Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Re: Busting the rituals that are destroying the USA.


1) I have elucidated many if not most of the fallacies of YOUR New Constitution repeatedly.

2) You never answer any pointed questions that I (or anyone else) raise about said fallacies.

3) No, I am not a fan of the document created by the founding fathers. I am a voluntarist. I believe the only structure I need for my life is the following:
  • Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
  • Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
  • Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
  • Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
  • Thou shalt not murder.
  • Thou shalt not commit adultery.
  • Thou shalt not steal.
  • Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
  • Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's.
I see nothing written there that says "Thou shalt accept the rule of governments" that create inane, arbitrary laws designed to control my life.

It is important to note that YOUR New Constitution is socialist/fascistic mumbo-jumbo.

On 06/09/2011 07:07 PM, NoEinstein wrote:
Dear J. Ashley:  Do me a favor.  Please elucidate any supposed fallacy in my New Constitution.  I applied simple, unselfish principles to write everything.  The Founding Fathers never explained the principles they used.  Do you dislike their work, too?  — J. A. A. — 
On Jun 6, 4:23 pm, Jonathan Ashley <jonathanashle...@lavabit.com> wrote: 
John,  I certainly don't want you repeating your fallacies.  On 06/06/2011 12:04 PM, NoEinstein wrote:  
Dear J. Ashley:  I read you reply, below, in the 'lead-in' to my posts.  I replied to this at another location you are sure to see. Forgive me for not repeating things, here.  ï¿½ J. A. A. � On Jun 4, 9:38 pm, Jonathan Ashley<jonathanashle...@lavabit.com> wrote: 
1) You wrote, "Since the Secret Service seems more inclined to go along with the 'protocol' of ritual, than they are inclined to obey their sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution..." 
Where can one find the oath "to uphold the Constitution" you continue to claim Secret Service members have sworn to uphold? 
As far as I have been able to find, agents are sworn to sacrifice their life for the President and be �worthy of trust and confidence.� I am hoping your superior intellect can point me in the right direction. 
2) If you are looking for "true American patriots" you won't find them among any of the folks you mention in this diatribe. 
3) You should look into the proper usage of "(sic)." Just because you placed "President" in quotes before using it does not make its usage appropriate. 
On 06/04/2011 02:12 PM, NoEinstein wrote: 
Memorial Day rituals include watching TV broadcasts from the Capital lawn.  There, thousands of smiling people sway to the patriotic music while feeling good about the sacrifices made by so many thousands of men and women to keep our country free.  Military officers in pristine uniforms carry our Stars and Strips.  The sameness of such solemn rituals helps maintain the delusion that all things are� well in this country.  Instead of active revolts�like author Dick Morris manages to bypass advocating in his book�Americans have their �fighting instincts� placated by harmless �bombs bursting in air�.  The fact is, such fireworks displays are little more than loud eye-candy that effectively cause most American�s to figure the battles have been fought.  But has any �war� to right our country�s course been won? Dick Morris consistently misses the point when he figures the needed �revolt� to save the USA, economically and socially, can be won while saving the failed rituals that brought this country to the brink of ruin in the first place.  He talks about some vague �conservative candidate� winning the 2012 Presidential race� against Barack Obama. Morris, like most at Fox News, smiles so broadly in talking about the 2012 race for President, that he, effectively, is endorsing having an unconstitutional� Manchurian Candidate President from Kenya, who is THE most hurtful man to the USA in our entire history, get a� �second chance� at the White House. I almost gag each time Barack Obama bounces down the steps of Air Force One�every bit as well as Fred Astaire could have done.  At the bottom of the plane�s stair our �President� (sic) is greeted by saluting, smiling soldiers.  Those are caught in the God Damned ritual of looking up to whatever crook happens to be squatting in the White House.  None of those soldiers, not even generals, have yet to honor their sworn oaths to�  ï¿½protect this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic.�  The vote is still out whether Barack Obama can qualify as a domestic enemy.  *** Unless the US Secret Service says, definitively, that Obama is� domestic, then I side with the thousands of computer savvy graphics experts who know that all LAYERED PDF files are contrived documents.  And if Barack Obama, indeed, presented such a contrived �long form� birth certificate, then he should be hanged for TREASON on that fact alone!  Since the Secret Service seems more inclined to go along with the �protocol� of ritual, than they are inclined to obey their sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution, every compliant member of the Secret Service looking the other way to W. H. criminality is giving aid and comfort to the enemy�treason.  A lot of strong, and should have been smarter men, are going to hang� unless one of those men is moral enough to DO what is right for America, and to crap-on any ritual that would do otherwise! The reason Fox News and other media outlets play down Obama�s contrived citizenship in this country is because all of those know that nothing would shoot-down faster, the (G. D.) rituals of our unconstitutional two party political system, and the spaced-out (in time and place), unconstitutional presidential primaries.  Our country would forever be changed, not by me, but by Donald Trump.  He�s the first �public figure� brave enough to point out that Barack Obama isn�t� lily white.  Sarah Palin, reportedly, has urged Trump to consider running as an independent.  I want ALL serious candidates for President to run as independents!  That way they can say to HELL with the wasteful, unconstitutional and immoral political primaries! Instead of spending billions on the primaries, the candidates would only need to raise, like, five million dollars each to support the needed preparation for the several, aired presidential debates and the nationally televised personal interviews (Barbara Walters and Katie Couric excluded).  The advent of their being TVs in every home has shot-to-hell any rationale for having a bunch of FOOL presidential candidates crisscrossing the country to press-the-flesh with typically apathetic voters.  Making unkeepable promises to those same disparate voters borders on bribery.  ï¿½Vote for ME, and I will do this for you!� is the promise that got Obama elected (gag).  But never more!  It will only take one or two other public figures, with the strength of character of Donald Trump, to �fire the SECOND shot heard round the world.�  ï¿½Revolt�, Dick Morris!  ï¿½Revolt�, Bernie Goldberg!  ï¿½Revolt�, Rick Santorum!  ï¿½Revolt�, Sarah Palin!  ï¿½Revolt� all true American patriots who are out there! It�s appropriate to honor our military on Memorial Day.  I think it would be nice to have a few people be vocal regarding my spending fifteen years of my life Penning and Polishing my New Constitution of the USA.  Over the past few years, I�ve written essays totaling more words than the novel �War and Peace.�  The theme of most of those could be: �Economic doom or Capitalist prosperity�!  Read my book touting the latter cure for our woes.  The simple cures are the best! Respectfully submitted, � John A. Armistead �  Patriot AKA NoEinstein on Google�s sci.physics news group. http://groups.google.com/group/politicalforum/browse_thread/thread/eb... 
       Freedom is always illegal! 
When we ask for freedom, we have already failed. It is only when we declare freedom for ourselves and refuse to accept any less, that we have any possibility of being free. 
 --        Freedom is always illegal!  When we ask for freedom, we have already failed. It is only when we declare freedom for ourselves and refuse to accept any less, that we have any possibility of being free. 


Freedom is always illegal!

When we ask for freedom, we have already failed. It is only when we declare freedom for ourselves and refuse to accept any less, that we have any possibility of being free.

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