Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Re: Empty Ritual is stymieing America’s hopes


By "fair" I assume you mean "equality of terms; equity; as the fairness of a contract."

How do you propose to accomplish such fairness? Any scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life is socialism/communism - the very thing you "claim" to abhor.

On 05/10/2011 10:22 PM, NoEinstein wrote:
Dear Jonathan: In any economic system there are good and bad points. Executive compensation, that has sometimes been at the expense of the workers cranking out the products, should be based on what is fair, not just who the supposed leaders of the corporations are.  Wal-Mart started out giving financial incentives to the managers of the stores, until the wife of the founder insisted that workers would do a better job, and stay on those jobs longer if there was a profit sharing plan.  A black janitor retired after forty or so years with the company and had several million dollars in the bank.  That sort of fairness doesn't sound like socialism, now, does it.  I can't speak for Donald Trump, but in order to get quality labor for building quality real estate properties—as he knows so well how to do— the compensation needs to be tops.  In the long run, everyone in the employment hierarchy will benefit when fairness reigns for those at the bottom or at the top.  — John A. Armistead — Patriot. 
On May 10, 11:59 am, Jonathan <> wrote: 
John,  Repeat after me: Donald Trump is a socialist. From a 2009 interview about whether there should be executive pay limits:  Larry King: Is Obama right or wrong to go after these executives with salary caps?  Donald Trump: Well, I think he's absolutely right. Billions of dollars is being given to banks and others. You know, once you start using taxpayer money, it's a whole new game. So I absolutely think he's right.  That's socialism Einstein.  On 05/09/2011 11:38 PM, NoEinstein wrote:          
Republican presidential contenders are gearing-up to fight-it-out for the right to run against� �Obama� in 2012.  Every one of those should be required to answer this question: �Is it FAIR to have hugely expensive primaries spread over months, with the most �power� going to the voters in the corn state of� Iowa?  Answer:  Hell NO!  Nor is it FAIR to allow political parties to have any say-so, whatsoever, regarding who the contenders can be, and how the country will be run once the �winning party� has been decided. 
Rep. Ron Paul, that sunken-cheek retread from the 2008 election, has already raised a million dollars�probably earmarked for brown-nosing the farmers of Iowa for a chance to become President.  Paul�s early polling lead among the announced candidates has him positioned much as he was four years ago.  The same anti-war, less-government crowd who filled his coffers with hard cash, must still be impressed by his unwavering positions on most issues.  When Paul withdrew in 2008, he said, �Elections are over quickly.  Winning a revolution will take a bit longer.�  But instead of leading a revolution, Paul settled back into business as usual in our broken and corrupt, party-dominated government.  Anyone so corrupted could never lead this country in the new direction needed. 
Judge Andrew Napolitano, filling in for a flagging Glenn Beck, asked a guest this question: �Who among the possible Republican presidential candidates do you think Barack Obama would LEAST like to run against?�  The answer to that question isn�t as important as the fact Napolitano is so matter-of-fact that Barack Obama will still be in office, let alone be a candidate for President in 2012.  My above average computer graphics experience leads me to conclude that both of Obama�s purported birth certificates are bogus.  *** In a very public and straightforward way, the US Secret Service should conduct a definitive investigation of all �birther� issues, lest they continue to �protect� a scoundrel who isn�t a bona fide President of the USA. Napolitano shows his naivet� by recommending we vote for candidates desiring smaller, lower cost Government who will support� the Constitution.  Over the decades, the Constitution has been ritually praised.  But that document was so WEAK that our government evolved away from being the Representative Republic the Founding Fathers surely wanted to mandate.  My New Constitution is strength (control over what goes on in Washington) made manifest! 
