Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Mosque is NOT Like a Church or a Synagogue

August 12, 2012

A Mosque Is Not Like a Church or a Synagogue

By Janet Levy

The marked proliferation of mosques in the U.S. since 9/11 should
raise a red flag for Americans.  Recent controversies surrounding
mega-mosque construction projects countrywide -- many in locations
with almost no Muslims to speak of -- have grave implications for the
future of these targeted communities and areas beyond.

Accelerated mosque-building -- in Murfreesboro, Tennessee; Staten
Island, Brooklyn, and Ground Zero, New York; and Santa Clara and
Temecula, California, to name a few -- carries significance beyond the
mere construction of a collection of Muslim houses of worship.  It
represents yet another orchestrated effort to oust traditional
American values and replace them with Islamic practices, laws, and

Although most U.S. mosques heretofore have been built without
resistance, the newly attendant controversies present speciously
polarized views between, on the one hand, ostensibly welcoming,
tolerant, multi-culti progressives who deny any possible radical
agenda despite substantial evidence to the contrary in existing
mosques and, on the other hand, so-called fearful, Islamophobic,
ignorant bigots unwilling to embrace diversity.  Mainstream media's
predominant point of view is that any opposition to mosque-building
represents a blatant unwillingness to integrate Muslims into American
communities.  This view disallows the possibility that such objections
represent appropriate, reasoned responses to an attempt to destroy
America from within and supplant its culture with a supremacist,
totalitarian, and misogynistic ideology.

Islamic terrorism expert Steven Emerson, executive director of the
Investigative Project for Terrorism, attributes the spate of
mosque-building and land acquisition to the Muslim American Society
(MAS), an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Emerson contends that the
MAS has been actively buying up property and establishing mosques to
control the appointment of imams who "distribute the message they
believe is necessary to spread Islam around the world."

It should be noted that a mosque is totally unlike a church or a
synagogue, entities that serve their communities under the law of the
land and are both empowered and restrained under the First Amendment
of the Constitution.  Under the Establishment Clause of that
amendment, the government is prohibited from establishing a state
religion or conferring preferential treatment on one religion over
another.  Although the government may not interfere with religious
beliefs and opinions, the proscription of religious practices is
permissible, as in the examples of polygamy and human sacrifice.

In the U.S. and in other Western countries, Christians and Jews freely
and critically choose their brand of theology from a multitude of
ecclesiastic offerings and determine their individual levels of
religious observance or none at all.  The exercise of faith and the
observance of faith-related practices occur across a broad spectrum of
individual behaviors based solely on personal choice.

In Muslim countries, no separation exists between mosque and state.
Islamic doctrine or sharia controls all aspects of a person's
existence, from the correct way to use the toilet to permissible forms
of lying, or taquiya.  For Muslims, Mohammed is the perfect man, whose
every example must be emulated, even though by Western Judeo-Christian
standards he was a mass murderer, pedophile, rapist, torturer, and
looter.  Furthermore, Islamic doctrine is immutable, and any criticism
of the traditions and practices of Mohammed is considered apostasy,
which is punishable by death.

No free individual will exists or is allowed when it comes to
practices and observances.  Sharia must be strictly followed.  A
mosque is a symbol of this ultimate authority and serves the function
of organizing every aspect of life in a Muslim community.

Mosques are modeled after the first mosque established by Mohammed in
Medina, which was a seat of government, a command center, a court, a
school, and a military training center and depot for arms.  Mosque
leaders today issue religious decrees, enforce Islamic doctrine,
monitor conduct, provide training, punish transgressions, and command
actions, including the requirement to conduct jihad.

In the "Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the
Group in North America," published in 1991 and discovered in a 2004
FBI raid of a house in Northern Virginia, the Muslim Brotherhood
explains historical stages of Islamic activism for "civilizational
jihad."  This usurpation of American Judeo-Christian and Western
liberal social, political, and religious values by Islam was defined
in the document which gave the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in
America as "a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the
Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house
by their hands and the hands of believers so that it is eliminated and
G-d's religion is made victorious over all other religions."

The Explanatory Memorandum goes on to describe the role of the mosque
or Islamic center as being identical to the Medina mosque constructed
by Mohammed, with its status as a military base and a provider of
jihadist training.  In essence, the mosque or Islamic center building
operates in the service of establishing an authoritative physical
presence for a strategic base of operations.  Rather than the benign
construction of a house of worship, the building of a mosque
represents one in a series of beachheads in the interconnected network
of bases to teach the skills of jihad, advance Islam, and impose
sharia in due time.

The radical nature of U.S. mosques was confirmed in 2005 by a study
conducted by Freedom House, "Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology
Invade American Mosques," in which it was determined that 80% of
American mosques encouraged Muslims to work for the establishment of
the Islamic state and espoused hatred and intolerance toward

Beyond the Freedom House study and further bolstering the contention
that the mosque is an institution of concern for Americans is the
incidence and prevalence of mosques that have harbored and trained
terrorists as well as raised money for terrorist activities.  One such
example, the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in northern Virginia, is referred to
as a "terror mill" and front for Hamas operatives.  The fact that it
has been investigated for its financing and aid of terrorists is not
an unusual profile of activities for U.S. mosques.  Established in
1982 with Saudi funding, the Dar al-Hijrah mosque is one of the
largest and most influential mosques in the country.  Its leaders have
routinely given militant sermons condoning the use of violence and
criticized U.S. counterterrorism efforts.

Imams preaching at the mosque have included Mohammed al-Hanooti, an
unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings, and
Anwar Awlaki, a senior al-Qaeda operative who was linked to three 9/11
hijackers, the Fort Hood shooter Major Nidal Hassan, and the Underwear
Bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.  The mosque has hosted Muslims,
including Sam Al-Arian, who have been accused and convicted of
supporting the terrorist group Hamas.  Astonishingly, the Dar
al-Hijrah mosque is still in operation, a privilege that would
unlikely be extended to a church or synagogue under similar

According to former FBI agent and expert on Islam John Guandolo, we
have over 2,000 so-called Islamic centers across the U.S. modeled
after the first mosque in Medina.  These Islamic centers can be
likened to military command centers that imbue jihad ideology and
serve as processing centers for jihadist training, Guandolo says.

In view of the stated intent and the supporting ideology of
mosque-proliferation, we would be well-advised to heed the words of
former Muslim and professor of sharia law Sam Solomon, who declares,
"We must never forget that Islam is an all-encompassing ideological
system, and as such wherever there is a Muslim community there will be
sharia, and wherever this is sharia, there is Islamization of the
territory and ultimately the nation."

Rather than allowing the building of more mega-mosques in the United
States, we should halt existing projects and seriously consider
shutting down existing mosques to prevent the proliferation of an
ideology that has publicly pledged to destroy America.

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at August 12, 2012 - 01:26:30 AM CDT

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