Thursday, August 18, 2011

Re: Who Schooled Whom?

Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
"There is a distinction however, between "Intervention" and
Dr. Paul espouses the latter..."

And There is a distinction between "Interventionism", "Non-
Interventionism", and "Isolationism"

Ron Paul is "Non-Interventionism". He wants to trade with people, talk
to people, and be friends with people, but he does not want the U.S.
to tell how other countries should live their live.

Ron Paul Educates McCain

What's the rationale behind N. Non-Proliferation Treaty?


Legalization of big countries bullying smaller countries.

That's what it is.

"No one has answered – or until now, even asked – the obvious
question: Why is it that the United States can have a nuclear arsenal
far larger than that of every other country in the world combined, but
that Iran can't have even a single nuclear bomb – especially when
Israel, Pakistan, and India have nuclear weapons?"
Harry Browne--(2005)

Suppose Iran does have one, so what?

All its neighboring countries have one.

Do you think they can just drop one without paying a heavy price when
other countries retaliate?

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