Saturday, August 14, 2010

Re: Start the Revolution! Government is out-of-touch with the People!

Cowards can't win our Revolution!

In two weeks there will be a big rally in Washington on the
anniversary of the historic and poignant Martin Luther King "I have a
dream…" speech. This time, the Lincoln Memorial and the adjacent mall
areas have been reserved for Glenn Beck and for perhaps a million Tea-
Party-sympathizing Americans who wish to win back the control of our
runaway government. Most of those people who attend the rally will be
motivated to change government—not because of racial "hatred" for a
just-happens-to-be Black "president"—but because of near total disdain
for government over-spending, and for government's under-regard for
the opinions of the voters. Effectively, our runaway government is
ENSLAVING generations of American's. That's for paying-off the
trillions of dollars of debt voted upon us by several hundred
illegitimate, treasonous bastards in Washington. Glenn Beck likes to
call the latter "progressives", but I prefer to call them leftist
socialist/communist Democrats, and crossover Republicans.

A wonderful word like 'Progress' shouldn't be preempted by a group
bent on destroying America. Three decades or so ago, another
wonderful word, 'gay', got preempted as a more 'socially acceptable'
alternative to… homosexual. The word 'gay' is associated with smiles;
and smiles imply acceptance. Jay Leno, and other comedians, also,
associate gays with humor. If people laugh, everything is OK; right?
Since 'gays' are a large minority group, deserving of rights, then
they should be entitled to have nuptial contracts just like
'straights'; right? Yes. But 'gays' should NOT be allowed to preempt
another wonderful word: Marriage. For centuries the latter word has
been associated with heterosexuals bonding contractually, and in most
cases, producing offspring. The "contract" portion is fine, but the
use by 'gays' of the word Marriage is unacceptable! Here is what my
New Constitution says:

"Marriage (married) is a contractual heterosexual union; gaygement
(gayged) is a contractual homosexual union." With the latter
distinction required by law, no married couple will have their sexual
orientation be subject to question. Nor should 'gays' wrongly be
considered to be straight because they say they are married. It's the
WORD marriage that must not be corrupted. Few fair-minded Americans
would deny to anyone the right to have mates of their own choosing.

Glenn Beck says he will keep wearing "combat boots" until government
is back in the hands of the people. A few weeks ago Beck acknowledged
that we no longer have a "Republic" form of government, i.e., where
elected officials carry out the Will of the People. Progressives have
taken-over our government and are working tirelessly to destroy
America. Any and all elected officials who have disregarded the Will
of the People and worked tirelessly to destroy America—while at the
same time enslaving tens of millions of Americans to pay-off debt they
never wished to be saddled with—are guilty of capital TREASON! ***
Simply by starting to arrest those anti-Constitution squatters in
public offices in Washington, the stage will have been set to reverse
every single "law" supposedly enacted by Barack Obama and his criminal
band of 'progressive' congressmen. Folks, please realize this fact:
Electing more "good people" in government won't automatically reverse
the "laws" enacted during the Obama administration. The guillotine
was a cure in France's revolution. Similarly, the gallows can be our
cure in the present Revolution.

Last night, Juan Williams of NPR, who is a frequent guest on Fox News
Network, substituted for Bill O'Reilly. That show ran a video of a
political ad made by the son of former V. Pres., Dan Quail. The
younger Quail, apparently, is running for a US senate seat for
Arizona. He was shown in unflattering dim lighting explaining how
Barack Obama "is the worst President in US history." Juan Williams
was pleasantly incredulous that Obama is the worst. But how can Obama
not be? He has pushed this country way over-our-heads in debt;
expanded government to the detriment of our survival; and bribed tens
of millions of Americans into, supposedly, voting for progressives in
2010, and for him in 2012, all without ever considering the
consequences of his actions. Obama's latest BRIBES will have the
federal government paying tens of billions of dollars of must-be-spent
money to the states to prevent the layoff of a single teacher, police
officer or firefighter. Effectively, Barack Obama—THE most hurtful
man to our nation, ever—is enslaving generations of Americans, of all
races, to guarantee that no government can ever be downsized, and made
efficient. Obama's theory is: Give enough people… "entitlements" and
they will keep voting TREASONOUS Democrats back into office. It's
apparent that Barack Obama is fulfilling "Atlas Shrugged" single

Where is 'The Lone Ranger' when we need him? Where is that one person
who stands for fairness and for justice who will do the prudent and
most expedient things to make our country better? I've "only" penned
and polished a New Constitution for the United States over the past 15
years. I'm not a celebrity nor a public figure who can spark the
needed change simply by calling the progressives in Washington
TREASONOUS criminals, who should be arrested, tried and hanged! If
revolutions need bodies, let the bodies be those of Barack Obama, his
advisors and henchmen, and his congressional hey-boys like Charles
Rangel. At Rangel's 80th birthday celebration, he was as carefree as
a kid. And why not? The Rev. Al Sharpton considers Rangel to be an
OK guy, simply because Rangel has done numbers of good things for
Blacks in the past. The message: Do "good" things, and Blacks, at
least, are willing to 'overlook' the bad. A jury of Rangel's peers
(Blacks) would… certainly get him off scot-free. Bet on it.

