Thursday, August 9, 2012

Obama Camp: Mitt Romney Is a Filthy Rich Murdering Felon

(Black)Pot(smoker) calling the kettle something.

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Obama Camp: Mitt Romney Is a Filthy Rich Murdering Felon

by Sard

John Nolte just wrote an article over at Breitbart way that got my blood boiling a bit. The reason it irks me? I do wonder, like John Nolte, if the Romney camp is comprehending just what it is they are up against and how to fight it.

I've long heard Rush Limbaugh lament over that fact republican campaigns are constantly looking to "republican strategists" who forever are trying to appeal to independents and so-called moderates. Typically, this results in the GOP strategists attempting to move the republican candidate toward the center of the political spectrum--toward the independents and moderates, instead of pulling the independents and moderates toward the conservative side of the spectrum. And let's just be perfectly clear about which political spectrum I'm referring to (the info-graphic below should help clarify) ...

Andrew Breitbart (R.I.P.) realized you can usually throw the premise of a liberal's argument out on its face. If I could have my way, I would love to see the Romney camp consult some experts in Socratic Dialog and the art of deductive reasoning; this knowledge helps to  prevent getting sucked into a defensive position and turns the tables back on the opponent.

One of the things that just made me want to pull my hair out by the root about George W. Bush's time in office was the Bush Administration's absolute refusal to fight back against the blatant lies that were being hurled by the democrats and the main-stream media--like claiming the war in Iraq was "illegal," despite the fact that many of the democrats who were forwarding the lie had voted for the congressional resolution authorizing the use of force in Iraq. Even Karl Rove admits now that this was a big mistake. Conversely, when Obama used force in Libya without congressional approval, thereby violating the War Powers Act--nary a word ... crickets. Imagine that!

I can only hope and pray the "republican strategists" being employed by the Romney campaign are at least well-read in Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Reading the Communist Manifesto would help as well, but I digress. At the very, very least, I would hope are intrepid strategists would familiarize themselves with Saul Alinksy's Power Tactics. Here, I'll include them here (don't say I never gave you anything).

Alinsky's Power Tactics

  1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
  2. Never go outside the experience of your people.
  3. Whenever possible go outside the experience of the enemy.
  4. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.
  5. Ridicule is mans most potent weapon.
  6. A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.
  7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
  8. Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.
  9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
  10. The major premise of tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
  11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside.
  12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
  13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.

Now, here are the top ten lies from John Nolte's article being used against Romney:


1. Romney Killed My Wife -- This howler, courtesy of a pro-Obama super PAC, has sucked most of the oxygen out of yesterday and today's news narrative. In-between denouncing the ad, Romney's attempting to work through the clutter of this distraction to hit Obama for dismantling welfare reform.

2. Outsourcer-In-Chief -- This lie came courtesy of the Washington Post, who, in direct coordination with the Obama campaign, slammed Romney for outsourcing jobs he didn't outsource.

3. Romney's Gaffe-tastic Overseas Escapades -- To make Romney look like a stumble-bum and destroy any hope he had of looking presidential or like a statesman, the corrupt media created gaffes out of whole cloth, going so far as to make Ugly American spectacles of themselves on sanctified ground. The Narrative was set and executed brilliantly.

4. Romney Will Crush the Middle Class With Tax Increases -- Both the media and Obama campaign have teamed up to use a phony study (co-authored by a former Obama official) to accuse Romney of planning to cut taxes for the wealthy and raise taxes on the middle class. Lies don't get much bigger than this, but Romney's had to be out there defensively explaining why this isn't true ever since.

5. Harry Reid's McCarthyism -- This sinister but undeniably brilliant tactic sucked up six-days of the news-cycle and was a total and complete victory for the Obama campaign. For six-days we talked about Romney's taxes and not about Obama's failures. Reid, who has no plans to run for reelection, took all the fire and Obama floated above it all.  Genius.

6. Romney's a Felon -- Both DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Senior Obama Campaign Advisor Stephanie Cutter used the word "felon" to describe Mitt Romney's association with Bain. This sucked the air out of three-days worth of news-cycles and while the media cried foul, they also made sure Obama paid no political price whatsoever. Moreover, Romney was reduced to a man demanding an apology. Another total win for Team Obama.

7. Romney Opposes Abortion Exceptions For Rape and incest Victims -- This ad comes straight from the Obama campaign, not a surrogate. It's another brazen, bald-faced lie that makes Romney look extreme and that the media has made sure Obama pays no political price for telling.

8. Romney the Gay-bashing Prep School As*hole -- In another blatantly false anti-Romney attack obviously coordinated between the Obama campaign and the Washington Post, the Post reaches back a half-century to Romney's mind and declare it homophobic.

9. Romney's More Secretive Than Nixon -- This one explains itself.

10. That's Racist --  This narrative is just starting to bubble up again. Chris Matthews was all over it last night and The New Yorker hit the theme that Romney's criticism of Obama dismantling welfare reform is racially based. And that's just the most recent example.


Read more at Breitbart ...

Recently, Romney was asked in an interview about his thoughts regarding the slanderous, bald-faced lies the Obama camp is now hurling at him. His response was less than fiery. Romney responded, "Well, I call it Obama-logna"--apparently, in reference to "bologna."

I'm sorry, being "cute" ain't gonna cut it with the foaming-at-the-mouth Obama campaign operatives (agitators) of the left who are engaging in blatant slander at every turn to forward their agenda.

Furthermore, the left does not engage in debate, instead they employ the Hegelian and/or Marxian Dialectic--meaning, dialog over a social issue in order to reach a consensus toward a predetermined outcome. Since the outcome is predetermined, according to the leftist political change agent, the use of lies, hyperbole, half-truths, emotional appeals, slander, marginalization, intimidation, chaos, crisis, conflict, etc., are perfectly acceptable--the predetermined ends always justify the means. It's all about power with the left, period.

Now, let's just think about this a minute, Mitt ... the Obama campaign is accusing you of being a murderer, a felon, a robber baron, a gay-basher, etc. I think its time to take the gloves off, Governor.

What'dya say, Gub'ner?

"There are moments in life when true invective is called for, when it becomes an absolute necessity; out of a deep sense of justice, to denounce, mock, vituperate, lash out, in the strongest language possible."

--Yugoslavian born poet Charles Simic

Sard | August 9, 2012 at 10:40 am | Categories: #OWS, Abortion, ACORN, Afghanistan, American Culture, American Patriotism, American Sovereignty, Birtherism, Border Control, CAGW, Calumny, Christianity, Communications, Communism, Conservatism, Crime, Cultural Marxism, Debt Ceiling, Economy, Education, Egypt, elitism, Energy Policy, EPA, Fascism, Fast and Furious, FDA, Federal Budget, First Amendment, Foreign Policy, Founders, GOP, Health Care Bill, History, Homosexuality, Horn of Africa, House of Representatives, Immigration, In Memoriam, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jobs Bill, Legal/Judicial, LGBT Activism, Liberal Crap, Libya, Lies, Main-Stream Media, Marxism, Mob Action, Monetary Policy, National Debt, National Defense, National Security, Planned Parenthood, Plantation Liberalism, Political Theory, Prejudice, Presidential Campaign, Progressive Movement, Racism, Rank Stupidity, RNC, Science, Second Amendment, SEIU, Senate, Slavery, Social Engineering, Social Justice, Socialism, Space Exploration, Syria, Taxation, Tea Party, Terrorism, Totalitarianism, U.S. Constitution, UN--B.S., Unemployment, Union Actions, War, Yemen | URL:

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