Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New jew appointed as O's Chief of Staff

Why is it that hardcore Jewish Zionists repeatedly find their way into
the most powerful politically appointed positions in the United
government? Indeed they repeatedly are the "man behind the curtain" in
both dem and repub admins.
The two people most responsible for Obama's rise to the Presidency are
David Axelrod and Rahm Emmanuel. And we must not forget the Lloyd
Blankfein of Goldman's Sachs, Obama's biggest corporate contributor,
and don't forget the Jewish-dominated media which portrayed Obama
the Second-Coming, and don't forget the Jewish money such as Media
Mogul Haim Saban, the biggest contributor in U.S. Politics and a man
who happens to be an Israeli citizen. America is indeed Zog, the
Zionist Occupied Government and now the Zionists are making sure
key position next to President of the U.S. is filled as they drive
America toward war with Iran.

The Zionist-bought political prostitutes in America and the West are
edging us closer and closer to war with Iran. This war would be
horrific for Iran, horrific for America and horrific for the world.
Like the war in Iraq, this war is based purely on Zionist lies. This
war would not only rain death and destruction on Iran, it would be
devastating to you, your children, and the whole world. It would
plunge the world into massive terrorism, triple the price of oil and
gas, and cast the entire world into economic depression. This Zionist-
driven war against Iran would unleash the hounds of hell on all of us.

You might say: why should I listen to you?

Well, think back to the eve of the Iraq War. Every Zionist-bribed and
corrupted politician, and every Zionist-owned media conglomerate in
the world told you that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

After the war, George Bush's own billion dollar search for weapons
proved that I was right. Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction.

Zionist warmongers like Ken Adelman and the Zionist Washington Post
pushed the war in an editorial titled, "Cakewalk in Iraq." Jewish
supremacists Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz told you that Iraq would
"Welcome us as liberators." I said it would be a catastrophe for
America, a Vietnam-like conflict in which tens of thousands of
Americans would be maimed or killed. Who was right? Iraq became the
longest war in American history. Here is a report from USA Today:
"Pentagon officials estimated for the first time Wednesday that up to
360,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans may have suffered traumatic
brain injuries." Now that's not counting tens of thousands who have
suffered maiming, amputations, or death in this war based on lies.
Wake the hell up America, this is a hundred times more Americans
harmed than in the horrific Nine-Eleven attacks! These young men and
women in our military are just as much precious to America as the
civilians who perished in Nine-Eleven. And these Americans were put
into harm's way for a lie, sacrificed for the interests of Israel, not
America. Imagine if these soldiers were your sons or daughters. Or if
a victim of the lie were your own father. How would you feel? I tell
you how I feel, I believe it is naked treason to send Americans to die
for a lie.

And what about the Iraqis? The Zionist media told us it was a war for
freedom. They even told us with a straight face that the Iraqi people
actually wanted us to invade them, that they wanted us to bomb them
and kill tens of thousands of their own sons who served in their
military. They can get away with these lies because the Zionists own
the media. They can effectively silence any voices of reason, or
demonize them as they do me. I said that millions of Iraqi men, women
and children would suffer or die in this war.

Who was right?

The fact is that more than a million Iraqi men, women and children
have been killed or maimed in this war based on lies, and millions
more made homeless. Could you imagine bombs falling on your own home
where you and your children sleep, burning your loved ones alive? Or
having your home destroyed and you made refugees in your own nation?
My fellow Americans, if you harm other people's families, ultimately
your own families will be harmed. If you deny the human rights of
others, you will lose your own.

The Zionist warmongers like Wolfowitz and Perle and their gentile
collaborators promised that Iraq would "finance its own
reconstruction." Honorable Americans said the war would likely cost
more than a trillion dollars of your money. Who was right?

Estimates are now, with upwards of a million Americans needing medical
and psychiatric care from this war, that it will ultimately cost over
three trillion of your dollars. Do you have any idea how much money
that is you, as a taxpaying American must pay?

What I am telling you is that Zionists and their collaborators in
positions of power in the mass media and government are nothing but
traitors. In America and all over the world, Zionists don't have dual
loyalty to Israel, they have loyalty ONLY to Israel. And they have, in
effect, murdered and maimed your sons and daughters by the tens of
thousands, bankrupted your country, made America hated throughout the
world, and destroyed your own precious freedoms. Americans and
Europeans are very decent people, but the politicians have sold their
souls to Zionist evil. There are plenty of gentile traitors and
Zionist collaborators. Dracula has his servants. And they too are
criminal traitors who deserve prosecution for their crimes.

