Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to Choose Your Religion Flowchart

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How To Choose Your Religion Flowchart

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 09:01 PM PDT

One of the problems with modern life is that there are too many choices and decisions to make. A hundred years ago on the western plains if you wanted coffee, you drank coffee - black.

Today, at any decent coffee shop, one can get regular coffee, decaf, French Vanilla, latte, mocha and more. It can be hot, cold, frozen, frothed or whatever. You can add regular milk, skim, cream or half and half and more. There are at least a thousand different ways to make a simple cup of coffee.

Decisions, decisions.

A hundred years ago if you were born into a Christian or Jewish or Muslim family, you grew up Christian or Jewish or Muslim. Today, in any decent country, you can choose to be Christian or Hindu or Buddhist or Jewish or any religion regardless of what you were born into. Of course in Muslim countries you cannot choose to be anything but Muslim if your parents are Muslim, otherwise you will literally lose your head 1. But I was talking about decent countries and there are no Muslim countries with any decency.

To help my readers who want to choose a different religion than the one they were born into, here is a flowchart to help you decide:

How To Choose Your Religion Flowchart
Photo Credit: LOL god


I do not endorse nor do I actually recommend that one make certain choices in the flowchart; for example:

  • Scientology is an abusive, violent, and criminal organization and you would be an idiot to be taken in by these fraudsters.

  • The Cult known as Islam. This is perhaps the most barbaric, savage, violent, primitive, intolerant ideology ever foisted on modern peoples. If there were ever a religion for serial killers and violent criminals then Islam as it exists today would be a perfect choice. As proof, it should be noted that Islam is the fastest growing "religion" in prisons all over the world. See my article How Many Muslims are there in Prisons?


(1):, Muslims cut of the head of a Christian in public ceremony in Tunisia.

Liberal speaker Tawfiq Okasha recently appeared on "Egypt Today," airing a video of Muslims cutting off the head of a young man out for the crime of converting to Christianity in this case, the crime of converting to Christianity and refusing to give it up. The video is immensely graphic it can be seen here. For those who prefer not to see it here is a summary:

A young man is shown held by masked men. His head is back with a knife to his throat. He does not fight and seems resigned to his fate. Speaking in Arabic, the keynote speaker, or "narrator", sings a number of Muslim prayers and supplications, most of it condemning Christianity, which, because of the Trinity is known as a polytheistic faith, "God took revenge on the apostate polytheistic "," Allah consolidate his religion, which is victorious against the polytheists, "" Allah, defeat the infidels in the hands of Muslims "and" there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger."

Then, shouting "Allahu Akbar!" - Allah is greater ", the masked man holding the knife at the throat of the apostate start hacking away, cutting off the head completely after about one minute of carving...

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