Thursday, November 17, 2011

Vacation in . . . North Korea????

New post on Fellowship of the Minds

Vacation in . . . North Korea????

by sage_brush

It's probably not an idea that pops into most Americans' minds - with good reason.

By , Published: November 15

PYONGYANG, North Korea — This reclusive and secretive country is now officially open for business — the tourism business, that is.

It has mountains, rivers, waterfalls and pine forests. Pyongyang, the capital, boasts 70 parks, water so clean you can drink from the tap, wide boulevards uncluttered by traffic or neon signs, beautiful traffic policewomen at nearly empty intersections, and a plethora of soaring monuments and memorials.

Just don't bring your cellphone or BlackBerry, don't try to send an e-mail, don't plan to stroll down a street, and never try to talk to strangers or take pictures of ordinary people. None of that is allowed.

This is North Korea's unusual experiment in opening its door a tiny crack — allowing foreign tour groups, their cash and investors into the country, but under strict admonition to restrict movement and to avoid even the most casual contact with daily life.

The vast majority of North Koreans are cut off from e-mail, the Internet, cellphones and almost every other form of contact with the outside world. Most days, there are just two government-run television channels — not on all day — with a third on weekends showing old Chinese movies. Opening this isolated country to tourists means risking the government's near-total control over every aspect of what average citizens here can see, read, watch or hear.

But a limited opening is now part of the government's plan. North Korea has been hit by U.N. and U.S. sanctions imposed because of its pursuit of nuclear weapons. Its economy is shrinking by some estimates, and the United Nations is projecting severe food shortages. So the country is looking to tourism — particularly from neighboring China — as a potential source of new revenue.

Washington Post Article here.


There is one potentially huge  benefit to this scheme.  North Koreans hungry for the Gospel,  may be able to receive it through Christians that would undoubtedly travel there for just that reason.  Right now, the only religion that may be practiced in North Korea is "Juche."  Emperor worship mandated by law. 


Today, Juche is no longer just an ideology, but a full-fledged religion that worships Kim Il Sung as god, and his son, Kim Jong Il as the son of god. In 2005, David Hawke, the respected human rights investigator, interviewed 40 North Korean escapees about religion in North Korea. Here are some of their responses about North Korea's religion:

"Juche is the only religion North Korean people can have."

"We learned that there were two lives: one is the physical life and the other is the political life. We were taught that political life was forever along with the leaders and the Party. Therefore, I believed that my political life was more important than my physical life."

"According to party covenant, Article 1, section 1, all North Koreans are required to worship Kim Il Sung with all our heart and might, even after his death. We have to venerate the pictures and status of Kim Il Sung."

"We must hang [Kim Il Sung's] pictures. The pictures indicate that Kim Il Sung is god, as we hang the pictures for the purpose of reminding ourselves that we depend on him."

"Hanging portraits of Kim's family is compulsory for every household. The portraits must be hung on the best wall of every home, and nothing else can be hung under the portraits. Families with high loyalty to the Party bow down under the portraits even when nobody is watching."

Read more here.
Although the desire for money is behind this campaign  - I believe it will benefit the North Koreans in ways that are not material.  Once the Gospel is preached to the entire world. . .

And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:14    






sage_brush | November 16, 2011 at 3:52 pm | Tags: Emperor Worship, Jesus Christ, Juche, North Korea | Categories: Bible, Culture War, God, Inspirational, persecution | URL:

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