Friday, February 11, 2011

At Conservative CPAC, Gay Is Not OK; GOProud will not be invited back next year.

At Conservative CPAC, Gay Is Not OK; GOProud will not be invited back
next year. .

At Conservative CPAC, Gay Is Not OK.
by David Badash on February 10, 2011 ·
in Bigotry Watch,News,Politics

CPAC is conservative. Very, very conservative. And conservative and
gay rarely mix. So it should come as no surprise that less than
twenty-four hours into his new job as Chairman of the American
Conservative Union — the people who produce CPAC each year — Al
Cardenas has essentially said that the gay GOP group GOProud isn't
going to be invited to return next year. After seeing many
heavy-hitters of the CPAC family refuse to attend this year's event,
because the gay organization would be present, Cardenas told
FrumForum, "it's going to be difficult to continue the relationship
[with GOProud] because of their behavior and attitude" – but, of
course, not because they're gay. Well, sort of, well, no, not really,
well, OK, yes.

Read: "What's CPAC? Everything You Wanted To Know But Were (Rightly)
Afraid To Ask"

Tim Mak at FrumForum explains:

"I have been disappointed with their website and their quotes in the
media, taunting organizations that are respected in our movement and
part of our movement, and that's not acceptable. And that puts them in
a difficult light in terms of how I view things," said Cardenas.

"GOProud had asserted that Cleta Mitchell, the chairman of the ACU
Foundation, was pushing conservative groups and individuals to boycott
CPAC because of GOProud's inclusion. Chris Barron, the chairman of
GOProud, recently said in an interview that Mitchell was "a nasty

"Asked for GOProud's response, the group's chairman apologized for his
comments about Cleta Mitchell.

"For the past six months, we have watched as unfair and untrue attacks
have been leveled against our organization, our allies, our friends
and sometimes even their families. Everyone has their breaking point
and clearly in my interview with Metro Weekly I had reached mine. I
shouldn't have used the language that I did to describe Cleta Mitchell
and for that I apologize," said Chris Barron.

"Asked about whether he values a big tent approach to conservatism,
Cardenas said that he did – but that his vision applied principally to
reaching out to different minorities and ethnic groups.

"There are not enough African-Americans, Hispanics and other
minorities here. That diversity is critical – you don't need to change
your value system to attract more diversity into the movement… [but]
I'm not going to – for the sake of being inclusive – change the
principles that have made the movement what it is," said Cardenas."

It would appear that CPAC is looking to drop its support of GOProud
not only because they're gay, but because of how GOProud's executive
leadership behaves toward those with whom they disagree. Many
right-wing bigots and their organizations, such as the Heritage
Foundation and the Family Research Council, Senator Jim DeMint, and
other Republican heavyweights decided to not attend, because of
GOProud's presence.

Last month, Chris Baron lashed out via Twitter and said, "The gay left
= the American Taliban. Hateful, angry and dumb as shit."

Perhaps GOProud may one day learn that when you set yourself up to
represent a small group of people, and rub elbows with those who are
morally opposed to you, being nice goes a long way.

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