I suggest that the following signs be waved at the 8/28 Washington


"Sarah Palin should do her target practice in Washington!"

"Use COMBAT BOOTS to stamp-out Progressives!"

"Let us pray… and 'pass the ammunition'!"

"A 'New Constitution' or BUST! We're already BUSTED…"

"To win a Revolution, we must first RESOLVE to win!"

"Loyalty to the PEOPLE, or to the politicians? YOU decide."

"Cops who give aid and comfort to the ENEMY are guilty of treason."

"'I have a dream…' 'Fair play and democracy shall have supremacy in
the USA!'"

In addition to signs such as the above, I recommend that those of you
who will ***pin a small yellow ribbon to your right shoulder (not your
left shoulder!). Yellow ribbons will show that the wearer considers
the decline in our government to be justification for the "instant
fix" that my New Constitution can provide following its ratification.

"United we stand; divided we fall." May we all unite to SAVE the USA!

Respectfully submitted,

— John A. Armistead — Patriot

AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics news group

On Jul 31, 1:01 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> Masochists can't win our Revolution!
> Arizona Governor Jan Brewer expresses resolve to take her state's
> immigration law issues all the way to the Supreme Court to get…
> justice.  This week, such justice was denied by a lower court on the
> grounds that the Federal Government preempts the states on laws
> regarding our national borders.  Commentators believe that such ruling
> was a victory for the White House—a victory to continue to do nothing
> to secure our border with Mexico.
> The White House sees illegal Hispanics as potential voters, who, if
> given amnesty, will tip-the-scales to allow leftist, socialist/
> communist Democrats to win the war to control the future of the USA.
> I'm pleased that dozens of states, besides Arizona, are taking up the
> cause of demanding that our borders be secured.  Nebraska was one of
> the first to publicly support Arizona.  Because Nebraska is a farming
> state, thousands of illegals work in the fields, there, doing jobs
> that out-of-work citizens need in these depressed economic times.
> While there may be perceived strength in the growing support for
> Arizona regarding illegal immigration, there is little actual value in
> having unity on that or any issue.  That's because we no longer have a
> Representative Republic in this country, as our Founding Fathers
> mandated in the Constitution.  The White House—with its czars and
> executive orders—is effectively controlling everything, without the
> voters having any say-so.  Polls show that from 52% to 65% of
> Americans believe our government is a failure.  Only 20% still have
> confidence in the US Congress.  Folks, those numbers show that we have
> passed the threshold necessary for this country to kick-the-rascals-
> out.  But we should do so, not by winning any more impotent elections,
> but because the offenses of every single elected official who has
> voted to destroy the USA are criminal and TREASON!
> Gov. Jan Brewer mentions a WEB site where contributions can be made to
> a fund to aid Arizona in preparing their legal arguments.  That money
> will go to god-damned lawyers to "fight"  for justice.  In the USA our
> tolerance for anything done by lawyers always borders on masochism.
> Obviously, we must love the P A I N.  Governor Brewer sure loves pain
> of any kind. *** The legal authority of the Federal Government over
> the people, as well as the authority of the entire federal court
> system, is VOIDED due to criminality and TREASON! ***  Even so, most
> pain-loving Americans would rather continue playing the losing game of
> politics—within our failed system of government—rather than doing the
> simple things needed to win the Revolution.
> Will going to rallies in the broiling sun be a simple thing to allow
> winning?  How about listening to the Glenn Beck Show on Fox, and
> getting down on your knees and praying?  Or… hoping that Sarah Palin
> has a plan to save the USA?  No, none of those things are necessary!
> All that is required is to have strong enough local or state jails or
> prisons, wherein the criminals guilty of treason can be held until
> tried and hanged.  Of course it will also require having at least one
> governor or state attorney general with the gonads to demand the
> arrest of the leftist, socialist/communist Democrats, in Congress, who
> set foot in a particular state.
> A high-profile catalyst for government change would be to have
> Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman order the arrest of Senator Ben Nelson.
> Some of you may recall that Senator Harry Reid had offered Nelson a
> huge bribe—known as the "cornhusker purchase"—to support Obama Care.
> After the bribe was made public, Nelson weaseled out by using spin and
> lies.  Still, he cast a deciding 60th vote to allow Obama Care to move
> forward in the Senate.  Ben Nelson must hang!
> If a million tea party goers show up in Washington 8/28, there will be
> at least a "show" of support for change in government.  But there will
> also be cameras on the crowd for the purpose of recording behavior, or
> "divisive signs" being waved, to justify calling the "mod" racists.
> The latter objective is the corrupt last hope of Democrats to maintain
> their control of Congress.  If that sinister objective is to be
> realized, it will require that the historic Black block vote hold
> together 100%.  And it will require that Blacks continue to remain
> BLIND to the economic, rather than the largely non-existent racial
