Thursday, September 30, 2010

Re: {Tea Party Patriots} FaceBook has a Competitor: Introducing the Hot New Social Network, PhoneBook

Big Brother Wants Your Social Network



Today, NPR announced  the White House will seek legislation requiring email systems and social networks comply with standards that will allow government officials access to all your Tweets, Check-Ins, Status Updates, Flickr photos, etc (under a subpoena, of course) the beginning of next year.

Image: vegadsl /

Its one thing when the government subpoenas your Foursquare check-ins to show you were in the vicinity of a crime or your email when you bragged about stealing from your boss.  Or your boss to subpoena photos of you building a fence after filing a worker's comp suit for an injured back.  But, the potential for abuse is enormous.  Already, subpoenas have been abused in civil cases where attorneys invaded a plaintiff's social network and shared embarrassing personal informationunrelated to the case.

According to the brief new story on All Things Considered this morning, the White House wants greater subpoena powers.  They want access to encrypted messages from your Blackberry and other encrypted sources, including emails, and they want easy access to these files through a portal or other standard device.

Now, the story didn't contain a lot of details and I'm not a computer geek — I'm a marketing geek who writes on technology.  But, it seems to me that once its easier for the government to access your private social network, how long will it be before they do some serious eavesdropping without a subpoena searching for "potential terrorist" activity and enact  Patriot Act type legislation to allow access to social networks WITHOUT a subpoena.

Now, normally I use this blog to address issues at the intersection of marketing and social media, but the potential for abuse of this increased access to information from your private social network is enormous and raises some serious questions.

  • For instance, will this improved access to our social networks make it easier for hackers or other unauthorized individuals to gain access to private conversations flowing through social media?
  • How open might Facebook users be to discussing issues when they fear these private exchanges might be taken out of context by someone with or without a subpoena?
  • Does this move, in effect, negate the concept of privacy on social networks?
  • How far back might individuals or governments go in their search through our private lives?
  • What protections are we being provided that information gained will not be disclosed unless it is criminal or subject to civil penalties?

Not only will privacy concerns ikely encourage users to carefully consider political statements they make in their status updates, but it might encourage users to abandon social media all together. In fact, when I discussed this in my class today, most of the students felt this would be the last straw in declining privacy in social media.  Much of this fear centers around how the improved access provided by this social media portal or standard access to social media data will make it easier to hackers or other unauthorized individuals to gain access to private conversations.

With improved access, what is to stop prospective employers from hacking social networks to discover inappropriate behaviors or demonstration of an unacceptable work ethic?  Do employers have a right to such unguarded disclosures?  If not, how do you effectively close down this avenue for improved access to the private sentiments and feelings of individuals?

How can individuals protect themselves from inadvertent disclosures in social media without crippling the community so many enjoy in their online social networks?

What other changes in online behavior might we expect once the government and others have access to our social network?

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On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Bruce Majors <> wrote:

Allows Users to Call Friends & Actually Speak to Them

SILICON VALLEY (The Borowitz Report) -- A new social network is about to alter the playing field of the social media world, and it's called "PhoneBook".

According to its creators, who invented the network in their dorm room at Berkeley, PhoneBook is the game-changer that will leave FaceBook, Twitter [ and all lesser players including ] Google Buzz in a cloud of dust.

"With PhoneBook, you have a book that has a list of all your friends in any city, plus everyone else who lives there," says Danny Fruber, one of PhoneBook's creators. "When you want to chat with a friend, you look them up in PhoneBook, and find their unique PhoneBook number," Fruber explains. "Then, you enter that number into your phone, and it connects you directly to them!"

Another breakout utility of PhoneBook allows the user to arrange actual face-to-face meetings with his or her friends at restaurants, bars, and other "places", as Fruber calls them. "You will be sitting right across from your friend and seeing them in 3-D," he said. "It's like Skype, only without the headset."

PhoneBook will enable friends to play many games as well, such as charades, cards, and a game Fruber believes will be a breakout: Farm. "In Farm, you have an actual farm where you raise real crops and livestock," he says. "It's hard work, but it's more fun than Mafia, where you actually get killed."

Best of all, PhoneBook users do not have to worry about the new government initiatives ( ) to allow the ATF/CIA/DEA/DHS/DIA/FBI/FCC/ICE/IRS/NSA/SEC/SSA/TSA/[your TLA here] to wiretap Internet traffic. "Our government has had easy access to most telephone conversations in America for years, and almost unfettered access to all of them since the passage of the Patriot Act," Fruber assured us. "So PhoneBook users can rest assured they will face no new invasions of their privacy."

Source [for the most part]:


This is satire conveying an important message brought to you by Bruce Arnold ... record-holding long distance motorcycle rider ... bikers' rights activist and proud member of The 100 ... political agitator targeting social injustice and piercing the veil of our two-puppet system to expose the institutionalized greed of the Kleptocracy pulling all strings Left and Right ... like Thomas Jefferson, an aficionado of ethnic aesthetic and a philosophical anarchist who accepts the State as a necessary evil under which the best government is less government. Follow Bruce at

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