Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fwd: BigHomo : John Stossel comes out on the air!

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John Stossel comes out on the air!
On tonight's "Stossel," on FOX Business at 10 pm, John Stossel comes
out -- as the person Andrew Breitbart first offered the Hanna
Giles/James O'Keefe ACORN expose to, but when he was at
state-controlled ABC or CBS or whatever unwatched network he used to
be on with Bawa Wawa. So he had no chance of getting that story to
the public, given the censorship in the lamestream media (see post
below on how Rachel Maddow suppressed the Weinergate story to protect
Anthony Weiner when women appealed to her because he was a crazed
cyber-flasher -- don't leave your kids with Rachel or Mika!)

I am actually in the front row in the audience. (The fairly tasty warm
up comic actually grabbed my knee and shook it to urge me to be more
energetic for the camera. His aim was off but he wasn't on my team
anyway. **Sigh**)

The show overall is about the growth of independents (including
libertarians) in the American polity, occasioned by the release of
Reason editors Matt Welch's and Nick Gillespie's new book "The
Declaration of Independents" (I am in the first few chapters and it
is, as one would expect, both well written and fairly informative, but
I am friendly acquaintances with both guys as well as their
wives/significant others and even know their kids and went on the
"reason" cruise with them in January, so I will disclose that). It's
also about the huge growth in choice and freedom in all the areas of
American life not touched by the State, from more TV and news channels
(which means Breitbart types cannot be easily censored anymore by the
government licensed gatekeepers) to more freedom especially for
lesbians, gays, women, trans people, blacks AND everyone else too.
Kurt Loder and MTV's Kennedy are also on panels.

Welsh and Gillespie sign books in Manhattan tonight at 7 pm. I will
almost be back home in DC by then. (But if you are that cute --
straight guy -- comic I can come back next week!)

The Stossel episode will air on Fox Business on Thursday, June 23, at
10pm ET. For more details, go here.
Also on Thursday, we'll be doing a book talk and signing at the Barnes
& Noble on 82nd Street and Broadway. Details:
Libertarian advocate and editor of Nick Gillespie talks
about his compelling book, The Declaration of Independents, with Matt
Welch, Editor in Chief of Reason Magazine.
82nd & Broadway
2289 Broadway, New York, NY 10024
More info and easy B&N purchase info here.
For more info about The Declaration of Independents, go here.

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