Tuesday, August 16, 2011

NSA Best Practices for Securing Home Networks



NSA report advises securing home networks, provides how-to list

The National Security Agency has released a report that provides advice on how to protect home computers and networks against cyber attacks.

"The cyber threat is no longer limited to your office network and work persona," the report said. "Adversaries realize that targets are typically more vulnerable when operating from their home network since there is less rigor associated with the protection, monitoring, and maintenance of most home networks."

The report said home computer users must maintain basic levels of network defense and hygiene "against digital viral infection for both themselves and family members when accessing the Internet."

For Windows systems, NSA recommends using both Windows 7 and Vista, noting they provide substantial security enhancements over earlier Windows workstation operating systems such as XP.

It also recommends configuring automatic update features.

The agency also urged using a comprehensive host-based security suite that provides support for anti-virus, anti-phishing, safe browsing, Host-based Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS), and firewall capabilities.

Also, NSA called for using "sandboxing" features on browsers and pdf readers that can isolate malicious software.

For Windows laptops, the agency recommends using Full Disk Encryption.

For Apple operating systems, NSA said the system should be updated frequently to the latest versions, along with third party software.

And for iPads, NSA said data encryption should be used.

For wireless home networks, NSA said they should be protected using Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) instead of WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), which can be easily attacked.

"Using current technology, WEP encryption can be broken in minutes (if not seconds) by an attacker, which afterwards allows the attacker to view all traffic passed on the wireless network," the report said.

Computers and mobile devices also are vulnerable to attack during travel. NSA offers advice for security on the road, noting that wireless access at coffee shops, hotels, airports, and other public locales often have lax security and are susceptible to adversarial activity.

Use cellular networks to access the Internet rather than wireless hotspots and use virtual private networks (VPNs) to protect computers.

"If using a hotspot is the only option for accessing the Internet, then limit activities to web browsing," the report said. "Avoid accessing services that require user credentials or entering personal information."

Protect devices while traveling and maintain physical controls, the report said, and use full disk encryption and power down computers when you leave a device in a hotel room.

The full report can be obtained here: http://www.nsa.gov/ia/_files/factsheets/Best_Practices_Datasheets.pdf



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