Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Re: Obama got elected president...

Nor did any of them run for constitutionally mandated offices. Instead
they invested in the candidates they supported just as Soros invested in
the terrible president we now are stuck with and to my way of thinking
they invested in far better candidates. Obama got elected president and
you can be sure that there are a lot of people who would love to take
back that vote based on the miserable job he has done so far. When you
see him compared to Jimmy Carter in being the worst president ever, that
pretty much tells you just how bad he is. Guess that is why Stephen
Stink supports him. He only supports losers.

Stephen Stink wrote:
> Nobody elected the Koch Brothers, Richard Million Scaif, Pete Coors,
> or the Waltons to any constitutional mandated office! Do you think The
> Tea Fags will ever distinquish the differench between Free Enterprise
> and Corporate capitalism? Nope! The are stooopid! Doncha know!
> Wheeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> I got your socialism right here! Bend over and get some free love!!!!

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