Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Greatest Enemy of Civilization is Islam


The Greatest Enemy of Civilization


By Prof. Paul Eidelberg




The Greatest Enemy of Civilization today is a pathological and imperialistic religion called Islam.  The leaders of this religion, such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, love death more than life.  Indeed, Ahmadinejad sent tens of thousands of Iranian children to walk across and explode land mines in Iran's war with Iraq.   The same barbarian vows to "wipe Israel off the map" and even hurls the malediction "death to America"—yes, and all this with impunity!


It is precisely because Islam loves death more than life that it is at war with Judaism, the religion that loves life.  It is in these terms that we are to understand the Iranian-Turkish-Hamas "Flotilla" that sought to break Israel's blockade of Gaza, where the religion of death tyrannizes over Gaza's inhabitants, who would starve to death were it not for food convoys from Israel.   


There will be no peace in the Middle East, indeed wherever Islam spreads its necrophilia.  Hence the immigration and deportation laws of civilized nations must be amended accordingly.  If this policy is denounced as "apartheid," it is the logical response to the Quran's apartheid doctrine of classifying all non-Muslims as "infidels" on the one hand, and exalting Muslim suicide bomber on the other. (See Sura 9:111.) 


Enough of "political correctness," of spineless politicians and mindless academics who have sacrificed their intellects to "multicultural relativism" and have thereby obscured the enormity of evil that reigns in Islamic totalitarian regimes where women are enslaved, where human rights are systematically violated, and where genocidal hatred of Jews is the staple of the media and the madrasah.  


World War


It should have been obvious long ago that genuine and abiding peace between Israel and its Islamic neighbors is not possible—not so long as Muslims remain programmed by the Quran.  Recognizing this inexorable state of affairs, it's wasted time and effort and even misleading to write or speak about this world-historical conflict as if it can be resolved short of Islam's demise, since those who have been brainwashed by this murderous ideology are at war not only with Israel, but with civilization. 


This is understood by serious commentators, including former Muslims like Wafa Sultan and Nonie Darwish, and by non-Muslims like Lee Harris and Moorthy Muthuswamy.


Therefore, Israel must not only destroy Iran's nuclear arms program.  It must also undermine the foundations of Islamic ideas, bearing in mind that most Muslims know very little about this creed and its pagan origin—which is why it was rejected by Arab philosophers influenced by classical Greek philosophy.


Let me be more precise.  What professors Bernard Lewis and Samuel Huntington call a "clash of civilizations" is misleading.  Philosopher Lee Harris, who rejects cultural relativism, deems Islam an "enemy of civilization."  By civilization he means a standard that can be applied across cultures and history.  Civilization requires three basic ingredients: (1) the co-operation of individuals pursuing their own interests, (2) the ability to tolerate or socialize with one's neighbors, and (3) a hatred of violence.


            The so-called clash of civilization is nothing less than a world war between Islam and Western Civilization.  Hence the only rational and manly objective of the West is to conquer its enemy.  Yes, but where is the team of lofty minds and noble hearts that can construct a strategy to conquer this enemy—especially in this leveling age of democracy? 



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