Friday, June 4, 2010

Re: Start the Revolution! Government is out-of-touch with the People!

Lawlessness Reigns in Government!

Known to too few, including most of our elected officials: The
Constitution is the Primary Law of the Land! Leftist Democrats, in
particular, suppose that our form of government is: "To the victor,
belongs the spoils!" To those criminals, Obama's 53-47 'victory' in
the 2008 Presidential Election was at least a two-year long license to
do whatever they please to destroy our Representative Republic.
Destroying it is a requirement, if they are to make the vast majority
of Americans become dependant on them. They're the power-mad loonies,
who follow the dictates of Barack Obama. Most should realize that
Obama is the anti-Christ; he's Public Enemy Number One; and he's an
Outlaw in every sense of the word!

The Obama Regime uses the corrupt state of Illinois as the model for
its bribe-all, extort-all power ploys. To get elected, Obama got the
endorsements of Gov. Bill Richardson, Senator Tom Daschle, Senator
Hillary Clinton, and former President Bill Clinton by either offering
or receiving bribes. Those are just the obvious hold-outs, who waited
very late in the campaign to give their endorsements so that their…
'votes' for Obama could seem to be the pivotal ones.

Former President Bill Clinton's criminality increased in scope this
week. It was revealed that Clinton—at the White House's request—had
urged former admiral, Rep. Joe Sestak, to drop out of the senate race
in PA. Clinton did so to favor flagging Senator Arlen Specter in his
re election efforts. Apparently, Specter was the rascal whom the
Obama Regime considered to be more favorable to Obama's overall
clandestine objectives. PA Gov. Ed Rendell, who appeared on the Fox
News Network, considered that the Sestak offer was simply doing what
is best for the (Democratic) party. He—like too many in politics, and
in the media—consider that things regularly done, even though
criminal, become acceptable, because such party corruption is the
norm. Rendell, and others who think that way are violating the "fair
play and democracy" SPIRIT of the constitution. Rendell swore to
uphold the Constitution. By supporting Obama's socialist-communist
agenda, Rendell shows himself to be a willing traitor to the USA, who
should hang for TREASON along side Obama and dozens of others, like
Justices Sotomayor and Roberts, who willingly subvert the

Former Gov. of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, certainly isn't a Democrat.
But he's doing things which my New Constitution forbids any celebrity
to do, namely: To endorse or to campaign on behalf of any person
running for public office. Huckabee is appearing in TV ads in SC
supporting this or that candidate for elected office. Those who make
such ads are creating a network of underlings who would be beholden to
Huckabee if Huckabee ever gets elected President. Additionally,
because Huckabee is a TV celebrity, he would be guilty of a felony for
making those ads. The objective isn't to send people to prison, but
to make the punishments so severe that no medium would risk having
their business shut down, by allowing such to continue to be a
political forum. A democracy-on-demand, representative republic can't
have people, like Huckabee, building power bases larger than the
Constitution allows. Endorsements, other than votes on election day,
are the curse of fair government. Here's what my New Constitution

"It shall be a felony for any government official or employee, or any
celebrity or media idol—past or present—to publicly endorse or
campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office or job."

And … "No medium shall be a forum for promoting the ideology of its
management or owners, nor shall they employ anyone who uses such job
to hawk their personal political preferences—at risk of loss of
license or closure of the business. Flagrantly editing news to
promote the ideology of management is a felony. No medium shall
analyze, assess, summarize, or make subjective judgments about any
pending election or referendum. Nor shall they invite others outside
of the media to do so. But factual, thorough coverage of the
candidates or referenda issues—on an as occurs basis—is allowed,
provided there are no comments, nor actions, as above, and provided
the same unbiased coverage is given to all of the candidates or to all
of the referenda issues."

The L. A. County Council—dominated by Hispanics who are demanding
socialism in the USA—has voted to boycott all goods and services from
the neighboring state of Arizona. Because those Council members swore
to uphold the Constitution, but, instead, are now subverting the
Constitution… every single member of that council who voted for the
boycott is guilty of capital TREASON! What about… "Socialism is the
antithesis of democracy." don't Hispanics understand?

No, I don't hate Hispanics! I hate taking from the successful to give
to the unsuccessful, without allowing the former to have any say-so in
the matter. I hate having people looking to government for handouts
when they should be carrying their own weight. I hate indebting
generations of Americans to prop up those who should simply fail;
learn valuable lessons; and try again. Capitalism made this country
great, and capitalism can save it, IF those who subvert the
constitution are charged and convicted rather than excused because…
corruption in government has become the norm.

