Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Re: Bachmann plays stoopid card like bush!

Interesting. WOuld love to know what the title has to do with the
subject. I guess our smarter and betters don't need common sense to
figure out what they mean - that is if they even know.

By the way, has anyone told the Dem leader Wasserman-Schultz that being
an illegal immigrant is by definition a crime? Or that if you are going
to hit on people because they are not supporting the US auto market then
maybe it might be a good idea if you did so yourself?

And this is the woman they selected to speak for the Dem party? Amazing!!

I would think, Mr Stink, that you might want to fix your party before
you say anything at all about the opposition. After all we were not the
ones who gave an iPod of our speeches to the Queen of England as an
official gift or gave a selection of DVD's that could not be played on
the British DVD players to the PM of Britain, a man who is knows to be
hard of hearing. That was the Dems who did that.

Also interesting is the new study that the most free state in the union
is New Hampshire which also also has the fewest lawyers in the state
legislature as well as the fewest college grads. I guess to be free you
just need common sense, not an advanced degree. The least free also has
the highest education level and the most lawyers. Coincidence? I don't
think so. Also run by Dems as well. That sorta tells you who has
common sense and freedom for the people as their main task.

Stephen Stink wrote:
> Yep, now I know why most college professors are commies! People in the
> Low-t party movement are dumb as a rock! Doncha just love it? And to
> think that Hitler thought that white people are the master race! Tee!
> Hee! Hey look at me! I aint no elitest! I'm stoopid like you!
> If the majority of Americans are supporters of Tea party fags then Al
> Quida could sleep walk and take over the USA! Wouldn't want that! You
> silly peopler! Go kiss the Koch brohers ass!
> and say....
> Wheeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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