Friday, July 16, 2010

Re: House passes financial reform bill

In fact the deficit was going down every year for the last 5 years of the Bush admin but when the Dems came into office, that was reversed in the last year of Bush and with Obama as I mentioned the deficit was increased more in 1-1/2 years than Bush did in all 8 years.  Bush had to spend the first couple of years to bring back the defense dept that Clinton had let go down.   He was able to do that and  once done the deficit was going down and was slated to be a surplus by 2012.   Not any more.  Zero has messed that one up big time.   The problems started when the Dems took over the House in 2007.   Keith quoted those numbers a few days ago to prove that.

studio wrote:
On Jul 15, 5:32 pm, dick thompson <> wrote:   
And yet after all this you support this current admin that has created more deficit in 1-1/2 years than Bush did in 8 years with 2 wars and a deficit to start with.       
 The deficit was v-e-r-y small when Bush Jr. took office in 2001. Perhaps if he would have led by example instead of lead by lies and censorship, future admins would have did the same. But they didn't did they? There's no one to blame but those that led us there.    
The Republicans did not have the votes to pass the legislation.  The had the senate for 2002-2006 and the House for 2001-2006 but only a small majority and if there were any no votes, they lost.       
 Yes I know, it's the same old story of "they couldn't do it because x,y,z blah blah blah." The fact is it's up to the leader to make it happen or not, and Bush Jr. wasn't about to negotiate with Democrats at all period. Instead he used the power of the Presidential office as a dictatorship and got everything he wanted with exceptionally little compromise. So you'll have to ask yourself; 'why Bush Jr. just didn't decree it so' the way he did so many other things while President. Answer: Because he didn't want to. He would talk a talk, but not walk the walk. Remember, he's the one who always said "the economy is good shape". So believe what he says and stop complaining about it after wards when it's too late.    
The Dems had the media and the leadership of the FM/FM as well as the money from Wall Street (the Republicans were not supported by Wall Street and have not been for years).       
 Not factual. The fact is Wall Street was not giving any money to any Democrats after 9-11 happened. Get your facts straight, or do you need proof? Because I can provide it. Wall Street is not stupid, they hedge their bets and give to those in power at the time.    

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