Monday, November 1, 2010

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Get Voters out to the Polls and Pass This On.

An Important Reminder:

Get Voters out to the Polls and Pass This On.


Election day is Tuesday. We have very little time left to make this
important voter turnout drive succeed.

This year is a midterm election, so there is a great deal at stake.
The way to get the change we need is to elect the
right leaders. There are many important election contests and
referendums on the ballot.

Every vote counts, and your vote and participation in this voter
turnout drive can make all the difference. It is your civic duty and
your Constitutional right to vote, and your help is needed to get
others out to vote.

If you are registered to vote, please get out and vote Tuesday. If you
are not registered to vote, register now for next year.

Registering to vote is easy and free. You simply fill out a card and
mail it to your local Board of Elections. You can get a form from Rock
The Vote or from your Board of Elections.

Educate yourself. Learn who and what is on your ballot before you go
to the polls. Read the voters guide in your local newspaper or online,
visit the candidate's websites, and ask like minded people in your
area who they are voting for and why. If they say they are not
voting, please ask them why not and tell them why they should vote!

Rock The Vote has made voting easier with the information you need.
But you must act now, Election Day is November 2rd!

Please join in and make your plans to vote, help get other voters out,
and then pass this important message on to everyone in your address
book. If you target and talk to people, they will vote.

Click Here to see how you and help
Rock The Vote!

Dear Rock the Vote Friends,

Recently, Rock the Vote joined with Live Earth as its partner. On
7-7-07, millions of people worldwide experienced Live Earth: The
Concerts for a Climate in Crisis. In doing so, they were making the
commitment to take action against the climate crisis. Besides the
hundreds of thousands of people attending the Live Earth concerts on
seven continents, over 10,000 "Friends of Live Earth' in 195 countries
participated in house parties to watch the event and at least ten
million more people viewed the concerts online.

Don't be left behind! Join the millions of people across the world who
have pledged to take action against the climate crisis.

Together, we will solve the climate crisis.

Remember to register to vote because you can't vote if you're not
registered! Why is voting important when it comes to stopping the
climate crisis? Well, here are some things to consider:

- The U.S. president inherited a country that makes up less than 5%
of the world's population but produces nearly a quarter of the world's
greenhouse gases.

- Legislation regarding environmental issues is crafted by the
lawmakers YOU elect.

- Congress appropriates the funds for the development of clean
renewable energy sources.

- The administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, which has
the legal responsibility to regulate carbon emissions, will be
appointed by the president.

Register now at and tell your friends to register as well.

The future is now. We cannot wait. Together we will make a difference.

Get Ready Rock The Vote: Tuesday 11-2 is Election Day

This November 2nd is Election Day in The United States of America. It
is your Constitutional right and your civic duty as an American to
vote. Your vote matters, EACH and EVERY vote counts! This year's
elections offer you some important opportunities to make your vote

I urge you to get ready to vote Tuesday, November 2nd. Voting is one
of the most important things that you can do. The polls open early,
and stay open late. The time to act is now. Get out and vote, don't
miss your chance to make a difference!

Tell your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors to vote. Remind
them that election day is November 3rd. Offer to bring people to the
polls or go with them. Pass this message on to everyone in your
address book.

Rock The Vote!

Tuesday, November 2nd

November 2nd–Election Day 2010–is just around the corner.
The bottom line is if you target and talk to people they will vote.
Get Involved!

Click Here to Rock The Vote:

Please forward this message on to everyone.

Polling Place Locator Here:

Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,

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For options & help see

* Visit our other community at
* It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

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