Saturday, September 4, 2010

Re: A Couple of Thoughts On Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally

Such an ignorant reply

I imagine Beck knows more about all of these topics than Tommy, or than the people he worships

I also suspect he has more genuine intellectual curiosity

But one of the things Beck is doing well, which actually is what burns Tommy and the the fuhrers he blows is that Beck has on and discusses authors whose books Tommy has never read and might not be able to: Amity Shlaes, Niall Ferguson, FA Hayek, Yaron Brook, Burton Fulsom, etc

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Tommy News <> wrote:
You and I know that Beck has NO beliefs, religious, social, civil, or otherwise.  He is certainly no expert on ANY religion and he certainly has no grounds to judge what is in our President's heart. His "I have a scheme" rally was beyond bizarre.

This whole rant is being brought to us by Karl Rove, Dick Armey, and the Koch Brothers to further divide this country.  Glenn Beck claims to be a Mormon, but he changes his demented tune every day.  He is getting daily help writing this drivel.  First, he used hatred of illegals, then Muslims, and he and Palin are working hard to divide this about religion...who believes in what, when. 

He is totally using real compassionate love of neighbor ideals to accuse all of us who care about helping turn us into some kind of enemy of "conservatives"....such a bucket of warm spit.  He is NO expert on anything...he was lucky to make it through high school.  Yes, he is definitely obsessed, but religion has nothing to do with theology, but rather his addiction to power and attention.

Thanks for letting me explain what he is really up case anyone out there is tempted to latch on to the ravings of a mad man.

On 8/31/10, Robert Morton <> wrote:
My problem with Beck is that his concepts are simplistic, indeed, including the chalkboard lectures on this TV show. Also, mixing religion with politics frightens me. If any European leader mentioned religion like our politicians do constantly, they would not be reelected to office. I'm a firm believer in  Global Warming from a purely scientific stance, and am very tired in the "tree hugging" accusations from conservatives thapt a conspiracy exists to create a global warming falsehood. Glen Beck attacks Global Warming scientific community under the guise that he's saving his children and grandchildren from a liberal global warming hysteria created to increase government power and control. He's wrong and is actually endangering the lives of the next generation. Visit my conservative DECLASSIFIED SECRETS-2 site at   and read the article "(A-T) U.S. SPY SATELLITES NEEDED TO "SPY ON POLAR BEARS". The Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military Advisory Board (MAB- a Pentagon think tank), and various other such groups believe not only does man's activities exacerbate the normal global warming effect, but that man's activities and global warming itself is a National Security Threat to America's safety. If you read the MAB's incredibly detailed and scientifically perused report, you'll question Glen Beck's assertions. Robert

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 6:06 PM, greg dog99 <> wrote:
While I am not a huge Beck fan, I am reading his book 'Arguing with Idiots', and finding myself agreeing with much of what he has to say. Very much anarcho-libertarian sentiment. The fact the founding fathers thought of their work as divinely inspired seems to raise the hackles of many whom otherwise consider themselves Libertarians.

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
Maybe not your cup of tea Robert, but there was no, "Religious Overtones".....It was a religious rally, period!   That was the point of the rally, to get closer to God. 

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Robert Morton <> wrote:
I'm a Barry Goldwater, Ronal Reagon Republican and I hated Glenn Beck's rally, especially the religious overtones. Robert

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
I have read a number of far left extremist blogs and news media reports regarding Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally yesterday,  to include the New York Times, the Daily Kos,, and a couple that Tommy Tom For News has thrown into the mix this morning.   The rally, which was held at the Lincoln Memorial on the 47th anniversary of Dr. King's speech was attended by no less than a half a million people, and most estimates have the crowd at over one million.  There were no serious conflicts; no major arrests, nothing cosequential at all about the event, but to read the far left's account of what took place yesterday, you would think it was a great big hate-fest.   
Beck attempted to create a non-political rally, in that he asked that no one bring protest signs, and for the most part, very few individuals did.  The rally was to be a "Pro-American-Pro-Religious" event, and for this reason, those on the left, especially the far left Anti-American movement in this Nation, hated it, and have done everything that they can do, to discredit the event. 
The attempt by the Left to paint the event as racist and hateful was seriously undermined by the appearance and speech by the niece of Martin Luther King, Alveda King, a noted Black political activist. Then came the claims that Beck's call for a religious renaissance in the United States was somehow anti-Constitutional. The First Amendment, as you well know, does not forbid the mention of God in American life -- even official American life. In fact, it appears to say just the opposite: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof".  Geez, the Moonbats really hate that, if only they could somehow do away with the Constitution!! 
 Our Declaration of Independence ends with these words: "And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor." Renewing our 'reliance on the protection of Divine Providence' doesn't seem like such a bad idea, even after 234 years, and despite the hateful yells and derogatory remarks from the likes of Tom For News, and host of other far left extremist socialist-elitist Moonbats.  It is in fact the far left, socialist-elitist extremist camp that is so filled with hate and so Anti-American, that is so blinded by their hate.   


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