Sunday, November 27, 2011

Re: A muslim author/philosopher challegens Americans at Ground Zero (video)

Good Morning from Tampa Florida Edip,
You have addressed so many issues on your web page, that it would be impossible to address each and every ascertation and allegation that you raise, especially in three minutes. 
I wonder if you know and understand the true definition of Fascism?  If so, could you take the time to explain to our Group what your understanding of Fascism is?
The same for the term:  "Oligarchy".   Would you please take your valuable time to explain how you believe that the United States' federal government has now become an oligarchy?
I assume, based on your web page, that you are Islamic by faith.  You even propose to give a "Reformist" version of the Qur'an to any individual who will engage in a three minute debate with you.  I am unsure what a "Reformist Qur'an" is,  but I would hope that you would agree that Islam's roots are well documented, and that you will not dispute that  Islam in and of itself, was born in violence. Not only did the angel Gabriel allegedly try to choke Mohammad to death at one point, but so did Mohammad's tribe, the "Quraysh".

From its very inception, Islam has been about a fight to survive.  Mohammad called this principle "Jihad", and drew two distinctions. Ultimately the greater jihad, "Jihad al Akbar", is the struggle to perfect oneself, the struggle to be a better person in the eyes of Allah.  Mohammad nevertheless emphasized, especially throughout the Medina Suras in the Qur'an, that the lesser jihad, "Jihad al Asghar"; e.g.; the struggle to defeat infidels, non-believers and opponents who threatens (or has ever threatened!)  the faith, is the primary means for the manifestation of Islam upon our World.
Would you also agree that there is a contradiction in terms and what Mohammad espoused, between sura's that were written in Medina, versus those sura's that Mohammad purportedly wrote in Mecca?
Since you obviously have a dislike, I dare say a hatred for capitalism, what social and economic system can you point to in the world today,  or at any point in history that has worked and been sustainable as compared to a free market economy?
Edip, would you please provide some legitimate documentation where one million Iraqis were killed by American military forces.  (Note:  if you are depending upon the "Opinion Research Business"; ("ORB");  this study has been debunked by every leading Epidemiologist and Bio-Statistician throughout Europe, the Middle East and the United States; so please point to any other legitimate source to support your allegation). 
What many here in our Group still cannot fathom or understand,  is the whole concept of "Sharia".   That "Sharia", to all Muslims, including moderate Muslims and those who maybe considered "Orthodox" or "Fundamentalist Muslims";  crosses all boundaries of life, to include political, economic, religious, personal, hygienic, attire, food, etc.  That there is nothing at all to compare this concept with here in the United States of Europe.   Sharia is all encompassing.  Even the concept of loving one's Nation, or patriotism is not at all the same.   By example,  one facet of Sharia would be for a Christian Minister or Priest dictating to his congregation what to wear; what to eat; who to vote for; how often to bathe, and the exact precepts of personal hygiene.  We're not talking about a Christian  Priest or Minister "Suggesting" what to wear, or eat,  we are talking about a Priest or Minister MANDATING what you will wear each and every day, and what you will eat, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc., etc.   Again, this is such a foreign concept to those of us who have lived a Western lifestyle that it seems almost laughable, but nevertheless, ALL Muslims, to include those that we consider, "Moderate"  are under the dictates of Sharia.   To not follow the dictates of Sharia, qualifies you as an infidel, and infidels.....Edip, maybe you can expand upon Islam's views of Infidels,  and go into the definition of what an "Infidel" is, and what the penalties are for Infidels,  starting with the taxation of Infidels, and the progression to the death sentence?
Do you consider yourself to be an Infidel?
I could go on, but I think the following questions will take you far longer than three minutes to explain, or attempt to make a cognitive, logical supporting and thoughtful response.   
On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 8:48 PM, Democrat <> wrote:
For this offer to work, we need make an arrangement regarding the
referees. My original offer was a bit different: either you get 100
dollars or you get a free book or free junk food. In other words, it
was a one-sided offer. I did not need to pay someone's expenses or the
other way around. I had an allocated budget for that and regardless
the judgment of the referees I was going to achieve my goal: start
rational dialogue in an environment where warmonger's confrontational
propaganda of hostility and bloodshed is popular.

So, offer a method to select an impartial referee, then I will take
your proposal, preferrably in Tucson.


On Nov 26, 8:22 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> Good Morning from Tampa Florida Edip,
> I have ony watched a portion of your video, and seen only a smidgeon of
> your writings.
> I'll take your challenge,  albeit I would like for the stakes to be a
> little higher.  How about we debate,  "*mano-y-mano*", and the loser cover
> all expenses of the winner?
> I am prepared to come to New York,  or for you to come to Tampa Florida.
> If you come to Tampa, I can arrange for public broadcasting on cable
> television, but either way,  our debate will be broadcast on You-Tube.
> Put your money where your mouth is.....
> Respectfully,
> KeithInTampa
> KeithInTampa@gmail,com
> On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 2:45 AM, Democrat <> wrote:
> > Edip Yuksel chellenges fellow Americans at Ground Zero.
> > Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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