Monday, September 13, 2010

Have a Koch today!

Warning: This type of article that Daily Kos or The Democratic
Underground would censore. If you are a faint of heart liberal: Do not
read this article!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Have a Koch Today

America was dumber than the Libertarian who chops off his dick and
made the declaration: It's my body and I'll do what I want! No
government can stop me from chopping off my cock! So America? Do you
want these clowns running our world? I didn't think so. If you only
knew who really ran the USA, you'd think like wise. Sad news to the
rightards, it's not socialist bureaucrats running the USA, it's racist
Plutocrat patriarchs! Stop believing the lies from pot bellied tea
baggers, broke ass libertarians, ex-socialists Neo-Cons and elitist
Republicans! Slavery was a free enterprise practice not a civil
service job!

The Koch family is just an example of the many WASP billionaires
that reside in the USA. Yes they are Arab, Jewish, Japanese and
Catholic billionaires. The rich Jews have been fodder for right wing
anti-Semitism for centuries now. They always invoke the name of
Rothschild, which was the 19th century George Soros. The Japanese
billionaires are referred to as the Jews of Pacific. The Catholic
Billionaires are dismissed as puppets of the Pope. Who is source of
these racist stereotypes? It is certainly not from scholars.

Then who is behind these conspiracy theories? If there were 10
detectives they would come to the same conclusions. What is that
conclusion? You figure it out.

This is not an indictment against the free enterprise system. If
you want to engage into a rag to riches reverie, knock yourself out.
Rugged Individualism? Sure, everybody loves a macho man! Especial in
Hollywood movies! Self-reliance? Groovy! How about the work ethic?
Cool! That means more customers for doctors. Self-destructive fools
make the medical industry rich! Hey! You can even romanticize
capitalism. I think that's pretty gay but it's your right! This is not
a blow against capitalism. This is an exposé against a racist cult
that is prevalent in the Aryan ruling class.

It was during the 19century a group of white racists who part of a
secret society in the USA existed. They were called, "Know Nothings"
Why that name? If a church were burned down, the suspects would always
say: I know nothing about that fire. I know nothing about that
lynching last night. You get the idea. The know nothings was slang for
The Nativists. They co-founded the Republican Party in 1854. They
dissolved in 1860 but the wealthy members kept it going until today.
This secret group never had a name. Some think it's the Skull and
Bones fraternity. We don't know.

In 1920, a book was being circulated among the WASP elites. It was
written by a philosophy hack named: Lothrop Stodard. It was called:
The tide of color against white world supremacy. Nice title. This book
was a manifesto that in a nutshell stated that the Aryan race should
control the world's wealth.

Enter the Koch brothers. These two: David and Charles were not rags
to riches rugged individualists. They inherent their estate from their
daddy: Fred Koch. These two are profit addicts. They are oil pushers
and want the world to be addicted to oil as long as the supply last.
These are not macho men; they are scared fat white guys. Their biggest
fear that they would lose money and their billionaire status would
dwindle to be a millionaire. Poor babies.

The Koch brothers hide behind a libertarian mask. If you rip away
the mask, you will find fearful white racists. They are not blatant
racists. They are Passive/Aggressive racists. Like the KKK who hides
under their hoods, these racists hide under the Libertarian label.
They think they have the right to pollute the air because their profit
supersedes everything! We have the right to hurt anybody or destroy
anything when it comes to profit! These brothers are the masterminds
of the tea party. They also put a proposition on the California ballet
this November to legalize smog.

The Koch brothers wrote all the stupid picket signs you see at tea
party demonstrations. They substituted the word, "Nigger" for the
word, "Socialist". Obama is socialist like Fred Schwartz was. Who
that? Look it up!

Am I a racist for talking about rich white racists? Or are you one
of these chumps who think that Wasp rich people are noble and pure as
the white snow. To accuse them of racism or conspiracies makes me
nuts. Yep, the old Soviet Union used to throw dissents into mental
institution. They accuse dissents of being nuts. Yeah baby! I is
crazy! Hee-Hee! Wheeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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