Thus far, none of those Attorneys General suing the Federal Government
over the constitutionality of Obama Care have had the BALLS to start
arresting all of the government officials who voted for Obama
anything. Simply by removing from office the leftist Democrats in
Washington, there will be assurance that Obama won't be passing any
more… spending legislation. In fact, if he sets foot in any Freedom
Loving state, he should be arrested, tried and hanged! I've put on
notice all those in law enforcement, including the Secret Service and
the Capital Police, that "protecting" criminals, like Barack Obama, is
a most severe crime to anyone on the public payroll who willfully aids
and abets those in public office who do not fully support the

The Revolution—which has already started, to take back control of our
government—demands the patriotic involvement of all who love the USA.
Any people who oppose our Revolution aren't being Americans, they're
being traitors. We are on the cusp of war… or peace. Hopefully, the
traitors whom we hang will purge the evil forces that abound. When
socialism is finally stopped, prosperity—through capitalism and fair
government—can return. "United we stand; divided we fall." May we
all unite to SAVE the USA!

Respectfully submitted,

— John A. Armistead — Patriot

AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics

On May 26, 4:29 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> No SCHOOL is a Jurisdiction of Government!
> At least five times in the last two months, those in supposed
> authority have flagrantly violated the civil rights of students, or of
> those attending school board meetings.  (1.)  An art teacher berated a
> female student for making a wonderful painting that depicted the
> American Flag—because the teacher considered such inappropriate…
> (2.)  The Chairman of a County School Board violated the Free Speech
> rights of a citizen, because he didn't like any inferences that
> schools err in not… stopping bullying (that had caused the death of a
> lovely female student…)  (3.)  A Hispanic Assistant Principle
> considered that white male students who had American Flags on their
> clothing, should be sent home on May 5th, because 'they' could be
> inciting violence…  (4.)  A LUNATIC, Hispanic and socialist school
> teacher in California—who openly preaches hatred of America in his
> classes—went on TV and proclaimed that capitalism must be stopped…
> And the most recent: (5.)  A female student who was wishing to attend
> a special credit course, violated the stipulation that there be no
> cell phones used.  Her phone was not only confiscated by a teacher,
> but the files on the phone were searched.  One of those files
> contained racy photos of the student, which she was considering
> sending to her boyfriend.  The police were called, and that girl
> 'could' be tried for some crime…
> Folks, many times you've heard me say that education in this country
> shares about equal blame with 'corrupt government', and 'corrupt
> media' for our nation's woes.  Regarding case (5.), above:  My New
> Constitution has the following MAJOR civil-rights-protecting clauses:
> "A crime's seriousness shall be consistent with the mores of the
> People and the apt juries rather than with government."
> "No government shall criminalize behavior that the Public considers to
> be innocuous, or is macro-typical, or where government isn't being
> deferential to the Public; nor shall they: prosecute victimless crimes
> other than gross reckless endangerment; restrict the freedoms of
> Citizens through oppressive laws and procedures; enact laws too broad
> in scope to address narrow issues; pass laws disallowing any
> reasonable criminal defense, or solely at a bureau's request;
> selectively or inequitably enforce any laws; impose unfair,
> drastically different punishments due to one's sex, race, color, creed
> or age; nor sentence someone differently due to their having a prior
> criminal record.  An arresting officer may reverse such with impunity
> at any time, regardless of the forms, procedures or processes begun.
> The arrested person shall be freed and the record expunged.  Agreeable
> restitution to crime victims may, at their option, substitute for the
> apt trial."
> "4th Amendment:  *** People, their motor vehicles, boats, possessions,
> clothes, phones, computers and other personal or private effects shall
> be secure in their houses, or other abodes, or on the associated owned
> or rented property, or at their place of work against unreasonable
> searches and seizures.  Warrants may be issued only with just,
> probable cause, supported by a recent eye witness's oath or
> affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and
> the persons or things to be seized.  No warrant shall be issued based
> on supposition, chance or a presumed likelihood of finding evidence.
> The obtaining or issuing of a warrant without just, probable cause is
> a felony, as is the serving of a wrongful warrant by an armed
> officer(s).  Law enforcement shall not presume that a major crime may
> have occurred or might be in progress because of a petty crime; nor
> shall arrests be allowed that are due mainly to a person's propinquity
> to a crime.  A person arrested without resistance who is not a suspect
> in a provable crime of violence, may be searched, but not shackled, if
> they voluntarily agree to transport themselves, or to be transported;
> nor shall shackles nor prison clothes be used during the voluntary
> transport of such person to or from a public proceeding or court.
> Anyone who is arrested, detained, searched or has property seized
> because of a warrant shall have a public warrant hearing within 24
> hours.  Such hearing, with competent counsel, shall be before the
