Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gingrich To Glenn: ‘I’m a Theodore Roosevelt Republican’

Gingrich To Glenn: 'I'm a Theodore Roosevelt Republican'
written by Ilana Mercer on 12.06.11

I'm a Theodore Roosevelt Republican. In fact, if I were going to characterize my -- on health where I come from, I'm a Theodore Roosevelt Republican and I believe government can lean in the regulatory leaning is okay. -- Newt Gingrich (the gibberish too).

To some -- perhaps many -- Republicans, to be a Theodore Roosevelt Republican is quite respectable. Therein lies the rub. If you're the type of (Robert) Taft Republican who values your life, liberty and property -- then Teddy Roosevelt, "the guy who started the Progressive Party," and was a proponent of "progressive ideals" -- is bad news.

If you didn't already know Newt was bad news; then Glenn Beck makes it abundantly clear. Especially politically poignant is Newt's folksy retelling of Teddy's food safety awakening.

About "'TR's drummed up a phony 'food safety crisis,'" Thomas J. DiLorenzo observed the following:

… there were no epidemics related to commercial food processing" in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Roosevelt's "pure food laws" were aimed "at protecting producers," not the general public. For example, as Powell recounts, some of these early laws set exceptionally high regulatory standards on imported foods as a form of veiled protectionism. Food inspection laws during the Roosevelt era were invariably favored by larger corporations who understood that the laws would disproportionately harm their smaller competitors. "The 1906 Pure Food And Drugs Act empowered the Agriculture Department's notorious quack, Harvey Washington Wiley, to conduct crazy crusades against foods competing with the interest groups he served" (mostly larger corporate interests).

In Into the Cannibal's Pot, I mention the hundreds of thousands of Filipinos whom TR killed.

In all, TR was happiest when he was killing. Like many a mass murderer, TR began his career by killing animals, one biographer alleging that "after an argument with his girlfriend a young Teddy Roosevelt went home and shot his neighbor's dog."

Glenn mocks the self-important Speaker: "… So you're a minimum regulation guy on making sure the people don't fall into the vats of sausage?"

Yes, Newt Gingrich got mince-up well in the Glenn grinder.

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