Monday, February 28, 2011

Re: Wringing-the-Neck of Empty Ritual.

If I had to point out the characteristic trait that differentiates socialism from [a proper view of the political economy], I should find it here. Socialism includes a countless number of sects. Each one has its own utopia, and we may well say that they are so far from agreement that they wage bitter war upon one another. Between M. Blanc's organized social workshops and M. Proudhon's anarchy, between Fourier's association and M. Cabet's communism, there is certainly all the difference between night and day. What then, is the comon denominator to which all forms of socialism are reducible, and what is the bond that unites them against natural society, or society as planned by Providence? There is none except this: They do not want natural society. What they want is an artificial society, which has come forth full-grown from the brain of its inventor... They quarrel over who will mould the human clay, but they agree that there is human clay to mould. Mankind is not in their eyes a living and harmonious being endowed by God Himself with the power to progress and to survive, but an inert mass that has been waiting for them to give it feeling and life; human nature is not a subject to be studied, but matter on which to perform experiments. -- Frédéric Bastiat

At 10:59 PM 2/27/2011, you wrote:

 "Date: 1837. From Latin socialis for "friend" or "companion" or "associate". Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods; usually there is no private property; in Marxist theory this is also considered just a transitional stage between capitalism and communism and it is distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done."

The above definition is by Mr. John Spargo, from his work titled: "Socialism, A Summary And Interpretation Of Socialist Principles" (McMillan & Co. 1913). 

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 4:05 AM, Jonathan Ashley <> wrote:

I know I'm not Sage 2, but you wrote:

> Making socialist-communist promises to the lazy wasn't nixed by any language of the Constitution.

Since Robert Owen (in 1817) appears to be the first person to publicly entertain the idea of alleviating poverty through the creation of social communities; and since the term "socialism" itself was first used in early 1830s Britain by the followers of Owen and in France by those of Claude- Henri de Rouvroy comte de Saint-Simon; and since the terms "communism" and "communist" appeared first among the Parisian revolutionists of the 1830s, just how exactly were the authors of the Constitution (adopted in 1787) supposed to nix "by any language" such concepts?

I'm sure you on the other hand, as brilliant as you have claimed to be, can look into your crystal ball and see (prior to their first existence) concepts and terminology that may appear 20-30 years from now.

On 2/27/2011 4:14 PM, NoEinstein wrote:

Dear Sage 2:  Consider this:  If our original Constitution was so  
perfect, how has it been possible that government evolved away from
the ideals of the Founding Fathers?  It did so because that document
is WEAK!  There was an assumption that elected officials would be
motivated to do what is best for the country (ha!).  But everyone
knows politicians do what they know gives them the best chance of
getting re elected.  Making socialist-communist promises to the lazy
wasn't nixed by any language of the Constitution.  But my New
Constitution will hang for treason anyone advocating socialism—the
anti-thesis of the democratic ideals of the Founding Fathers.  I
suspect that you are far more left than the country can tolerate.
Please give the readers a capsule description of your feelings about
the free-market capitalist system that made the USA great.  And about
your ideas on the role of government in such an economy.  Thanks.  —
John A. Armistead, — Patriot —

On Feb 26, 11:11 pm, Sage2 <> wrote: 

       Hey Keith, Mark et al,   
     Suffice it to say that OUR Constitution need never be rewritten
nor changed, but from time to time revisited to it's original intent
and meaning, less personal interpretation. " It is what it is " and
was not intended to be anything more nor anything less than that. The
only true recourse the founding fathers wisely gave us was the "
amendment " and even they should be rare and few. We should not try to
fix what ain't broke by breaking that which don't need fixing !
*************************************************************************** *********************************************************
On Feb 26, 6:31 am, KeithInSeoul <> wrote:

Greetings from Seoul Korea John! 

Uhm.....This seems to me, to be, "Much Ado, About Nothing"..... 

We'd all like to read your "New Constitution";  but if ya don't want to  
share it with the group, that is your perogative.

The purpose of Political Forum is to share political thought, ideas,  
commentary and opinion, as well as to comment on government, politics, world
affairs and current events.  (And occasionally,  pro football and
baseball!)  Your posts I find sometimes interesting and usually thought
provoking, so therein lied my initial interest in you posting your, "New
Constitution".   It was never my intent to get a shit storm started!

If you take the time to read both Jonathan's and Michael's posts, you will  
find that both men are thoughtful, and probably share many of the same
concerns as you do.  I consider myself a conservative libertarian, (not so
much a capitalist as I am one who beleives in protection of free market
enterprise, and I believe that there is a distinction between a, "free
market"  versus an economic system such as capitalism, of which I also
support and subscribe to.   Jonathan and Michael are damn near anarchists,
(and I say that with a smile on my face, I don't think either would agree
with me!!)  but the point being, is that instead of taking the route of many
of the nasty, hateful rhetorical smear merchants from the far left,  (e.g.;
the Wacko left socialist-elitist Moonbats)  who from time to time and on
occasion chime in here;  I would like to think that the thoughtful, well
reasoned conservative voices of Politicall Forum can have discussion, as
well as disagreement with a little more civility!

At any rate,  have a good Saturday....Mine is almost over! 


