Monday, September 13, 2010

The Honorable Legislator’s Creed: This I Believe

The Honorable Legislator's Creed: This I Believe

I. This I believe:  Liberty is a condition where individuals are free of force or fraud against their persons and their property. Defense of liberty for every citizen is the foundation upon which our nation stands. No individual or agency of government has a right to command the behavior of any honorable citizen. Nor may they confiscate value from the property of any honorable citizen. It is a fundamental right of every honorable citizen to be left alone. Any individual who rationalizes an attack upon liberty as: "an unfortunate but necessary sacrifice for the greater good" is displaying symptoms of despotic progressivism and not to be trusted.

II. This I believe: Honorable behavior is the mechanism by which a state of liberty is created. The honorable citizen defends their liberty and the liberty of their family. The heroic citizen assumes personal risk in protection of liberty for their fellow citizens. Anyone who counsels patience and passive restraint while awaiting individuals racing to your aid bearing tools of defense is displaying symptoms of despotic progressivism and not to be trusted.

III. This I believe:  When confronted by dishonorable behavior, the honorable citizen has a duty to employ whatever tools of defense are at hand for the purpose of mitigating risks generated by that behavior.  Any force up to and including deadly force may be employed to protect the person and property of themselves or any other citizen. Anyone who seeks to deprive the honorable citizen access to any tool for the protection of liberty is displaying symptoms of despotic progressivism and not to be trusted.

IV. This I believe: The Constitution of the United States was written in plain English for the benefit of all citizens. There are no hidden meanings that require interpretation beyond that which any educated citizen might read and understand for themselves. Irrespective of their station in society, no individual offering extraordinary, mystical or elitist interpretations of words in the Constitution are displaying symptoms of despotic progressivism and not to be trusted.

V. This I believe: The law under our constitution is apublic extension of theprivate citizen's right to self defense. The law is about securing justice for the dishonorable behaviors of others. The consequences of dishonorable behavior call for investigation, apprehension, detention, impartial examination of fact, and just consequences for individuals found guilty. The law is a tool for applying a measured and just response to dishonorable behaviors of individuals. The law cannot be a shield. Further, the law under our Constitution is NOT a tool for the despotic progressives to effect social engineering or plunder.

VI. This I believe: The Constitution is quite clear in the enumeration of duties and powers chartered to the federal government. Nonetheless, the legislative behaviors by the federal government of the United States have been running amok for more than 100 years. Worse yet, the courts have torturously revised history of the nation and the court's own case records to validate a despotic progressive rampage through a legislative candy shop. The result is that a vast majority of federal legislation over the past century is decidedly unconstitutional. Anyone observed to minimize, ridicule or brush aside questions of constitutionality are displaying symptoms of despotic progressivism and not to be trusted.

VII. This I believe: No citizen, no officer of government, no court has a charter under the Constitution to force any honorable citizen to do anything. Anyone who proposes, supports or implements any law or regulation that attacks the liberty of any honorable citizen is displaying the symptoms of despotic progressivism and not to be trusted.


"The 'art' of politics is diverting attention from what's
really happening. What separates politicians from other
criminal organizations is superior public relations."
- Marc Stevens

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free it
expects something that cannot be."
- Thomas Jefferson

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