Saturday, May 28, 2011

Shocking Helmet Video Shows SWAT's Barrage of Bullets

After the sheriffs broke through the door, four to five seconds elapsed before they fired 71 rounds in seven seconds. If Guerena was pointing an AR-15 rifle at them, why did it take so long for the sheriffs to open fire? Why was it necessary to shoot Guerena 60 times? Why did they wait for Guerena to die (1 hour 14 minutes, by other accounts) before allowing a medical team access to his body?

It appears as if there was an agenda behind this alleged warrant serving.

Shocking Helmet Video Shows SWAT's Barrage of Bullets

TUCSON - SWAT helmet video is providing insight into exactly what happened when a former Marine was shot 60 times while officers served a search warrant at his home.

The Pima County Sheriff's Department released video Thursday in response to public records requests from the media.

On May 5, the SWAT team fired 71 shots in seven seconds at 26-year-old Jose Guerena. He was allegedly pointing an AR-15 rifle at officers serving a search warrant.

The sheriff's department said Guerena was holding the rifle when he was killed, but he never fired a shot.

When Guerena opened the door, he allegedly said, "I've got something for you," according to SWAT. Guerena was riddled with 60 bullets.

Guerena's wife Vanessa, who was not hurt, told a local TV station that officers never identified themselves when they broke in -- but the SWAT team says they followed protocol.

The video provided Thursday shows that the team blared a siren for about 8 seconds, then stopped. Shooting ensued and the video also shows a SWAT officer falling.

Pima County authorities initially said Guerna fired on the officer, but they later found he never did. He never fired his weapon at all.

They also haven't said what the search warrant was for.

Freedom is always illegal!

When we ask for freedom, we have already failed. It is only when we declare freedom for ourselves and refuse to accept any less, that we have any possibility of being free.

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