Friday, October 1, 2010

The Redisttribution of wealth is a right wing myth!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Monopolization of Wealth

I was more annoyed than a Libertarian who doesn't have enough money
to pay for parking in a private lot. It bugs me to no end when the
right wing media uses a catch phrase that is erroneous and just plain
wrong. For example: "The Redistribution of Wealth." The couch potato
dolt that watches Fox News and hears one of their pseudo-pundits utter
that phrase automatically assumes it to be true. They think that Karl
Marx authored the phrase. No sir re, bob! Actually, the origins of
the phrase are unknown. A lot of early 20th Century economists, like
the archconservative Henry C. Carey, used it. Originally the phrase
was, "Distribution of wealth." Right wing commentators changed it to
make it more dramatic. Marx wanted the abolition of wealth. The more
moderate liberals wanted "The Equal Distribution of Wealth" by
Progressive Income Redistribution. The term, "Retribution of wealth"
is just redundant. It grammatically does not make uncommon sense. Does
the term imply that you blundered in distribution of wealth, so you
have to do it over again? What? Maybe the right wing is implying Robin
Hood. Taking from the rich to give to the poor? If they are, they
better find a better phrase. There is the phrase, "Regressive
redistribution Wealth" That implies, the monopolization of Wealth.
Those righties! They so busy imitating the left that they forget about
their elementary school education.
We are talking 20th Century here. Do you think it was free market
advocates who created the philosophy that the fruits of profits are to
be hoarded by Capitalists as a reward for their efforts? Do you think
it was the works of Rudolf Rocker or Ayn Rand based on their secular
economic theories? Ayn Rand was an atheist and so was Rocker. So
where did the concept of capitalism came from?
Actually, it was a religious concept. It was the Protestant sect,
the Calvinists, who believed that salvation is found through work.
God blesses those who become wealthy. Another Protestant sect, the
Unitarians, was the antithesis of the Calvinists. These were people
who were getting sick of Calvinists' rigidity; they were more
liberal. Matter of fact, the Unitarians was the first to ordain a
female priest. Ironically, in the 19th Century, they'd had in their
midst, a pied piper for the Prosperity Gospel. Prosperity Gospel
meant that God wanted you to be rich. He was the son of a Unitarian
Minister, Horatio Alger. He studied at the Harvard Divinity School.
He took a job at Unitarian church in 1864 then he had to resign due to
having inappropriate relationship with teenage boys. (What is up with
this right wing fixation with homosexuality? Even way back then, they
were fooling around!) Well, Mr. Alger would write fictional stories
about (sic) boys who would go from rags to riches. That was the
leitmotif of most his stories. It was thus that the phrase, "Rugged
Individual" was coined.
The only person who came close to using the phrase, "Redistribution
of Wealth" was the British philosopher, Francis Bacon. He was quoted
as saying, in the 19th century, "Above all things, good policy is to
be used to that treasures and monies is a state. Be not gathering in a
few hands. Money is muck! Not good except when it's spread around."
Here we are in 21st Century USA. The political right is trying to
unite the religious Right, Neo-Conservatives, Paleo-conservatives, and
Libertarians, the Militia movement, nationalists and States Rights
advocates. This is not syncretism! This is muddied muck! When muck
is wet, it's useless! The institutional racism of the ruling class
pays billions to political researchers for social engineering the
masses. They created a fake populace movement called the "Tea Party"
and pump phrases like, "Redistribution of Wealth" or "Common Sense"
into their stupid heads. The difference between the Right and Left is
that the Left tells the masses they are stupid, and the Right
ingratiates and manipulates them. Let's say they: Patronize the
patriots. In private, the Right wing elitist laughs at the masses
because he knows they are stupid. Consider what Karl Rove said about
the Religious right.
The real issue is not the "Redistribution of Wealth." That would be
literally impossible. The rich hide their money. They yearn for the
"Monopolization of Wealth." There is no progressive conspiracy to
enslave the Aryan ruling class! Obama isn't a Socialist! Really!!!
What is so contradictory is that patriotism is based on collective
action sacrifice, loyalty to the state, and volunteerism.
Libertarianism, on the other hand, believes in the sovereignty of the
individual and is opposed to any collective action, unless that action
is brain surgery that would significantly enhance a Libertarian's IQ.
What does this mean? Rather than the act of a patriot serving his
country, Right-wingers believe that the country must serve the rich!
I don't know…call me old fashioned! But, paying taxes for social
programs doesn't bug me at all. Out of every dollar I am taxed, a
penny and a half goes to social programs. Hmmm…No problem. However,
my money going to Halliburton, or to mercenaries like, "Black water,"--
yeah I have a big problem with that!
What the top 2% should realize is that the "Hoarding of Wealth" will
only hurt them in the end. What liberal billionaires know is that
public relations are vital to their well-being. If they act like
reclusive tycoons in their ivory towers, they alienate the middle
class and the poor. Conversely, when they make donations to schools
and show up to soup kitchens occasionally, they are protected. Right
wing billionaires are paranoid and vindictive. They are also latent
racists. They have no social intercourse with the public outside
their gates. Sound familiar? The only thing they lack is a moat
filled with crocodiles. Why don't they just pay their God damn taxes
instead of investing billions into Right think tanks! Perhaps they
need psychiatric help. They are obviously suffering from obsessive/
compulsive disorder. They have a money addiction: They want more,
more, MORE!! They have pills for those…don't they??

How about some music?

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