Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Obama Orders Study on Socialism

Under the radar this past week was President Barack Obama's executive order for a review of government regulations in hope of showing that bigger government isn't bad news for economic growth and business.

Of course, the president didn't word it that way. In his op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal, Obama wrote that he just wants to "make sure we avoid excessive, inconsistent and redundant regulation."

That sounds like such a great idea, doesn't it?

The first problem is the wording; don't be bamboozled by it. Despite the fact that Obama's intentions sound admirable, what the president really means is: "I'm putting together a study in hope you will believe that I'm tough on government regulations, when in fact I've expanded government regulations so much that I'm not sure it's hurting the U.S. economy and job market."

Second, not surprisingly, this federal government review is to be carried out by the federal government and excludes any independent (auditing) agencies, like how major financial regulators are using most of 2010's Dodd-Frank reforms for Wall Street and the banking industry.

But isn't the federal government's review (or audit) of itself a little like the Mexican drug mafia's reviewing illegal border crossings?

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