Sunday, September 16, 2012

Why Democrats hate the American middle class (superb)


Decades of leftist hatred for America's middle class revealed in one terrifying moment in Charlotte.

by Jeffrey Lord 9/11


Why Democrats hate the American middle class.


It's God's fault. God and plastics. And don't forget the American flag. Which is another way of explaining just why it is today's Democrats -- the very embodiment of the American Left -- literally hate the American middle class. Hate that middle class with a visceral contempt. A contempt that has been repeatedly and vividly documented over the course of the last five decades in venues as varied as movies, music, politics and culture.


It is a contempt so powerful that the backlash from the American middle class has provided not only huge and repeated election majorities for conservatives and Republicans over the decades. The backlash to this vitriol has powered one of the biggest revolutions in American communications history -- providing an enthusiastic audience for Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin not to mention an entire talk radio industry. And, of course, Fox News.


Mr. Limbaugh himself emphatically agrees that his audience is composed of the American middle class that is so disdained by liberals, telling The American Spectator that "My audience is comprised of the people who make this country work." The very fact of the perpetual assault by the Left on Rush Limbaugh is a case study all by itself. It perfectly highlights the dilemma the Democrats found themselves in during their convention last week Why?


Because liberals don't just hate Rush Limbaugh. The dirty little secret here is that liberals hate Rush Limbaugh's 20 million member middle-class audience! While at the same time desperately needing a portion of that very same middle-class to win elections. Which is what makes the already vitriolic hatred from liberals towards the American middle class all the more poisonous -- for liberals. Without the middle class, Democrats cannot possibly win a presidential election.

Or, for that matter, most elections. Which means in turn that it is critical, in a political sense, for Democrats to always be seen as courteously if not warmly and lovingly, courting the middle class.


Thus, under no circumstances can the mask that hides that very real contempt towards the middle class ever be allowed to drop. Yet for one-heart stopping moment in Charlotte last week -- that mask did drop. And it was panic city. God was removed from the Democrats'



Followed within 24 hours by a defiant majority refusing to restore Him to the platform yet being overruled as seen in the now famous video of Convention chair and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa doing the dirty deed. "Tony Two-Thirds," as we dubbed the mayor after his performance, simply overrode the "no" vote on God and made it a pretend "yes" vote of the required two-thirds. With that "opinion of the chair", the deed was done. God was back in.


To see just how hair-trigger sensitive party leaders were when they realized what had happened, one need go no further than this contentious interview with Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, the Democrats' Senate Majority Whip. Hours after God's initial failure to make the platform cut, Durbin was questioned by Fox anchor Bret Baier.

Durbin had a meltdown, accusing Baier and Fox of trying to make Democrats look "Godless." But why? Why were Democrats suddenly in such a panic because their own delegates wanted God out of the platform?


There is a reason -- and it's a big reason. A very big reason.


God -- which is to say religion -- is forever associated in American culture with arguably the largest, most influential voting bloc in the

country: the American middle-class. Middle class Americans may be Catholic. They may be Baptists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Lutherans or Jews. They may be Evangelicals. Or fundamentalists. They may be… hmmmm… Mormon. Yes they may even be Islamic non-fundamentalists. But whatever their faith may be -- and we've only touched the surface by naming the above faiths -- what they all have in common besides their middle-class status is God. Not to mention a belief system, a value hierarchy of morals, hard work and patriotism that revolves around God.


So it was no accident last week that President Obama and former President Bill Clinton took pains to say some version of exactly the same thing: Democrats just luuuuvvvv the American middle class.

Really. Honest. No kidding. Democrats have all these exciting, especially-designed-for-the-middle-class programs old and new, you see, and…


Stop. Stop. Politely put, this is not just another round of your average political snowjob. The inevitable wooing and mooing by one group of partisans designed to win an election. This is grimacing, clenched-teeth-with-a-forced-smile political BS. BS designed to get must-have votes from a group of Americans today's Democrats -- the embodiment of the American Left -- hate. Yes, hate. Viscerally hate.

Hate every bit as much as they hate Rush or Hannity or Levin or Fox.

Why do they hate the American middle-class, whether lower, middle-middle or upper? They hate the American middle class -- hate it passionately and precisely because it embodies the three values of religion, capitalism and, oh yes, love of country -- patriotism.


EXAMPLES OF HOW the Left so disdains the middle class would fill three Internets. This special contempt, which began spreading like a virus in the 1960s, now permeates not only the nation's politics but its culture -- its movies, music, books, television and now the Internet………..


What relevance does all of this have to the next two-months of the

2012 election? Plenty. Every time you hear Barack Obama or Joe Biden or Bill Clinton sing the praises of the middle class it's because they are scared witless there are millions of that American middle class who are long on to the Democrats' game. Americans who understand in detail that when God is booted from the Democrats' platform it is not just an attack on God.


It is yet another liberal attack in a five decades-long liberal war on the values of an American middle class that believes in God, country, and capitalism. A war on the very people, in Rush Limbaugh's words, "who make this country work."


Jeffrey Lord is a former Reagan White House political director and author. This was edited from a longer article, worth reading, many examples, read it here:

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