Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Obama Appoints Truth Czar

I was hoping the story was about someone to teach obama how to tell the truth. No such luck.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Obama Appoints Truth Czar

In a newly created position, Obama's truth czar, Jesse Lee, will "coordinate rapid response to unfavorable stories" and will "be pressing to make the administration more popular on the web."

This is Obama's official disinformation campaign, paid for with your increasingly burdensome taxpayer dollars from your steadily decreasing wages. How is this legal? Where is the outcry?

Atlas reader Chuck chimed in, "Finally it is officially sanctioned to presume that all Obama supporters are government trolls obeying the marching orders of their new field commander. Seriously: all Obama supporters, all forums, all the time, no exceptions, no mercy."

They certainly spend their disposable time in the comment sections of the right of center blogs. Many can be found in the Atlas comment section. Always first.

White House Adds New Position to Deal with Unfavorable Online Media

The White House has named Jesse Lee to a new position within its communications department titled Director of Progressive Media & Online Response. According to The Huffington Post, Lee will essentially be responsible for building up Obama's online presence as he prepares for his reelection bid, and squashing any negative stories:

The post is a new one for this White House. Rapid response has usually been outsourced to the Democratic National Committee (DNC), if not done on an ad-hoc basis by administration officials. And it signals that the White House will be adopting a more aggressive defense of the president and his policies as his re-election campaign gears up.

The post is a new one for this White House. Rapid response has been the purview of the Democratic National Committee (and will continue to be). Lee's hire, however, suggests that a portion of it will now be handled from within the administration. It also signals that the White House will be adopting a more aggressive engagement in the online world in the months ahead.

Lee has played that role in the past, including writing a semi-infamous White House blog post that said Fox News' Glenn Beck was lying about the administration on his show. His new gig comes with its own Twitter account, precisely for the purposes of disseminating push back.

Chris O'Shea over at Media Bistro chided:

If you're going to post something online about Obama that isn't true, Lee is going to be the one to handle you. Considering that Lee's first tweet about his new position included a picture of The Terminator, we suggest you watch what you say OR BE DESTROYED.

Okay that was a little dramatic, but you get the idea.




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