Now the same usual suspects who pushed us into war with Iraq are
pushing us to war against Iran. An even more catastrophic, evil war
based on Zionist lies.

This push for war of course is completely driven by Israel and the
Zionists in government, big media and finance.

They have the chutzpah to call Iran a threat to peace.

Israel was created by massive immigration and then terrorist ethnic
cleansing of hundreds of thousands of people. The Zionists then stole
the land which was owned 90 percent by Palestinians. They have
tortured tens of thousands of people in their dungeons. They have
killed or maimed tens of thousands of men, women and children. They
have invaded Lebanon twice and killed tens of thousands of Lebanese
Christians and Muslims. They just recently bombed the people of Gaza
and murdered one thousand two hundred people, half of them women or
children. They have even committed terrorism against the United States
of America in the Lavon Affair, and in the deliberate attack on the
USS Liberty. If you know nothing or little about this that's because
you also don't know that the Zionists dominate your mass media!

The fact is, that unlike Israel, Iran has not invaded any other
nation, but was itself invaded by Iraq at the behest of Zionists who
controlled American foreign policy. American Zionist monsters even
gave Iraq chemical weapons and live anthrax to Saddam. Think I am not
telling the truth? Read the US Congressional Record.

Now the Zionists are again ramping up the big lies – this time for a
far more catastrophic war with Iran.

They say Iran is building a nuclear bomb. The fact is that the UN IAEA
says there is absolutely no evidence that Iran is developing nuclear
weapons. Even the United States own Intelligence Estimate, a
compilation of all the Intelligence agencies of America says there is
no evidence that Iran is building a bomb.

Israel is not only building atomic bombs every day, but has built them
already in complete defiance of both America and the international
community. In fact, Israeli officials regularly threaten to use their
nukes on Iran!

The fact is that Israel will not sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty, but Iran has signed it.

The fact is that Israel has allowed complete inspections. Israel does
not allow any inspections of its huge stockpile of nuclear, chemical
and even biological weapons!

Who is the rogue state? Who is the real threat to world peace? The
answer is Israel. But instead the Zionists and their servants want you
to launch a war on a country that has not invaded any other for
hundreds of years.

The Zionist Globalists pound you with lies, lies, and more lies. How
many thousands of times have you heard repeated on media that
Ahmadinejad says he will "wipe Israel off the map." He actually said
he believed that the Zionist regime would pass away just as the
Communist regime fell in Russia. There was no mention of map or wiping
Israel off the map. He said he believed this would come about through
democratic change and that the human and civil rights of every human
being must always be respected, be they Palestinian or Jew, Christian,
or Muslim. The Zionists lied to you before the Iraq War, now they lie
to you again.

Iran is no Iraq. It is much larger, has many times the population and
an overwhelmingly united and patriotic population. If horrific attacks
are made on Iran, they will respond with everything in their power to
strike back at their attackers. Just as America or any other nation
would do the same. They obviously don't have the air power or
military weapons of the United States. But they would have millions of
people who love their nation and their faith enough that they would
sacrifice their lives to defend their country. Iran borders the
Straits of Hormuz. There is no way that America could protect all
shipping in that small confined area with mountainous regions of Iran
all along the sea routes.

Not only would such a war cause incredible loss of human life, unleash
a terrorist response for years, but it would undoubtedly cause oil to
go through the price ceilings established in the wake of the Iraq War.
This insane war would destroy the economy of America, of Europe and
the world. It would lead this world to horrific war and violence that
would eclipse far more national boundaries than just Iran's.

Maybe you didn't want to listen to me and other anti-war activists
before the Iraq War. But maybe you are ready to listen now. It is time
to think, to use your head and to use your heart. To think for
yourself rather than letting the controlled Zionist media do your
thinking for you.

For the sake of your own family, your own children, your own
community, your own nation, and every people on this Earth, act now,
speak out, make sacrifices and stop this new War for Israel edging
closer in Iran. Don't unleash the hounds of hell!

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