Thursday, May 26, 2011

Re: Save America by kicking all political rituals in the ass!

  As has been explained time and time again, people seek to influence because influence can be mandated -- contrary to the Constitution.

 Absolutely not!  No person can have (or have others mandate) an
influence greater that our FAIR, Representative Republic will allow!
The political parties constantly try to get more power & influence
than one-person-one vote, and THAT is UNCONSTITUTIONAL! 

You have not proven my statement to be incorrect.
Here is the Constitution:
Do point to the Article, Section and Clause or Amendment where you imagine this one-person-one vote sham exists.

repeatedly written that the entire space-out primaries are
UNCONSTITUTIONAL, because they give the most power to the God-damned
people of IOWA! 

And *I* (and others) have repeatedly requested that you bolster this claim. You have not. You cannot. The reality that is the Constitution does not support your claim.
The Constitution provides the State Legislatures with the Power To choose Electors in whatever manner they desire. Those Electors, then, choose a Candidate.

Again, the problem is NOT the Parties nor their machinations per se, but that they have enacted unconstitutional legislation that have been put into law.

It, however, remains that people seek influence because influence can be mandated -- contrary to the Constitution.


(W)e ought to be asking ourselves why corporations and interests groups are willing to give politicians millions of dollars in the first place.  Obviously their motives are not altruistic.  Simply put, they do it because the stakes are so high.  They know government controls virtually every aspect of our economy and our lives, and that they must influence government to protect their interests. 

Our federal government, which was intended to operate as a very limited constitutional republic, has instead become a virtually socialist leviathan that redistributes trillions of dollars.  We can hardly be surprised when countless special interests fight for the money.  The only true solution to the campaign money problem is a return to a proper constitutional government that does not control the economy.  Big government and big campaign money go hand in hand.
-- Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), "Texas Straight Talk," 2/4/02

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