Monday, June 28, 2010

Re: Start the Revolution! Government is out-of-touch with the People!

Having the Proper Goals for Team USA.

One of America's, perhaps, fatal addictions is to sports. Those team-
against-team contests substitute for our innate instincts to either
FIGHT when threatened… or to run away. A victory by one's favorite
team in some sport will cause an emotional rush that's analogous to
defeating a determined rival who had wished to take your life. By
remaining alive after the fight, there's surely euphoria to be

The world over, soccer is the most-followed sport. The all-out speed
of the players in those games grabs the emotions of people with soccer
addiction. The 'draw' to watch live soccer is so strong that dozens
of spectators sometimes get trampled to death in the rush to get good
seats, or in the rush to get onto the field after a game. By
successfully doing the latter, the fans get to feel closer to the
surrogates who just fought 'their' life-or-death battle. The strong
team identity of the many fans, allows them to experience the victory,
vicariously, as though each one of them had been the person who just
made the winning goal. That's not all… 'bad'. But it's behavior that
takes too much time away from much-needed, higher-minded pursuits.

The late tennis great, Arthur Ashe—a Black—lamented the effect that
'sports' have on Blacks, and others as well. He was well aware that
for every Black who reaches high success in some sport, there are tens
of thousands pinning their life-hopes on becoming a… 'great', too. In
the name of basketball, young Black men, all across America, are
devoting more time to shooting hoops at parks and in recreation
centers, than they devote to finding and keeping jobs. In a direct
way, sports are a contributing cause of the, now, overt socialism that
is sweeping this country. Mass-mindedness and crowd/team-mindedness
are close cousins. But inside the voting booths, mass-mindedness of
any kind is the antithesis of principles of democracy. The latter
champions the wills of the individuals. The former champions the
socialist will of particular groups (or teams).

Barack Obama, the Anti-Christ, placates his block-voting Black core
constituents by allowing himself to be photographed playing
basketball, whenever possible. Obama also likes to emulate Tiger
Woods, a hero to Blacks, by being recorded playing golf at every
opportunity. For too many Blacks, if… 'sports' are fine, then, the
country must be fine, too. The predominantly Black 45% of Americans
who rate Obama OK as president, are surely using the wrong standards
to make that judgment. As long as Obama looks suave and unaffected in
his custom tailored suits; and as long as he can read his
teleprompters in his pathological and unemotional way, Blacks will
continue to think things are fine.

In every public school across America, teams are organized to play
sports. It's more than just needed 'physical exercise' for the
students. It's the early indoctrination, of the masses, into
lifetimes of sports addiction that has ZERO place as part of any
education program! Education develops minds. Sports develops
mindlessness. But not-to-worry… my New Constitution doesn't say one
word that would in any way limit sports within our education
programs. But I, as an individual, propose the following: Continue
to allow the playing of those sports that have wide enough interest to
be 100% financed by the TICKETS that are sold to the games. As at
present, the players can be drawn from either current students who are
enrolled at the school, or from graduates of the school who are not
yet age 18.

Streamlining education demands that at least two years be cut from
public education. Stand-outs on high school teams are the ones who go
on to be part of college ball teams. So, lowering the years of public
education to age 16, maximum, would mean that some of the students
would be too physically immature to immediately play college ball. To
solve the latter problem, college teams should be composed of students
who are age 18 to 23 and already GRADUATED from the college or
university! That way, having academic success leading to graduation
will be behind the players. Graduates of a college or university
would be eligible to play for the team for the next four years. And
the pro teams would begin making their selections of players by the
same ages as before, and using similar criteria.

Personally, I think it's a travesty that more than 15% of high school
graduates are being made to go through-the-mill of higher education.
*** Most diplomas that are awarded aren't worth the paper they are
printed on! Even so, too many feel justified in graduating, because
every 'graduate' will be an alumna or alumnus for life, and will be
entitled to cheer for the teams as 'their' team. Sadly, sports is
more important than education… and for most, more important than any
public issues like: Fixing our broken government, and saving the USA
from creeping socialism. Folks, those are facts of life. But
hopefully… some way, some how, we can find and encourage better uses
of our time and resources than the BILLIONS of hours and multi-
billions of dollars that are essentially being wasted every year on
our collective addictions to… team sports.

