary regarding elections shall not allow any TV shows
to discuss elections, because those audiences are largely captive.
Books and magazines are purchased voluntarily. Pay-for-view shows
that have clearly stated positions of bias would probably be

Glenn Beck got belittled by the Rev. Al Sharpton for not making the
8/28 rally exactly like Beck had hinted. Sharpton continues his
divisiveness in America by constantly insisting that Blacks are OWED
this or that treatment. Sharpton is angry that Beck chanced to
reserve the Lincoln Memorial on the same date that MLK made his
incredible "I have a dream…" speech. That effectively denied Sharpton
the venue where his own divisive statements would have had the maximum

If there is anything positive happening in this country, it is the
diminishment of the size of the likely Black block vote for
Democrats. Thinking Blacks (there are some of those) are smart enough
to realize that the beef of the Tea Party Movement over our bad
government has to do with unwise economics, not racial hatred. Blacks
are at least 90% assimilated into our colorless American society.
Still, many of them (unwisely) vote as a block, and complain as a
block to "n" words, or etc,. because they know those actions have
aided their cause. As with most group lobbies, getting fair treatment
isn't sufficient. The new goal, in the Al Sharpton era, is to get more
power than fairness dictates.

Recently, I made the assessment that a lot of Americans are two-
faced. The upside of that is that the majority of Americans can, in a
very short time, decide to show their best nature. The wonderful
movie 'Pay It Forward' highlighted how people can show their good
sides and start to correct most things that are bad about society.
Group biases aimed at gaining unfair advantages can cease in a single
day IF the members of those groups will realize that their objectives
have already been met. The 'National Rifle Association' is a powerful
lobby that certainly has its objectives met in my New Constitution.
To wit: "2nd Amendment: Law-abiding, peaceable Citizens shall have
the right to keep and bear arms for sport or protection. Such may use
appropriate action—by degrees—to counter unlawful, forced or
threatening intrusion onto or into their private property, including:
verbal warning; the threat of; and then the use of, deadly force, if
necessary." Ratify my New Constitution and there won't be any need
for Supreme Court interpretations regarding gun ownership.

I've watched the Glenn Beck show long enough that I'm pretty sure why
Beck turned pacifist. A couple of months ago, our dictator
"President" instructed that terrorists and those threatening the
country with violence can be shot and killed with impunity (no
trials). Almost daily, Beck was being mentioned by Obama and other
radical progressives as being someone promoting fear and hatred in
this country. You could almost see Beck shaking in his tennis shoes
at the thought he might be instigating 'violence' against government
that could justify his being shot. He mentioned having gotten death
threats on his shows. So, it's understandable why Beck 'got religion'
and became non-violent. He has, effectively, opted-out of leading the
2nd American Revolution—bloodless or not—because of his fear of being

At the 8/28 rally, Glenn Beck supposed that there could be an "eight
year old George Washington in the audience". That one statement told
me that Beck is too naïve to realize that the problems with our
"broke", broke government can be fixed in months, not years, simply by
ratifying my TOUGH New Constitution of the United States of America!
He supposes that there will be miracles, and that solutions should be
forthcoming within 40 days of his rally. Well, consider this, people:
Why would "Divine Providence" allow me, an exceeding analytical and
intelligent person, to be born and to dedicate my life to improving
the world and saving the USA, only to be upstaged by a WIMP like Glenn
Beck who won't even wear his "symbolic" combat boots? Beck promised
on the air to fight, even if it meant he might die. But, apparently,
his being a "father" made him desert the cause…

It's all too easy to see miracles, or at least the favor of God, where
they aren't. Beck showed a photograph of Sarah Palin dressed in
White. For about ten minutes before she would introduce war heroes,
she had her head bowed and her eyes closed. Later, Beck said, "See,
Sarah Palin is praying!" Palin has a sincere and admirable religious
nature. But I would suppose and propose that she was resting her eyes
because of the glare of the sun coming off of the concrete in front of
her. And she was probably going over in her head what she would be
saying, soon.

