Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fwd: Christine: "Intelligent, Engaged, Dynamic" -- Oxford Professor

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From: <TalkTop65

I'm sure you've heard a lot lately about Christine O'Donnell, most of
it from people who despise her (the GOP and Dem. establishments and
the left-wing media).  Here's quite another "take" on her from her
"tutor" (professor) at Oxford:

Christine O'Donnell was a joy to have in the tutorials: intelligent,
engaged, dynamic, good with questions and interested in ideas. Her
paper on cloning was one of the two best papers written for me that
summer. She successfully completed a rigorous, intellectually
demanding course that was the equivalent of a course in the humanities
at any graduate school at any university. As a result, I was happy to
write recommendations for her for future graduate study.

Pamela Geller of atlasshrugs has just posted Prof. Bruce Griffin's
remarkable praise of Christine O'Donnell as a student and as a human
being.   The Christine I know -- and the Christine Griffin knows -- is
conservative, charismatic, Christian, and almost infinitely curious.
The American Left wants you to know as little as possible about the
real Christine.  Why?  Because even more than Sarah Palin, Christine
is their worst nightmare.

Please read the piece on Christine, and beyond that, pass it on to as
many people as you can. Christine O'Donnell at Oxford: "intelligent,
engaged, dynamic," says College Pr

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