Saturday, August 14, 2010

Muslim Women Abused and Suicidal: The Left Wants this Dirty Little Secret Hidden


Muslim Women Abused and Suicidal: The Left Wants this Dirty Little Secret Hidden

Thursday, 12 August 2010 02:16 Lisa Richards -


 Left-wingers consider reports of mutilated Muslim women, and the high suicide rate among women in Islamic countries, problematic. Since the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, Americans have been exposed to certain facts the left wants hidden-Islam allows mutilation of women.

womans_vision_in_Islamic_worldReports of Islam's abuse and oppression of women is making Americans take a stand against Islam's radicalism, as well as mosque building in America, and this has the Islam-supporting Left up in arms.

The Left, which marches emphatically for women's rights (while ignoring honor killings of Muslim women in America), wants Islamic abuse of women-causing high rates of suicide in Islamic countries-ignored, or better yet, viewed as depression caused by mental illness.

Judy Mandelbaum of decries the recent Time Magazine cover showing a mutilated Afghan woman, snidely asking if the next Time cover "will show photos of suicidal Muslim women killing themselves."

Maybe Time should since, according to Mandelbaum, Afghan President Hamid Karzai reports "some 23,000 women and girls are trying to kill themselves each year" in his country alone.

Mandelbaum feels the Time cover is simply a political ploy.  She complains:

if Time's editor Richard Stengal wanted to show us what is really happening, why didn't he run images of Taliban leaders receiving bribe money that came from the United States?  Why not show pictures of President Hamid Karzai's political machine stealing the most recent election?   Why not show the heroin crop our military has been ordered not to destroy?  Let's see the innocent women and children that we have maimed and killed in the course of pursuing a war that weakens our nation's security and is counter to our best interests.

Let's ignore the truth for leftist political propaganda.

What about reports stating Muslim women are fighting Islamic customs for an autonomous western-style life?  Islamic women are divorcing abusive husbands, because they face honor killings and mutilations by husbands, fathers, and brothers, for wanting to be educated and liberated.

Afghans say:

[O]ur society is not as open.  It's impossible for a girl here to have the same life as an Iranian girl and this creates a lot of problems inside these families.

Afghan doctors report:

Since the fall of the Taliban regime, self-immolation has become a well established phenomenon in Herat, with women and girls pouring petrol over themselves in acts of protest and despair arising from family disputes...This, added to a growing awareness about basic human rights and the sudden influx of foreign music, television and fashion that accompanied the US-led invasion in 2001, has caused huge ruptures in the traditional fabric of society.


Why aren't Mandelbaum and the feminist Freidan Mystics decrying these heinous crimes committed by men against women? Because the persecution is practiced by a radical religion adored by the radical left-Islam.

Instead of exposing the real cause, these women are merely viewed as depressed because America invaded their country.

Mandelbaum blames the severity of the situation on America:

Ironically, there is some evidence that the increase in suicides, including self-immolation, may be connected with an increase in geographic mobility and social expectations brought about by the American invasion and occupation.

Former Deputy Health Minister Faizullah Kakar insists the high suicide rate is caused by "Social disorder, loss of loved ones, displacement, food insecurity, poverty, illiteracy, drug addiction, and lack of access to healthcare services, all caused or aggravated by over three decades of war."

Kakar never discusses the high rate of female mutilations practiced in the Islamic religion.

Afghani prosecutor Maria Bashir, who has been threatened with assassination for trying to help abused Muslim women, says:

I have seen a woman whose husband cut her nose and ears off, a woman whose husband shaved her hair off so she would not go outside, a woman beaten with a heavy cooking pot until one of her ears was smashed into her skull, and a woman beaten with the handle of a shovel...Those political leaders who are shouting for democracy are still not ready to apply democracy to their own women.  Their women sit at home and they just want democracy for their neighbor's women.

Despite facts, Mandelbaum insists:

All on our [American Military] watch, I might add.  So, are these tragedies our fault or that of 'the Taliban?'  Are they a reason for the US military to stay or to go?  Will there be more or fewer such cases if we pack up and leave?  Hurry up and decide-it's time for the next news story.  By now it should be obvious to everyone who has seen the Time image that using "the plight of women" to justify military adventure X, Y or Z is the oldest trick in the propagandist's playbook. By all means, let's talk about "what happens to Afghanistan if we leave," but please, let's leave in the question mark.

Okay, let's do darling.

When we leave Islamic countries, how many Muslim men will murder their women in the name of Allah, because Islam and the Koran dictate such acts, and how many leftists will ignore the horrors, because the left sides with Islam?

While Muslim women are brutally tortured and tens of thousands are committing suicide each year, the Left wants Islam's dirty little secrets kept hidden from American eyes.



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