Friday, September 16, 2011

The Fasco-Communist Police State of America

The Fasco-Communist Police State of America
by Jeff Berwick

Woe to the average American. The US Government has taken all the worst parts of every heinous government system and combined them all into one viral new strain.

If you were to say the US is fascist, you'd be right.


, according to Wikipedia, is defined as "a radical, authoritarian nationalist political ideology. It advocates the creation of a totalitarian single-party state that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation through indoctrination, physical education, and family policy (such as eugenics)."

Let's break that down word by word.

Radical: Political Radicalism is defined as being "political principles focused on altering social structures."

Check. The US Government has a never ending list of social structure changing laws, regulations and programs from "affirmative action" to welfare systems which encourage single parent families as well as having started the "women's liberation movement" in order to get women out of the house and get their children into the government indoctrination camps (more on that below) for longer periods of time.

Authoritarian: Authoritarianism is defined as "a form of social organization characterized by submission to authority."

Check. As Congressman Pete Stark stated, " The Federal Government can do most anything in this country." From no-knock raids to torture to concentration camps (Guantanamo Bay) to undeclared, illegal wars to secret CIA prisons throughout the world, the US Government has shown and even has said it can do whatever it wants.

Nationalist: Nationalism is defined as "a political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms."

Check. After decades of forcing children to chant the "pledge of allegiance" and constantly repeating nationalist rhetoric brainwashing via the government controlled mainstream media, grown men stand up and sing the national anthem at sporting events on their own volition.

Single-Party State.

Check. Most of the world looks at the US "democractic" system as being laughable for only having two real political parties. But the truth of the matter, as most have been discovering, is that it is even worse than that. There really is only one political party. The Republicrats. The Democrats and Republicans say different things but do the same thing. Proof of this can be seen in Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack Obama, having not only ended the Bush wars, but having added to them now with his attack on Libya on top of Afghanistan and Iraq.


Check. Vladimir Lenin once said, "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." He never could have dreamed of a state where children are forced into child indoctrination camps for eight hours per day for 12 years. During those twelve years they are never told what money is nor how the money system or central bank in the US work. Instead they are forced to memorize propaganda and lies about American history.

Speaking of Lenin, if you were to say the US is turning communist, you'd also be right.


Marx detailed the 10 essential tenets of communism as:
  • Central banking system
  • Government controlled education
  • Government controlled labor
  • Government ownership of transportation and communication vehicles
  • Government ownership of agricultural means and factories
  • Total abolition of private property
  • Property rights confiscation
  • Heavy income tax on everyone
  • Elimination of rights of inheritance
  • Regional planning

The US Government adheres to more than a few.

1. Central Banking System

Check. Federal Reserve, installed since 1913.

2. Government Controlled Education

Check. In 1821, Boston started the first public high school in the United States. By the close of the 19th century, public secondary schools began to outnumber private ones and now, in the 21st century the education system is almost completely controlled by the government. And they've been doing a great job of dumbing down the population. A viewing of Jay Leno's old, " Jaywalking" is more than proof of that.

3. Government Controlled Labor

Luckily, this one isn't ubiquitous, but VP Joe Biden's talk to union labor and Jimmy Hoffa's recent "this is war" rally cry shows the movement is alive and well.

4. Government Control of Transportation and Communication

Again, not ubiquitous, but the US Government owns Amtrak, owns almost all roads, owned GMC and for all intents and purposes is one and the same with mainstream media.

5. Heavy Income Tax on Everyone


6. Elimination of Rights of Inheritance

Check. Inheritance tax.

Six out of ten? That's close enough. And a case could be made for 8 or 9 of them.

So, is the US Government fascist or communist? You'd be right if you answered both.

And, to top it off, it is also a police state. Ask any child who has tried to open a lemonade stand in the land of the free. To see the latest egregious example of the police state, check out this story. These guys have been given 200 tickets and been arrested numerous times for trying to give pedestrians low speed rides in electric vehicles on a tip basis!

America was a great idea. That idea died decades ago. What has slithered in, in its place, is the worst parts of all the worst forms of government.

Some believe it can be fixed. We don't. It will get much worse before it gets better.

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