> basis for our hatred of socialism and communism.
> Those in the macro crowds at the rallies represent true America.  If,
> like Glenn Beck, many show up on 8/28 wearing combat boots, in their
> hearts they already know that taking back our government justifies our
> being as violent as is necessary—in Washington or not.
> Revolutionaries are PATRIOTS, not law breakers!  The law breakers are
> the elected officials who are squatting in public offices.  They swore
> to uphold and protect the US Constitution, then, from day one have
> disregarded that fundamental document while working tirelessly to turn
> America into a socialist/communist system.  The law breakers could
> easily include… any Capital Police officers, or even Secret Service
> members, if such in any way defend corrupt members of Congress, or
> defend our most corrupt President Barack Obama, and all of his
> dastardly staff and advisors.
> In Greece, there were violent scenes of lines of police with plastic
> shields and billy clubs hitting the angry citizens.  If on 8/28 the
> determined crowd of a million patriots marches toward the White House,
> will the on-the-public-payroll police officers side with the PATRIOTS…
> or will they side with the TRAITORS of America who should all be
> hanged?  My New Constitution has the following important provisions,
> which I think are, also, well within the spirit of our present
> Constitution:
>      "Local, state and federal law enforcement, the courts, or any
> branch or branches of the military or their respective parts shall at
> no time be used in support of corruption in government by any public
> official(s) at any level.  Legal authority of law enforcement or the
> courts over the Citizens is voided if used in support of corruption.
> Local, state and federal law enforcement agencies shall not be
> organizationally affiliated, and persons or groups, therein, shall not
> be presumed by law enforcement to be acting lawfully solely because of
> such auspices.
>      All local, state and federal officer holders and employees—upon
> taking office or assuming employment—shall take the following oath:
> "I, (Name), promise to serve and be deferential to the People, and to
> be unbiased toward any group with a pro democracy, pro fairness
> ideology.  I swear to honor and uphold the full civil rights of the
> citizens, as guaranteed by the Constitution, and I shall expect my
> coworkers and superiors to do the same.   I understand that my
> employment in or by government is conditional upon my adherence to
> this oath."   No employee nor office holder shall be sanctioned for
> making complaints against another office holder, employee or
> superior.  No government employee nor office holder shall be coerced
> into wrongdoing, immoral action or non action, or illegality by a real
> or implied threat of the loss of one's job, promotion or benefits, nor
> by any bribe or promise of promotion or benefits.   Making such a
> threat, bribe or promise is a felony carrying a minimum ten year
> prison sentence—and if part of a pattern—making such threats, bribes
> or promises is treason.  Acquiescing to such is a felony.  Government
> officials, agents or employees who become aware of corruption in
> government or in any of its departments shall notify the Executive
> Branch and the courts; willful failure to do so is a felony.  With
> impunity, a government officer(s) or employee(s) shall enforce no law
> nor perform any order or directive which violates their personal moral
> conscience or their oath."
> Governor Jan Brewer—if she will put down her hair spray long enough to
> read the above anti-corruption clauses in my New Constitution—should
> realize that NO Federal Court, bureau nor agency has any authority
> over her state when the MAJORITY in the Federal Government are
> corrupt!  The authority of the Federal Government is automatically
> VOIDED because of corruption!  And that principle is well within the
> SPIRIT of our original Constitution, which allows impeaching those
> guilty of… "high crimes and misdemeanors".  TREASON is about as high a
> crime as there is; correct?
> "United we stand; divided we fall."  May we all unite to SAVE the USA!
>   Respectfully submitted,
> — John A. Armistead —  Patriot
> AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics news group
> On Jul 26, 6:50 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> > Fixing our 'broke' governments from OUTSIDE of those.
> > Glenn Beck rightfully acknowledges that our "Republic" has been
> > destroyed.  The White House is now controlling every aspect of our
> > lives…  But most people won't realize such fact until 2012.  These are
> > ECONOMIC issues, not racial issues.  The traitor leftist, socialist/
> > communist Democrats and cross-over Republicans in Washington have all
> > violated their sworn oaths to uphold and defend our Constitution.  In
> > short, they have changed our government to mimic those clearly shown
> > to have failed in other parts of the world.  Folks, working to destroy
> > the USA is TREASON!  And people guilty of treason shall be put to
> > death!
> > The crimes of those in Washington have already been committed, and are
> > continuing to be committed every day.  Elected officials not honoring
> > our Constitution are illegitimate squatters in Washington.  When the
> > 8/28 Rally is held in the broiling August sun, illegitimate
> > congressmen and White House traitors will be sitting in air-
> > conditioned comfort inside of OUR
> ...
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