Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Re: Keith In Köln, please explain Germany for us

On Jun 11, 5:53 am, Keith In Köln <> wrote:
> Stu-Stu-Studio!

Ka-Ka Keith...

> You are a Moonbat, and so out of touch with reality, that I don't even know
> where to start with addressing your message.  If you want to focus on one
> legitimate issue to discuss,  I'm all for it.  

Right Keith.
Face it, you don't know where to start addressing my message because
you can't fight facts with your BS political spin forever.
The facts are 80% of the American people could give a rats ass how
much lower you can make the lowest tax rates paid since 1942, while
investing and creating jobs in every country on earth except the US.

> Don't sling a bunch of far left socialistic/Bolshevik rhetoric and spin at me, and expect me to respond
> without slinging nasty barbs right back!

Nasty barbs?
You must not have read any of plainolidiots barbs at me... as if.

Sir, I have not even begun slinging nasty barbs at you.
If you think I'm afraid of some wealthy briefcase carrying lawyer,
you're more stupid than I would have thought.
How much do you have to lose?
The barbarians are at the gate stupid....and they ain't going to be
going after someone with nothing to lose lawyerboy.

* "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we
created them". - A. Einstein

Yet that's exactly what the Conservitards would have you believe.

And the Tea Bagger Party... these idiots are no better than the
Taliban ...both seek to turn the clock backwards to what they perceive
as "simpler times".
But it's what they don't tell you that will hurt you.

* "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler". -
Albert Einstein

We live in a complex world, a nuclear world, not some sticks and
stones barbaric draconian religious mythological militaristic kingdom
the way Conservitards would have you believe was SO much better.

* "You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in
common, they don't alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the
facts to fit their views, which can be uncomfortable, if you happen to
be one of the facts that needs altering."-- Doctor Who, THE FACE OF

And that's precisely what Conservitards want, to alter facts to fit
their views.

* "Math is just logic with numbers attached, and success with it
requires the ability to reason effectively.
But children are taught "what" to think, and not "how" to think.
That's why so many adults live in a state of perpetual
misunderstanding about the world". –Marilyn Vos Savant

A perpetual misunderstanding of the world is precisely where
Conservitards live and want others to live with them.
Conservitards are anti-science, unless it's the science of murder,
kill, death.

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