Friday, December 30, 2011

Anti-Muslim Truth Blog Taken Down by WordPress After Complaints From Terrorist-linked CAIR

Fortunately it will be back up by Monday…it received dozens of offers of new servers to host it!


No "hate" involved but a lot of facts about Islam which, to the distress of Muslims, are all true. 


Truth hurts?

Anti-Muslim Hate Blog Taken Down by WordPress After Complaints From CAIR

An anti-Muslim hate blog that contained inflammatory comments has been taken down by its hosting company after numerous complaints from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, PR Newswire reports.

Visitors to the site now see a message noting the blog is no longer available:

A news report posted by CAIR on YouTube in November details the threats made by those on the blog:

CAIR has archived some of the pages, and it seems some of the complaints stem from the comments readers were leaving, such as this one:

Muslims have an all-or-nothing, openly declaring they'll destroy us if we don't destroy them. That's why, if you see a Muslim licking an ice cream cone in the park and you blow his head off you are technically committing an act of self defense.

It would be like shooting a Nazi off a half track while he's playing a harmonica for his comrades. Doesn't matter if they've taken a pause to refresh their hateful bodies and minds. You know what they'll do inevitably if allowed to continue in your midst.

Muslims must learn they they are not safe anywhere outside a Muslim country. It's because we are not safe when even one of them is among us. They have a wold-among sheep mentality. And like wolves among sheep, they can't be reasoned with. Nor does it matter if their is a whole burgeoning sheepfold and only a few wolves.


It kills me every time I have to drive by the Mosque on Rte. 7 on Friday in Falls Church, VA and see the police protecting these scumbags and to know that the Fort Hood shooter "worshiped" there and that Al-Awlaki preached there, etc.

My heart does a back flip to see a mosque "desecrated". But here a clue, Haji: You cannot desecrate that which is profane. It should never have been "consecrated" in the first place.


Burn every mosque to the ground in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and kill every Muslim twice. Read the Old Testament/Torah; yeah, Jesus was there, too! And the more desperate our times become, the more as see the radical solutions applied there as most efficacious and most perfectly innocent, most perfectly righteous. Those passages where the children of Israel are told to kill everyone and burn everything, to take nothing from the sick, dead culture they purged, neither their gods nor their earthly goods, etc., mean something altogether different to me now that I am 44 years old and have seen this spreading evil I never knew existed before.


Burn every mosque, kill every Muslim, then follow them back to the hellish countries they invaded and took over in the 7th Century and liberate them – whether they want to be liberated or not.

I am calling for a worldwide Crusade against Islam. We've let the Muslims breed their hate and rebound from the last quarantine for far too long and now they are a threat to every man, woman, and child on the planet again. And so, clearly, it's time for another crusade.

I want their blood on my hands as a matter of principle. I want to feel Islam physically dying at my feet. I pity anyone who doesn't share this urge. You don't put the devil on notice that he has to be good or he'll suffer consequences. You don't keep a close eye on him or quarantine him. You blot him out of existence. It is not in his nature to comply with your wish to live in peace and security. And that, with nothing more, delineates your DUTY, to dispose of him. It's not an excuse for YOUR injustice. It's a mandate for your implementation of justice. Anything less and you are being unjust to the point of insanity or evil yourself. [Emphasis added]

According to the explanation posted in the YouTube video, this isn't the first time CAIR has successfully petitioned to get an anti-Muslim site taken down.

"At CAIR's request, last year deleted a similar blog containing posts that advocated burning mosques, making false bomb threats implicating Muslims, desecrating Muslim graves, and that recommended the "proper way to shoot a muslim [sic]," the description notes.

PR Newswire adds that "Bare Naked Islam" was "one of the major promoters of the campaign to pressure Lowe's to drops its ads from TLC's 'All-American Muslim.'"

(H/T: Gateway Pundit)



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