Saturday, July 24, 2010

You are being used Tea Baggers!!!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tea bag propaganda… Plagiarized from the left?

I was more confounded than a Libertarian trying to figure out how
to work a one-arm bandit in a Las Vegas casino. I remember toward the
end of the Bush administration when his ratings almost hit the single
digits. His approval ratings were always 27%. We all asked: Who are
these people? Then in the summer of 2009 we got our answer. When
Democratic congress members had these health care town hall meetings,
these middle age white people who looked like former members of the
Jerry Springer audience were heckling the congress members and
disrupting the meetings. You'd think Jimmy Buffet was having a
concert. When white people are in a crowd, that's the only time they
express themselves. Hell, a white guy has trouble asking his wife to
suck him off. But get them all together? They become football
hooligans. The only time a white guy does anything individualistic is
when they are serial killers. But when it comes to any displays of
intellectual tendencies? Forget about it! If you show any intelligence
then you are labeled an elitist. That how it is in the black ghetto,
show any smarts and you are an Uncle Tom!
The Aryan corporate Gods know this and they know how to manipulate
the white middle class. Glenn Beck usually mocks the intelligentsia by
smoking a pipe and speaks in a British accent. That wins over the
white trash any time. But it is those pipe smoking Brits who speaks
the Queens English, are the ones who own British Petroleum and Glenn
Beck defends B.P! That old populist appeal is suppose to make you all
warm and fuzzy inside. Glenn Beck goes out of his way to tell you what
a regular guy he is. He says: I just a regular guy who is a father who
wants to live in a free America the way our forefathers founded it.
Unquote. You ever see Glenn Beck's House? It not the type you see in a
housing track. His house is a fucking mansion!!!!!!! Not only that, he
has a God Damn chauffeur! He is a stuck up elitist! All the mockery
and sarcasm on his part is not going to change that fact!
Hey white boy! You are being used by the Aryan Corporate Gods. You
know all that anti-Obama rhetoric you spew out? It's recycled from the
old Bush days by the left. The difference is, the left was right! Bush
was a dictator! Obama is not! The propagandist from the right doesn't
even have the brains to change the Anti-Obama rhetoric to sound
original! Every thing you accuse Obama of is what Bush was guilty of!
Where in the fuck were you when Bush abolished Habeas Corpus? When the
neo-Cons tapped your phone? When the Republican Government was reading
your E-Mail? Could it be that the tea baggers liked Bush being a
dictator because he was white? It must be! Because where in the fuck
were these tea baggers? Did they feel safe under a capitalist
dictatorship? You remember how the Republicans kept using the phrase,
"Safer?" Was it to assure white people they being protected from the
non-white hordes? Now that we have a president of color, it he a
socialist dictator! You think Alan Keys or Michael Steel would like
that label? I remember an old KKK sign that read: Socialism is
Niggerism! Communism is Jewism! Are only bigots that believe that?
Makes me wonder?

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