Tuesday, May 25, 2010

McChrystal sees long-term U.S. commitment to defeat Taliban

100 years?






McChrystal sees long-term U.S. commitment to defeat Taliban

Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal concluded a visit to Washington last week and made clear in public appearances that the battle against the Taliban is still a difficult fight.

McChrystal said the insurgency is "serious" and is expanding around the country. "It's got a fair number of fighters involved, so it can bring a lot of violence on the Afghan people," he said. "It's also not popular. It's not popular with Afghans."

The Taliban are using coercion to gain control of people and areas of Afghanistan and McChrystal made clear the war will be difficult and long. "It is going to be a challenge to stop [the insurgency]. And the government of Afghanistan is going to have to take very effective measures to bring it to a halt."

Corruption in the Afghan government makes gaining popular support difficult. A military officer said that failure to deal with corruption would result in defeat.

McChrystal said Americans can expect that there will be a long term commitment to helping Afghanistan if the Taliban is to be defeated.

"But I don't think, long term, U.S. military combat forces are the future in Afghanistan," he said. "I think it's Afghan defense capacity. But I think, for a significant period of time, assistance to that capacity and governance and development assistance is probably to be expected."


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