On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 12:16 PM, NoEinstein  <>wrote: 

MJ:  You are NOT wanted on this post!  In the last few weeks you've  
managed to give your cook-booked quotations of others, and your own
breakfast-table-written "constitution" of sorts.  But you have not
even gone back into my thread to read about my New Constitution, which
is detailed in essays that highlight the apt portions of my document.
And you obviously have no "Regard$" for anyone but yourself.  ***
Since my base philosophy is pro-capitalism and pro minimumist
government, when you attack me—the author-messenger—you are revealing
yourself to be a socialist and probably a communist.  If it offends
you that I have figured you out, take your "quotes" and your "regards"
elsewhere.  You are not wanted here!  — J. A. A. —  Patriot

On Feb 25, 10:45 am, MJ <> wrote: 

And yet ANOTHER fallacy spew.  
Let's see this panacea of yours. What -- exactly
-- are you afraid of? That it is shit?


"We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the  
consequences of evading reality" -- Alyssa Rosenbaum

At 10:36 AM 2/25/2011, you wrote: 

Dear MJ:  You sir, are a total BUM!  What I have written describing my  
New Constitution and how such would be apt to events in the news would
fill several "War and Peace"-size novels.  Not a single WORD of what I
have written supports socialism nor communism!  I am in favor of
having a super-efficient, minimum-size government that has close to
zero interaction with individual citizens.  'My' government will no
longer keep records on the law-abiding citizens, because taxes will be
value-added, only.  And I have nixed having the government maintain
records of criminal investigations of anyone found to be innocent.
Those on-file records tend to prejudice law enforcement to "convict"
the person they failed to convict the last time.  My corrections of
corrupt law enforcement practices, alone, should be justification
enough to ratify my New Constitution!  Presently, the USA is a police
state—with the strings being pulled by corrupt public figures.  And
the courts have done whatever the political leaders dictate.  I've put
them in their place, big time!

You, MJ, are little more than a party-crasher.  I do not appreciate in  
the least having you post your elementary version of "A" constitution
of some kind.  Post your God-damned junk constitution under your name,
not mine.  I am not playing games, here.  If you would like to get
back into anyone's good graces, explain your political philosophy in
two paragraphs or less.  Unless I see the words:  "I pro-capitalist
and anti-socialist"… included, then I will know for sure that you are
just some HACKER who is back-dooring your socialist-communist ideals.
Anyone who says anything at all negative about my ideals can only be
the latter.  — J. A. A. —

On Feb 23, 9:40 pm, MJ <> wrote: 

In case anyone missed it ... anyone who ASKS to  
see this 'Constitution' ... is labelled as a socialist-communist.
My guess is that this Constitution upholds,
endorses and hails ... socialism. THAT is the
true reason Armistead does not want to post it OR let anyone 'see




"We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the  
consequences of evading reality" -- Alyssa Rosenbaum

At 09:33 PM 2/23/2011, you wrote: 

Dear Jonathan:  Get this and get this good: Your "pushy" attitude on  
MY post about MY New Constitution pegs you as a likely socialist-
communist.  You are not wanted here, nor anywhere else in the USA!


John A. Armistead — Patriot 

On Feb 23, 2:56 pm, Jonathan Ashley  <>  

How does John expect to implement his New 

Constitution if no one is ever 

allowed to read it? He sounds like a wanna-be dictator in the 


On 2/23/2011 11:45 AM, THE ANNOINTED ONE wrote: 

That 40% of my New Constitution which has been made public has  
scarcely been commented on.  I am NOT wishing to have your nor


else's feedback on what I have written!  Most would love to see 


entire document so that they can make grandiose criticisms 

about this 

or that.  From my personal life, I have had head-to-head 

run-ins with 

our corrupt state, local, and federal governments that allow me 


speak from personal experience that few if any other person 


had.  That is why my New Constitution will immediately fire or


out of office any public official or employee, including the  
himself, who does not respond appropriately for a logical

request of 

single law-abiding citizen for the redress of a grievance.   To


Substitute "Obamacare" and thats what the DEMS slammed down 



On Feb 22, 11:07 am, NoEinstein <> 


Dear Keith:  Thanks for your rational-toned reply.  My New  
Constitution will indeed be copyrighted.  But only those parts

of it 

not copied and adapted from the original, public-domain 


This isn't being done for making money 

from the sale of copies, but to 

be sure no crazies print 'modified copies' that would, 


make me look bad�as part of a 

socialist/communist plot to side-track 

my efforts. 

I'm not sure you nor others realize 

that my document has, for fourteen 

years, withstood the test of correcting the daily crises 


in the news, and the regular 

injustices coming from our courts.  What 

is included is at least ten times broader in scope than the 


constitution.  Realize that I have had the advantage (over the  
Founding Fathers) of seeing what has and what hasn't worked

with our 


That 40% of my New Constitution which has been made public has  
scarcely been commented on.  I am NOT

wishing to have your nor anyone 

else's feedback on what I have written!  Most would love to 

see the 

entire document so that they can make 

grandiose criticisms about this 

or that.  From my personal life, I 

have had head-to-head run-ins with 

read more »

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