Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Re: It's Time To Draw The Line In The Sand

Just hearing of what the left says requires me to buy barf bags by the truckload.

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 4:52 AM, Keith In Köln <keithintampa@gmail.com> wrote:
I sit here in Köln, Federal Republic of Germany this morning,  after watching CNN International, and after reading a number of publications on line like the New York Times, the Daily Kos, and DemocraticUnderground.  I am so outraged, as well as embarassed about the image of our Nation, and how hateful those who hold far left, "progressive"  viewpoints have acted within the last seventy-two hours.  Shortly after this crazed killer Jared Loughner had committed his dastardly deed, the attacks by far left extremists began.  There was an immediate attempt to connect Loughner with the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh,  FOX News, et. al,;  and this was done prior to any one or any entity knowing anything about Loughner.  Instead of backing up and, "punting";  the attacks have continued, and the hatred has become even more virulent. 
It is time that all Americans say enough to the hatred, lies and smear that the far left extremists have gone to after the terrible tragedy that took place out in Tucson Arizona and committed by a psychopath.   It is unequivocal, the hatred that we have seen in the last seventy-two hours, driven by far left hate sites such as the New York Times, the Daily Kos, MSNBC, and a host of others. We have seen it on the boards here in Google, within our own group by Tom For News, Studio, Jay, and on other boards that we are all familiar with, by far left Moonbat Lil'Mikey,  Cos, and others. 
I, and several other members here in Political Forum have shown examples of the same type of "cross hairs"  and targets that have been used by Democrats in their campaigns, yet somehow those with far left of center beliefs have grasped upon those conservative advertisements and attempted to utilize these ads, suggesting that conservatives such as Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and FOX News in general are assessories to murder.  This is beyond the pale, and just flat out despicable. 
The anger by the far left, because their vision of a socialistic "progressive" society has fallen apart, is unprecedented.  These individuals are so out of touch with mainstream America, and their hypocracy is literally unbelieveable, except that it is real. 
By example, yesterday,the New York Times said yesterday:
"It is legitimate to hold Republicans and particularly their most virulent supporters in the media responsible for the gale of anger that has produced a vast majority of these death threats. Many on the right have exploited the arguments of division, reaping political power by demonizing immigrants or welfare recipients or bureaucrats."
That is flat-out reprehensible, and every American should condemn the New York Times for spewing such hatred.  Americans who oppose our lack of security on the border, Americans who oppose the redefining of the term "Marriage";   Americans who  oppose the socialized medicine recently passed, and Americans who oppose the "Nanny State" policies of the Democrats are not encouraging violence because of their beliefs, which is exactly what the progressive socialists are attempting to portray.  
If one opposes the socialistic policies of the far left, we are now accused of assisting or conspiring with a psychopath to commit murder?  This is just flat out unacceptable!  It is despicable, and we all must do our utmost to stop such actions and behavior now;  as Barney Fife said, it is time to "Nip It In The Bud". 
The hypocrisy is stunning....We have MSNBC which is built around attacking FOX News.  That is there sole purpose, (and I might add, it's not working out real well for them) and the hatred and vile lies that comes from organizations like TruthOut.org. the Daily Kos, The New York Times, and a host of other far left extremist publications and web sites compares to nothing that their conservative counterparts put forth.  
I'm angry, and every other thinking American should be too.  I ask those of you who hold left of center values to consider what I have suggested here today.  If you have in fact accused the conservative media, and conservatives in general of being assessories to this psychopath Laughner,  it is irresponsible and hateful.  I hope that you see that, but if you don't,   I would suggest that you do a self examination and a reality check.   You literally should be ashamed of yourself. 


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