It was most memorable that a flight of geese chose to fly along the
length of the reflection pond just one minute before Beck's rally was
slated to begin. Glenn Beck claimed the latter event was a "small
miracle." He had wanted Air Force planes to fly over. But Washington
being… Washington. I'm a bird lover. Watching birds is one of the
joys of my life! I've observed that smart Canada Geese recognize that
most people are their friends. For a number of years, a mated pair of
those geese chose to nest in a planted area in the parking lot of the
Cotswold Shopping Center in Charlotte, knowing people would protect
them from dogs and cats. Us humans even put up ropes around the site
so the birds wouldn't be frightened. Intelligent animals, like geese,
are curious. Upon seeing the huge crowd at the 8/28 rally, their
natural curiosity caused then the "check-out" the many people
assembled. It's also quite possible that those birds would have taken
a cool break in the reflection pond if not for the large crowd. I've
seen how geese will stand tall and proud when being admired by people,
I suspect those geese were big enough HAMS to have flown over the pond
just for the applause they were getting. Those birds won't be
forgetting the .7 million people that they saw at Beck's rally any
time soon!

Religion, or more particularly, religious divisiveness, is a huge
problem that the world must solve if we are to survive. We err if we
suppose "God's way" is Glenn Beck's pacifist way, alone. The Bible
says God punished an entire city for being sinful. Lot's wife was
turned into a pillar of salt because she wanted to witness the
destruction. Our Ten Commandments are very strict, and the
punishments certainly include denial of entry into Heaven for those
who break those commandments. "Thou shalt not kill," is very clear.
But few suppose that those who kill in self-defense or to protect our
country's liberty from socialism and from communism will be denied
entry into Heaven. Those who fought in the 1st American Revolution
weren't sinners for killing, ether.

The ones most guilty of terrorism and threatening our country with
violence include everyone in the Obama Regime or those who support
their socialist/Marxist/communist objectives. Obama himself has
declared that anyone whom his Regime considers to be making a threat
can be killed with impunity. Many of you should agree: "What's sauce
for the goose is sauce for the gander!" The treasonous bastards who
have taken over our government are the real threat to the USA—not the
Tea Party goers nor concerned patriots… like me.

At least weekly, I've urged "a" state governor, or "a" state attorney
general to simply order the arrest of any leftist, socialist/communist
Democrat in Congress or in the WH who enters their state. Almost
everyday, someone in each state is being tried for a capital offense.
My often-explained charge of TREASON doesn't need to be any
different. Most Americans, and "many" newscasters, realize the
serious infractions of the Obama Regime. But few, besides me, have
made the association that VIOLATING the Constitution, to the
deliberate detriment of the People of this country, is TREASON! The
Constitution is THE most basic law of the country, People! Swearing
to uphold the Constitution, then, working to destroy its precepts
makes those who do criminal outlaws.

Is my urging punishment for the guilty any different from what God
would do under the circumstances? There won't be any leftist,
socialist/communist Democrats going to heaven; bet on it. This
country "might" get better over the next two decades till Glenn Beck's
supposed eight year old "next" George Washington can grow old enough
to lead the 2nd Revolution. But the USA will surely get better FAST
following the ratification of my TOUGH New Constitution!

"United we stand; divided we fall." May we all unite to SAVE the USA!

Respectfully submitted,

— John A. Armistead — Patriot

AKA NoEinstein on Google's news group sci.physics.


