Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans day.....Yeah, right....

It is only 8:40 AM and I am already tired of hearing it and the
bullshit line "Thanks for your service"

I entered military service as a brainwashed, "patriotic" idiot.

Vietnam had nothing to do with "Patriotism", national security or
freeing the "oppressed".

And none of the conflicts since have either. Instead the true cost of
all of these transgressions has been a loss of liberties, freedoms and
security to every citizen of the nation.

The soldier/military supposedly fights to retain these things. It
would seem that when the known and obvious result is exactly the
opposite they and the public would wake up.

Sadly, that is not the case. Other than the loss of life (both sides),
the loss of massive revenues, the loss of constitutional rights/
protections, the loss of standing in the world, the creation of even
more fundamental Sharia based governments, the planting, production
and open distribution of more Opium with a military force flying right
over it (and purposely NOT touching it or interfering), the arming of
the drug cartels on our nausea......

Please tell me exactly what our true GAINS have been and exactly who
the US military is actually serving.

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