> judge issuing the warrant; the basis for issuing the warrant shall be
> explained; all parties causing the warrant to be issued, including the
> judge, shall be available for cross examination.  The rationale and
> constitutionality for the issuing of a warrant can, by right, be
> appealed to a higher court(s).  Evidence from unreasonable search or
> seizure isn't admissible in court… "
> "All local, state and federal officer holders and employees—upon
> taking office or assuming employment—shall take the following oath:
> "I, (Name), promise to serve and be deferential to the People, and to
> be unbiased toward any group with a pro democracy, pro fairness
> ideology.  I swear to honor and uphold the full civil rights of the
> citizens, as guaranteed by the Constitution, and I shall expect my
> coworkers and superiors to do the same.   I understand that my
> employment in or by government is conditional upon my adherence to
> this oath."   No employee nor office holder shall be sanctioned for
> making complaints against another office holder, employee or
> superior.  No government employee nor office holder shall be coerced
> into wrongdoing, immoral action or non action, or illegality by a real
> or implied threat of the loss of one's job, promotion or benefits, nor
> by any bribe or promise of promotion or benefits.   Making such a
> threat, bribe or promise is a felony carrying a minimum ten year
> prison sentence—and if part of a pattern—making such threats, bribes
> or promises is treason.  Acquiescing to such is a felony.  Government
> officials, agents or employees who become aware of corruption in
> government or in any of its departments shall notify the Executive
> Branch and the courts; willful failure to do so is a felony.  With
> impunity, a government officer(s) or employee(s) shall enforce no law
> nor perform any order or directive which violates their personal moral
> conscience or their oath."
> On 5/25/10 I heard 'prosecutor' Lis Wiehl, on Fox News, say (and I
> paraphrase): "Of course the school has a right to seize and search
> that girl's cell phone—the girl was on school property!"  Obviously,
> for Lis, one's civil rights stop on… "Government Property".  But I can
> assure you that the Founding Fathers had no such limits to civil
> rights in mind when they wrote the Constitution!
> Because Lis Wiehl is a celebrity commentator, who got to make an "anti
> democracy and anti fairness" statement in the public media, she would
> immediately have to be fired by Fox News… OR the entire Fox News
> Network would, permanently, be closed down to comply with the
> following clause in my New Constitution:
> "No medium shall be a forum for promoting the ideology of its
> management or owners, nor shall they employ anyone who uses such job
> to hawk their personal political preferences—at risk of loss of
> license or closure of the business."
> The required Loyalty Oath, which I copied, above, is exceeding
> important!  A police officer, having been notified that a student's
> cell phone has… racy photos, upon showing up at that school would
> immediately ARREST… the TEACHER who made a search of personal property
> without a warrant.  My constitution GUARANTEES that no cell-phone nor
> personal computer can ever be looked at, unless a irreproachable eye
> witness had told a judge that criminal evidence was most definitely in
> there.  IF any judge issues a warrant without there being near
> certainty that the witness had made a truthful observation, that Judge
> would be going to prison for issuing an unconstitutional warrant!
> Victimless crimes (other than gross reckless endangerment) will never
> be tried.  Nonetheless, that teacher would be spending the next three
> years in prison.  AND they will be liable, via civil suit, for
> damaging the reputation of that student for doing things that few in
> society think is anyone's business but the girl's.  Isn't America
> supposed to be… The home of the FREE and the brave…"?
> The "structural changes" to our broken government that Rush Limbaugh
> has only hinted, aren't stopping the destruction of the US economy by
> those criminal socialist democrats in Washington—who are still passing
> taxing and spending bills.  The most recent TERRIBLE bill is a large
> per barrel tax on oil.  Of course that tax will harm businesses, and
> increase the cost of living for all of us.  Obama, a "community
> organizer", doesn't understand economics.  Nor does he realize that
> he's been proclaimed an OUTLAW for the economic and social damage to
> this nation that he continues to cause!  Though I talk unlike "…a
> mouse; there is a Communist living the White House!"  Hereby, I notify
> the US Secret Service that they violate the Constitution every time
> they PROTECT those who are guilty of TREASON!  The Secret Service
> agents should realize that the penalties for aiding and abetting
> Barack Obama and his RIGIME shall be extreme.
> I suspect I've given SC Attorney General Henry McMaster some important
> things to think about.  He's in an un winnable race to become SC's
> next Governor… UNLESS he asserts this State's authority.  McMaster is
> fully justified in doing the latter, in light of the fact our
> government in Washington is now totally corrupt and anti
> Constitution.  If McMaster talks to Gov. Sanford about what I'm doing,
> I'm sure Sanford knows how dedicated I am to rooting out government
> corruption, wherever that be found.  PA Gov. Ed Rendell surely knows
> that he's responsible to see that the Laws are faithfully executed in
> his state.  That means he should never be allowing Penn State
> University to defraud the taxpayers out of any portion of the NSF's ...
> read more »

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