Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why are Neo-Cons SO scared of the protestors?

The protestors aren't bothering anyone.

Albeit, maybe 1 or 2 small shops went out of business because of them,
but that's negligible compared to the whole economy that's suffering.
But it's capitalism, all the very few people that are disrupted have
to do is go some where else.
But they'd rather have the masses of people protesting and can't find
a job to go some where else.... preferably the grave yard and lay down
and die quietly.

That doesn't sound very fair to me.

I thought they were concerned more about the economy than 1 or 2 small
shops (?)

Yet that's all they talk about.

Cause they're scared folks, cause they're scared.
As well they should be.

Such wimps.
They really are the biggest wimps you'll ever run across.
They carry briefcases and laptops, that's the extent of their physical
Their abilities are in making up phony economic mechanisms.

The slightest noise spooks them.
The wrong gaze spooks them.
The wrong attire spooks them.
The wrong music spooks them.
The wrong attitude spooks them.
The wrong thinking spooks them.
The wrong speech spooks them.
The wrong haircut spooks them.
The wrong neighborhood spooks them.
The wrong restaurant spooks them.
The wrong skin color spooks them.

In short, the wimpy Wall Street gamblers and their supporters want
blind obedience, not spooks.

Yes they're scared. Very very scared.

Go OWS!!!

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