Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fwd: Pelosi's "We are going to make this the most ethical Congress.....!"

---------- Forwarded

Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law is given $737m of taxpayers' money to build giant solar power plant in middle of the desert

Obama administration approved $1bn in green energy loans days after failed Solyndra project due to be completed
$737m handed to Crescent Dunes project in Tonopah, Nevada, for 110-megawatt desert solar power plant
Investors include firm Minority leader's brother-in-law and major Solyndra stakeholder
Republicans warn Energy Department is 'rushing' $5bn in loans ahead of Friday deadline

Just in case you missed it.....  CORRUPTION ABOUNDS!  In the meantime, American's are suffering in the worst economic downturn and the politicians are NOT representing the people!  Pelosi's brother-in-law must have done some lobbying to secure over 700 million dollars for a Solar Company!
Wasn't Solyndra's bankruptcy an eye opener!  I understand that George Kaiser, one of Obama's biggest fund raiser's who was instrumental in securing the loan for Solyndra, is, also, involved with Pelosi's brother-in-law and is a major stockholder in this new company! 
Tax payers are beginning to resemble the people who got on the Mayflower and left England because of high taxes and burdensome laws, etc.  We have NO representation any longer!  Politicians support minority special interest groups and do NOT do the will of the people any longer! 
It is time Nancy Pelosi was sent back to California permanently!  How does she smile this one away?  I want a investigation in to the travesty at the Department of Energy!  They are operating with borrowed money and are destroying the economy while pushing GREEN everything!  Obama's last gasp effort to win reelection is falling on deaf ears! 
Obama does not know how to govern, but, has found success on the speaking circuit!  He draws big crowds but, you have to wonder how many of those applauding have lost their jobs or are dependent on big government. "Keep those tax dollars flowing and we will reelect you!"
Levon (Mema)

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