Respectfully submitted,

— John A. Armistead — Patriot

On Jun 22, 10:48 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> Revolutions aren't won using… starter pistols!
> On a daily basis, since his fraudulent 'election' to be President,
> Barack Obama, and his leftist Democrat, socialist/communist hey-boys,
> have violated this fundamental requirement of the US Constitution:
> 'Those in government are there to do the bidding of their
> electorates!  Those in government have NO authority to dictate to
> their electorates what is to be done!'
> Today, a Federal judge in Louisiana struck down the White House's six
> month moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.  Though polls
> show that 60% of the American People agree that oil drilling should
> continue, the WH immediately said it will… appeal today's court
> ruling.  Folks, when elected officials—who each SWORE to preserve,
> protect and defend the US Constitution—totally disregard the Will of
> the People, then every single person who aligns themselves with Barack
> Obama, the Anti-Christ (!), is guilty of capital TREASON!  That
> includes Hillary Rodham Clinton and her nefarious husband Bill.
> Fox News showed Hillary Clinton praising the 'successful' socialism in
> Brazil.  Glenn Beck—on his more-fiery-than-usual show, today—explained
> that ¼ of the people in Brazil live below the poverty level.  I recall
> seeing a program about Brazil showing hundreds of dangerous electric
> power hookups, made by the poor, directly to the public power lines.
> Many of the poor people in Brazil are so desperate, that they will
> risk their lives just to have power for a stove or heater.
> In the USA, no public official can… 'praise' socialism or communism
> with impunity!  Because she did so, Hillary Clinton will be hanged
> along side former President Bill Clinton.  Both Hillary and Bill had
> accepted Obama's bribe of the V. P. job, or the US Sec. of State job,
> in exchange for their endorsements of Obama before, during, and after
> the 2008 Democratic Convention.  Bill recently acted as Obama's point
> man to try to get a candidate running against PA Sen. Arlen Specter to
> drop out of the contest.  Bill did so by dangling the promise that
> such person would get a high WH advisory job.  Folks, offering bribes
> is a felony!  And offering bribes that have the effect of aiding
> turning the USA into a socialist Nation, is capital TREASON!
> LA Governor, Bobby Jindal, understands the oil business better than
> most.  He was all swelled-up at the neck over the effect that stopping
> oil drilling will have on Louisiana's economy.  Because those oil
> drilling platforms are so expensive, the oil companies owning them
> will, as quickly as possible, lease the rigs to places like Brazil.
> And once such equipment is drilling, there, it's unlikely to ever be
> returned to drill in US waters.   Effectively, Obama's six month
> moratorium on oil drilling would stop such all together.  And the
> economic loss, and the oil-production loss, would be huge.
> Instead of having people get hot under their collars over Obama's
> daily infractions, and violations of the Constitution, everyone should
> realize this fact: Barack Obama is a malicious CRIMINAL bent on
> destroying the USA from within.  Because he is THE most hurtful
> CRIMINAL to the USA in its entire history, Barack Obama is,
> rightfully, an OUTLAW.  *** There will be no legal recourse against
> anyone in this country who helps… fix the intolerably bad situations
> in our broken government.  Those who fight and win rightful
> revolutions are HEROS, not criminals!
> As I've said before:  If the US Secret Service, or any other publicly
> financed police organization, defends Barack Obama—or any of the many
> leftist, socialist/communists Democrats bent on destroying the USA—
> each of them may be charged with capital treason, too.  So, members of
> law enforcement, in your own best interests, don't ever shield or
> defend anyone in public office who doesn't fully support the US
> Constitution!
> Glenn Beck, rather than having a heart attack over how bad our
> government has become, should stop being overly theatrical about what
> he calls "Crime, Inc.", which is operating inside the WH.  Instead, he
> should take a positive step toward SOLVING the problems with our
> broken government, which he continues to so expertly find and point
> out.  Instead of treating situations as though they are hopeless, Beck
> should—on each of his shows—say these two sentences: "Barack Obama,
> and leftist Democrats, who vote for his socialist programs that are
> destroying this country, are in DIRECT VIOLATION of the US
> Constitution!  Every one of them should all be arrested, tried and
> HANGED for treason!!"
> Simply by saying those two sentences, the threshold will have been
> reached to give those in state governments, such as Bobby Jindal, the
> NERVE to arrest every socialist democrat in his state, who holds
> public office.  Because the latter are spread throughout different
