Friday, March 11, 2011

RE: EU Leaders And Libya - Gaddafi

Clearly European Union leaders need to consider what they themselves
would do if confronted with the same type of situation as Colonel
Gaddafi. Would they surrender power, step down quietly, give up
government, to extremist influenced insurgents who favor an extreme
ideological position, in that instance religion driven, contrary to
the constitutional principles that sustain Europe's social and
political order ? I do not believe, for one small instant, that EU
leaders would simply give up, and give in, to insurgency. I believe
that they would take up arms, and use military power, to suppress that
insurgency, to maintain power. They must, necessarily, consider what
they would themselves do, in their own nations, if they had the same
thing happen as is happening in Libya. Otherwise the precedent
continues to be built that any group, anywhere, can take the path of
action favored by communist guerilla fighters (nowadays mostly Maoist
insurgents), Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and other violent, terrorist,
insurgent groups that have arisen or might arise in the near future,
to simply militate crowds, take up weapons, and overturn the political
order, anywhere, anytime, by any means that they choose. Clearly that
is not an acceptable solution to the Libya problem. If it were
acceptable then one day it would happen in London, in Berlin, In
Paris, in Rome. Anywhere.

We, and particularly our political leaders, need to think about which
principles we believe worth fighting for. Separation of religion and
the political order would seem to be one of those. Most of our nations
uphold separation of church and state. Similarly with other principles
as to what assures the good of the many, against the actions of
relatively few, knowing that a few can rally large irrational, emotion
driven crowds, contrary to the best interests of a nation, its people,
and its future. Keeping in mind that a mob can be driven solely by
terror of a few, and that reason is not what drives them, only terror.
We live in a world where that type of insurgency, driven by terror
rather than reason, will be more prevalent, and will need a decisive
response without the obstacle of international censure when terror and
the power of the terror driven mob, emotion driven to extremes,
threatens to overturn the existing order. Such events do not favor
genuine, rational, democracy. They lead to totalitarianism and the
destruction of democracy, replacing it with retrogressive extremes,
imperiling human progress.

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