On Aug 28, 9:44 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> The 8/28 rally was a success and a failure.
> I was among the 130,000 or so who viewed Glenn Beck's very large
> 'Restoring Honor' rally on Facebook.  I watched the entire event with
> much interest, not because I agree with the notion that Americans have
> character deficiencies that need to be corrected, but because I was
> intrigued that perhaps half a million people who attended the rally
> are open to such an idea.  Beck should be applauded more for being an
> event promoter, than for delivering a plan of action likely to correct
> our 'broke', broke government any time soon.  He mentioned the long
> struggle ahead…  But time isn't our ally in this our 2nd American
> Revolution.
> The setting of the 8/28 rally was the Lincoln Memorial, which is on
> axis with the long reflection pool.  Several times Beck mentioned the
> Washington Memorial (sic) Monument.  That obelisk can also be seen in
> the reflection pool—very dramatic.  As a teen, I recall counting the
> 550 or so steps from the top down.  Upon arriving at the ground level,
> I could hardly stand up, because I was dizzy from turning (I think)
> clockwise so many times to the bottom.
> Glenn Beck sees Americans as needing better characters.  I see most
> American's as having fine enough characters, but not always showing
> their good sides.  A lot of Americans are conveniently two-faced.
> That's like saying: "Other people cheat and steal, so I will do that,
> too, if it serves my needs."  It's difficult to peg anyone as being
> totally bad.  Hardened criminals on a chain gang once risked their
> lives to save kids trapped in a flooding river.  Being 'good' is
> relative.  Whenever you hear 'good', ask yourselves: Compared to whom?
> Clearly, the thrust of Beck's message was the need for people to turn
> to God.  Beck claims that God told him to have "Faith, Hope, and
> Charity" as his mantra.  Beck has proclaimed that there will be
> miracles.  After looking to God for the balance of funds needed to
> finance his rally, the money started rolling in.  Beck's mouth went
> dry when he mentioned that, and he got all choked up.  So, he drank
> some water and got applause.  Effectively, Beck has opted out of the
> save America business.  If things fail, now, folks will only have… God
> to blame.
> As the author of 'The New Constitution of the United States of
> America', I'm not pleased to see so much emphasis on… preaching
> 'politics' from pulpits.  Religions are a threat to any government so
> controlled.  Those addicted to religion feel strength in numbers, and
> strength in the idea that the subtle 'perfection' of one sect over
> another will stand those followers in better stead on Judgment Day.  I
> would bet that the majority of those attending Beck's rally are right
> wing, pro-life Republicans.  Not bad philosophies.  But bad for the
> country, if any religious group or alliance seeks any degree of
> control over government that exceeds one-person-one-vote.  The more
> the USA shows itself to be… religious, the greater will be the hatred
> likely to be focused on us by the billion or so Muslims who associate
> Christians with unfair oppressors.  Heed the numbers, people.  Muslims
> hold the Peace of the World, and its future, in their hands.  So,
> don't be too public when talking religion.
> Most people at the Beck rally are crowd junkies.  If there is a ball
> game, music concert, or religious gathering, crowd junkies will show
> up.  When I was a kid, I worked as an usher in my family's movie
> theatres.  I became comfortable being shoulder-to-shoulder with the
> crowds attending, especially on the weekends.  I was fascinated with
> psychology and understanding why different people behave differently.
> That interest extended to the hard-to-understand elected officials in
> Washington.  I had the interest, but not the inclination, to become a
> crowd junkie myself and go into politics.  Instead, I thought about
> the problems facing our country and decided to write a book that
> contained my proposals for improving the socioeconomic climate in
> America.
> Within the next few weeks, THE SHORTEST DISTANCE, Harmony Through
> Prosperity, should become available in bookstores across America.  The
> publisher is Outskirts Press in Denver, Colorado.  To me, there are
> few things that more signify Harmony than a rainbow.  The Gateway Arch
> is like a manmade rainbow.  It is ironic that the cover photo on my
> book shows the Gateway Arch, plus its beautiful reflection in the lake
> of a wooded public park, nearby.  Several times today, Glenn Beck and
> others referred to the reflection pool around which the crowd was
> situated.  To me, that arch, and its reflection, signify Harmony.
> Harmony—more than 'honor' or anything else—is what we need in America.
> As was the case with the Washington Tea Party rally, Nancy Pelosi and
> Harry Reid aren't likely to be too impressed by Beck's rally.  After