> states, the required trials should be manageable in number.  And I'll
> bet that such will generate more public interest than any God Damned
> sports event.  With our nation is on the verge of economic and social
> collapse, watching sports, and playing video games doesn't make good
> sense.
> If, at Fox News, or other medium, there is a person(s) who nixes
> having Glenn Beck, or anyone else, call for the ARREST of public
> officials who don't support the US Constitution, I request getting
> those names.  Effectively, any person who supposes that the media
> should look the other way to… "Crime, Inc." is GUILTY of capital
> treason, too.  And that includes YOU, Brit Hume!
> "United we stand; divided we fall."  May we all unite to SAVE the USA!
> Respectfully submitted,
> — John A. Armistead —  Patriot
> AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics news group.
> On Jun 17, 7:59 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> > ArethereANYpatrioticAmericans to fight theREVOLUTION?
> > A comic once joked: "What if someone started a war, and no one came?"
> > When Rep. Ron Paul lost his bid to become his party's nominee for
> > President, he said: "Choosing nominees is quick.  Winning aREVOLUTION
> > will take a bit longer."  He was implying that he intended to win (his
> > vision) of arevolution.  But Paul has been little in evidence in
> > leadinganyfight.  Words are too often substituted for deeds.
> > Today, I heard Rush Limbaugh rightly say: "The Democrats are all a
> > bunch of criminals!"  He was incensed that the White House has ignored
> > legislation passed following the Exxon Valdese oil spill that would
> > limit the liability of oil companies to do clean-ups.  He was also
> > angry that government regulators forced deep water drilling to keep
> > rigs further from shore.  With his usual insights, Limbaugh supposes
> > that those getting payments from the $20 billion dollar escrow account
> > will be selected to be the ones who most increase the chances of
> > electing democrats in 2010, and him, in 2012.  Folks, the future of
> > the USA is going down-the-tubes, or… out the leaking oil pipes!  Where
> > are the patriots willing to take back our government, byanymeans
> > necessary?
> > Suppose someone said: "Every casualty of the Korean War and the
> > Vietnam 'Conflict' was a worthless soul."  To drive home that point,
> > the Vietnam Memorial and the Korean Memorial get plowed into the
> > dust.  Anyone protesting those actions immediately gets tagged as
> > enemies of the USA and is quickly arrested.  Is the above a clip from
> > some future "Atlas Shrugged" type novel?  No.  Symbolically, it's what
> > is happening in the USA right now…
> > The Korean War was fought to keep the North Korean communists from
> > taking over South Korea.  The USA was so protective of representative
> > governments, anywhere in the world, that thousands and thousands of
> > young Americans fought and died so that South Korea can be free.
> > The Vietnam "Conflict" was fought to keep the communists in North
> > Vietnam from taking over 'free' South Vietnam.  Fighting COMMUNISM
> > used to be synonymous with whatPatrioticAmericans do.
> > Unfortunately, that's no longer very evident.  Comic Victoria Jackson
> > wrote a very truthful little song that summarizes the evil changes in
> > our government.  Her song should be a call-to-arms.  The final line of
> > Jackson's song says: "Though I talk like a mouse…there'sa COMMUNIST
> > in the White House!"
> > Our country is now being plowed-into-the-ground by a treasonous
> > dictator, Barack Obama, the Anti-Christ.  And Obama is being protected
> > by a look-the-other-way Secret Service, and by a Capital Police Force
> > who were taught: "Yours is not to reason why; yours is to do or die."
> > Sarah Palin gets applause each time she says: "Harry Reid and Nancy
> > Pelosi, you're FIRED!"  Buttherearen'tanyvans pulling up to the
> > Capital to carry away their things.  Is Sarah only… words, and not
> > deeds?
> > The media's attitude control of the people has most citizens treating
> > public officials like Gods—whether they are corrupt or not.  The
> > American Flag gets desecrated every time a Democrat, or Barack Obama,
> > stand in front of one.  No one at Fox News—not even Judge Andrew
> > Napolitano nor Stu Varney—is saying this ONE sentence that would begin
> > to correct our broken government: "The Democratic Congress and the
> > White House violate our sacred Constitution every day, and should all
> > be ARRESTED—like the treasonous criminals that they are!"
> > "…arrest the treasonous criminals …arrest the treasonous criminals  …
> > arrest the treasonous criminals…"  The title of this little essay asks
> > the question: ArethereANYpatrioticAmericans to fight the
> >REVOLUTION?  I could change that to ask: Arethereanypatriotic
> > Public Servants willing to arrest the leftist, socialist Democrats?
> > The
> ...
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