Donald Trump is being �tagged� a �birther� and a �racist� by Mort Zuckerman�s NY news paper.  Liberals call it a conspiracy that anyone would wish to apply the same level of technical facility to analyzing two questionable birth certificates, as was used to assess the Shroud of Turin, or the remains of King Tut.  The long form birth certificate, which Obama released to the press, was a *.PDF file, not a photocopy of an original.  That file was clearly LAYERS of PDF files placed one over the other to form a composite, counterfeit certificate.  Detractors of scientific reason, such as my own and the hundreds of others like me, like to state that �The officials of the State of Hawaii have confirmed that the birth certificate is real.� Great!  (Gag, gag.)  Objective, concerned Americans are expected to defer to the word of officials in perhaps THE most liberal state in the union.  And only one corrupt official would be needed to unbind and stitch-in a bogus certificate. 
I found it most interesting that a supposed girlfriend of the daughter of the Dr. Sinclair, who purportedly delivered Obama, recalled, *** after half a century *** a dinner conversation like this: �What interesting things have happened to you this week, Dr.� 
�Oh, I gave birth to a kid named Barack Hussein Obama.  Isn�t that a pretty name!  His mother is named Stanley, like I�m searching in my family genealogy.� 
That girlfriend then went on to say that she was �the last surviving person who remembers Obama�s birth.�  Yeah, right.  And that aunt of Obama who was at his birth in Kenya, must have had a� flawed memory. And wasn�t a Kenya birth certificate shown to be fake?  Or� was a fake birth certificate PLANTED to discredit those seeking the truth? 
*** Donald Trump is�in my well-considered opinion�the most qualified person to be President.  I view his being a government outsider as a 200% advantage, because, as has been the case with Ron Paul, the corruption of the rituals of Washington runs deep for those who�ve been there too long.  Trump commented that his running as an independent might actually help Obama by drawing votes from the� Republican candidate.  But know this, Mr. Trump: When Obama�s birth certificates and etc. are recognized as being fake, no candidate needs to fear helping Obama win.  Political parties are UNCONSTITUTIONAL under the present Constitution.  So, all primaries and runoffs should rightfully be held on the dates spelled out in my New Constitution: �The 3rd Tuesday in July, voters of all the states and territories shall reduce the field of presidential candidates to 8, with the incumbent Pres.&  VP to be included in such number, if applicable. The 3rd Tuesday in October, voters shall reduce the field to four, with the incumbent Pres. and VP not automatically included.  The 1st Tuesday in November, each voter selects their 1st&  2nd choices�points 4 and 3 respectively.  The President and Vice President Elect receive the highest the 2nd highest total points.� 
It�s obvious that few in the media, including at Fox News, want Obama�s birth certificate to be shown to be fake.  Glenn Beck calls the �birthers� a conspiracy.  And Beck discredits my calling Obama the �Manchurian Candidate,� saying, simply, that isn�t so.  With regularity, Beck talks about America needing� �manafacturing� (sic) jobs.  And he says� �If they �would have� done that�� rather than saying, correctly, if they HAD done that.�  Beck�s regularly making grammatical errors like those, places his IQ at between 90 and 95�too low to understand the figurative meaning in calling Obama the Manchurian Candidate. 
Those in the media, such as Britt Hume, Mort Zuckerman and Andrew Napolitano, want to stampede the voters into believing there will be business as usual in government.  Nothing would so �shake up� the media and our corrupt two-party government as having overwhelming acceptance that Obama is indeed a FORGER as well as a bribe-giver and taker.  He did the latter things in arranging the endorsements of the Clintons, and others, to allow him to become our� Manchurian Candidate President. 
The (White) House cleaning that this country so needs, should be the end of business as usual in Washington, and the beginning of our rebirth as a prosperous nation! 
Respectfully submitted, 
� John A. Armistead �  Patriot 
AKA NoEinstein on Google�s sci.physics news group. 
 --        Freedom is always illegal!  When we ask for freedom, we have already failed. It is only when we declare freedom for ourselves and refuse to accept any less, that we have any possibility of being free. 


Freedom is always illegal!

When we ask for freedom, we have already failed. It is only when we declare freedom for ourselves and refuse to accept any less, that we have any possibility of being free.

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