Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Art Project: Mohammed in Maggots

[[  Be worth a drive to DC to see this. ]]

- NewsReal Blog - http://www.newsrealblog.com -

My Art Project: Mohammed in Maggots

Posted By Megan Fox On November 29, 2010 @ 11:36 pm In Email,Feature,Political Correctness,Radical Islam,The Feminist Hawks' Nest | 9 Comments

This holiday, I'm going to create a work of art. It's going to be a miniature, bloodied, dead body of Mohammed complete with miniature turban and clutching a tiny Koran. I'm going to cover it in live maggots and film it. Then, I'm going to require a taxpayer funded art gallery to display it. In fact, I'm going to insist the Smithsonian take it. And they shouldn't have a problem with that because right now the Smithsonian is featuring a bloodied depiction of Jesus on the cross, lying on the ground and covered in ants.

Merry Christmas!

None of the "artists" whose "art" is displayed at the Smithsonian are courageous enough to take on a project like mine. They only dare to mock and insult the true religion of peace, Christianity, whose members do little more than sigh and feel disgust when "artists" mock their Savior. Should anyone try to take on the Religion of Terror's prophet Mohammed in artwork, let's just say more than fur would fly. They'd find themselves living under armed guard with fatwas for their heads declared by UN council members!

Alongside the film featuring Bug Christ, not to be confused with Piss Christ, (another taxpayer funded masterpiece sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts) are photos of two brothers making out (incest is so misunderstood), naked butts from behind, a very disturbing photo of someone with their mouth sewn shut with blood dripping from the wounds, and close up shots of male genitalia. (Someone should find out if the nudes were taken off TSA computers.)

I think my favorite part of this project is the family and friends day where they brought children into the exhibit. Festivities included "hands-on activities." I shudder to think what kind of hands-on activities can be inspired when viewing naked genitalia. Where is the Department of Children and Family Services when you need them? Isn't there a law against a bunch of creepy adults showing pornography to children? Here's a drawing one of the children did at the event.

Are those nipples?

The Smithsonian Institute gets 65 percent of its funding from the taxpayers. While they say none of the taxpayer funds went toward this specific exhibit, they wouldn't have a gallery in which to present this "art" without the American taxpayer. Luckily, leftists are notorious for going too far, drawing ire for repugnant ideas they think everyone else should fund. It's very helpful in identifying budget items that are literally crying out for the new Republican machete.

Article printed from NewsReal Blog: http://www.newsrealblog.com

URL to article: http://www.newsrealblog.com/2010/11/29/art-project-mohammed-maggots/


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