Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Visualizing U.S. National Debt

Visualizing U.S. National Debt

Eowyn | July 25, 2011 at 5:45 am | Categories: 2012 Election, Economy, Education, Idiot Law Makers, Taxes, United States | URL: http://wp.me/pKuKY-8is

If you are like me, your eyes glaze over when you hear or read about figures like 14.3 trillion dollars, which is the size of our official national debt. (Unofficial estimates are several times that figure.)

The website WTFnoway puts these figures in visual images to help us better comprehend the sheer scale and ENORMITY of our debt.

One Hundred Dollars

$100 - Most counterfeited money denomination in the world. Keeps the world moving.

Ten Thousand Dollars

$10,000 - Enough for a great vacation or to buy a used car. Approximately one year of work for the average human on earth.

One Million Dollars

$1,000,000 - Not as big of a pile as you thought, huh? Still this is 92 years of work for the average human on earth.

One Hundred Million Dollars

$100,000,000 - Plenty to go around for everyone. Fits nicely on an ISO/Military standard-sized pallet.

One Billion Dollars

$1,000,000,000 - You will need some help when robbing the bank. Now we are getting serious!

One Trillion Dollars

$1,000,000,000,000 - This is the volume of cash the U.S. government borrowed in 2010 just to keep runningf. Keep in mind it is double stacked pallets of $100 million dollars each, full of $100 dollar bills. You are going to need a lot of trucks to freight this around. If you spent $1 million a day since Jesus was born, you would have not spent $1 trillion by now. By the way, the Obama administration gave close to this figure -- $700 billion -- to the big Wall St. banks!

One Trillion Dollars

Here's the same $1,000,000,000,000 dollars when compared to a standard sized American Football field and the Boeing 747-400 transcontinental airliner, until recently the biggest passenger plane in the world.

15 Trillion Dollars

$15,000,000,000,000 - Unless Congress drastically cuts spending, US national debt will be $15 trillion by this Christmas, 2011. Our national debt will exceed 20% of the entire world's combined GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and 100% of America's GDP. This is the same 100%+ debt-to-GDP ratio of the bankrupt European PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain).

A final word:

Our national debt is even worse if we include Unfunded Liabilities -- the amount of money the government knows it does not have to fully fund Medicare, Medicare Prescription Drug Program, Social Security, Military and civil servant pensions. The unfunded liability is calculated on current tax and funding inputs, and future demographic (population) changes.

America's unfunded liabilities now total 114.5 Trillion Dollars -- $114,500,000,000,000.

If you live in USA, this is also your personal debt because as American citizens, you are responsible along with everyone else to pay this back. The citizens of USA created the U.S. Government to serve them, this is what the U.S. Government has done while serving The People.

Source: Federal Reserve & www.USdebtclock.org - visit it to see the debt in real time and get a better grasp of this amazing number.

H/t beloved fellow Joseph.


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