> all, he set no objectives to force changes.  Rather, his message, like
> MLK's, is non violent.  Beck is happy with years long struggles to
> "reverse" over a century of decline in America.  He wishes to convince
> most Americans to improve their characters so they can become…
> honorable.  To me that is like asking everybody in the USA to climb
> Pikes Peak, only to realize that most of the Rocky Mountains remain to
> be crossed.  I, on the other hand, like the 'Shortest Distance'.  I've
> already tunneled under the Rocky Mountains so most American won't need
> to exert themselves too much to get to where they wish to be.
> Ratifying my New Constitution is a far simpler and more direct route
> to returning the control of government to the people, than… improving
> the characters of most voters.  Like I said, Beck's rally was both a
> success and a failure.  His failure was in not seeing that structural
> changes, that don't require the "conversion" of any Americans, are
> preferable to leaving our present 'broke' government in place, to
> continue to fail us to our doom.
> I, too, have a dream.  Mine is: "Fair play and democracy shall have
> supremacy in America!"  When that beautiful day comes, we can all
> rejoice, again, around the reflection pool of a Washington that,
> rightfully, is under the control of the PEOPLE!
> "United we stand; divided we fall."  May we all unite to SAVE America!
> Respectfully Submitted,
> John A. Armistead, Patriot
> AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics news group
> On Aug 26, 9:57 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> > Beck's 8-28 Rally: Will it Help or Hurt?
> > When things aren't going well, some people blame themselves.  Glenn
> > Beck, who's obviously highly motivated for his save-America
> > objectives, gravitates repeatedly to the decline in the characters of
> > all of us Americans.  His mantra of "Faith, Hope, and Charity" has
> > been preached and repreached for months.  His latest magic bullet to
> > save America is to "Restore Honor".  The latter is the theme of his
> > rally, Saturday.
> > Beck isn't very confident that there will be a large crowd in
> > attendance.  If he had called the rally a speak-for-yourself Tea
> > Party, there would be hundreds of thousands showing up.  But when he
> > requires that there be no signs, and that people must get (free)
> > tickets to get inside the ropes or wooden barriers, it seems that Beck
> > is neutering the drive needed to instigate the necessary changes in
> > our government.  In too many ways, Beck's rally is like one of those
> > for-entertainment shows that he and Bill O'Reilly put on in a number
> > of different cities.  Beck is an obvious celebrity.  But is he enough
> > of a "draw" to justify any family standing in the broiling sun?  It's
> > probable that the people most likely to show up will be so salt-of-the-
> > Earth, that nothing can be accomplished by preaching to those, there,
> > who already have fine characters.
> > After the rally is over, people will probably agree that fine
> > characters could have saved America.  But how can we just "snap our
> > fingers" and suddenly be sure there will be "fine characters" in our
> > public officials?  That's where the preaching needs to be done—to our
> > treasonous public officials who pride themselves in seeing how many
> > generations they can enslave, to pay off the national debt that no
> > thinking American concurs with.  Where are Glenn Beck's combat boots,
> > which he promised not to take off till our government is again put
> > under the control of the People?  And where is that ONE governor or
> > state attorney general willing to arrest public officials who don't
> > uphold and defend the Constitution, but instead work, daily, to turn
> > the USA into a socialist/Marxist/communist form of government?  Did
> > portions of three generations of American soldiers die in vain
> > fighting to preserve our republic?  Where are the from-the-heart Jon
> > Voights of this country who are patriots enough to champion this, the
> > second American Revolution?
> > The full effect of the sly and not-so-sly Obama tax increases haven't
> > yet sunk in.  There is a large segment of the US population which
> > prefers not to think about the dire things likely tomorrow, so long as
> > they can still pay their bills month-to-month.  Like it or not, we are
> > all on "the Titanic", that is supposedly unsinkable.  A few on board
> > warn of the shortage of lifeboats.  Others repeat the reports of
> > iceberg sightings.  Yet, most of the passengers are enjoying the
> > cruise too much to plan for, and even prevent, the fatal impact with
> > that iceberg.
> > I have a New Constitution of the United States of America that can
> > correct our broke, broke government in the single day that it takes to
> > ratify the document.  I have spent 14 plus years penning and polishing
> > that necessary document.  I've spent
> ...
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