Monday, May 16, 2011

Re: The Deliberate Destruction of a Great Nation

Good article.

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Travis <> wrote:

Read More About: ACORNBlack PanthersMarriage disputeWisc. Gov


Redacted from WHISTLEBLOWER MAGAZINE, May 2011

It may have been "Morning in America" during Ronald Reagan's presidency, but under Barack Obama life is becoming a blinding fog. What is real and what is not? One week, polls show most Americans think Obama is a liar, his popularity reaching an all-time low. The next week, his ratings skyrocket on news that terror kingpin Osama bin Laden has been killed.

But as the modern entertainment medium called "news" switches gears from week to week, lurching from story to story, what is really going on underneath it all?

For tens of millions of Americans, what is going on is the destruction of the greatest nation in history, whose morals and money are both in free-fall and whose politics have been steered maniacally leftward under Obama. They see their legendary liberty, prosperity and sovereignty evaporating into the mist of an advancing new global order where America and Americans are being intentionally diminished in every conceivable way.

Realizing they're being deceived and misled constantly by both their government and the elite media, they're doing two things simultaneously: Preparing themselves and their families for hard times, and organizing and working as diligently as possible to save their troubled country.

And one of the most disturbing manifestations of the Age of Obama is documented in the eye-opening May issue of Whistleblower, "RISE OF THE LAWLESS LEFT."

"America – at least America as it has long been known and loved – is disintegrating," said WND Managing Editor David Kupelian. "It is becoming a more lawless place, one where the old rules, the old standards, values, understandings and laws no longer hold sway. And it starts at the top."

While previous presidents have stretched and even distorted the Constitution to accommodate their ambitions, Obama contemptuously tramples the supreme law of the land, which he has publicly condemned as "fundamentally flawed":

Obama's Justice Department, under Attorney General Eric Holder, not only refused to prosecute the most brazen case of voter intimidation in modern history, starring club-wielding New Black Panther thugs. Its Civil Rights Division refuses to prosecute cases where the perpetrators are black and the victims white.

Not only is Team Obama unconcerned with stopping the tidal wave of illegal aliens flooding into the U.S. from Mexico, but when one state, Arizona, passed a law to enforce federal immigration laws, Obama's Justice Department sued Arizona to halt the enforcement.

Though citizens in every state given the chance have voted to reject same-sex marriage, Obama is intent on imposing it on the entire nation. For while Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act by a huge majority in 1996 and Bill Clinton signed it into law, Obama's Justice Department now says it won't enforce the law, without which the Constitution's "full faith and credit" clause will be perverted to force all states to recognize same-sex marriages as legitimate within their borders.

An overwhelming majority of Oklahomans, 70 percent, voted in November to exclude Shariah – the barbaric 7th century legal system that amputates limbs of shoplifters, stones women to death for adultery and burns homosexuals alive – from consideration in settling American legal cases in American courts. But then one judge overturned the law, leaving the door open for one of the most enslaving forces on earth – Shariah – to become a guiding principle in an American courtroom. With such contempt for the rule of law at the top, no wonder leftists around the country are becoming increasingly and openly lawless.

When Wisconsin's governor had the courage to try to bring his state's near-bankrupt budget into balance by limiting the power of government-employee unions, Democrat legislators went AWOL for weeks, running from their elected jobs, crossing their southern border and hiding out in Illinois to avoid being apprehended by police. Meanwhile, thousands of leftist agitators and union thugs vandalized the capitol building. Following their example, 37 out of Indiana's 40 Democratic lawmakers likewise fled westward into Illinois to prevent the Republican majority from balancing their state's budget by checking the power of public-employee unions.

But all that's just the tip of the iceberg, says Kupelian. "Respect for law is breaking down in America. Those on the hard left, encouraged by our radical-in-chief, are increasingly rising up and revealing themselves as the lawless revolutionary ground troops they truly are.

ACORN is back and the unions are just getting warmed up. "Now that we're heading into the 2012 presidential election cycle," said Kupelian, "be warned: Obama and his people will do whatever they possibly can – legal or illegal, moral or immoral – to win the 2012 election.

Remember that community organizing guru Saul Alinsky, whose teachings Obama said were 'seared into my brain' and provided 'the best education I ever had,' taught that it's perfectly fine to violate your own 'individual conscience' – in other words, to lie, steal and cheat – in order to accomplish what is 'good for mankind.'"

Added Kupelian: "We're now in the midst of a civil war between two Americas – between traditional middle-class, hard-working, Judeo-Christian America and the angry, deluded, redistributionist, utopian left. Only one side can prevail. So, while we fight the good fight to restore our culture, economy and constitutional government, understand that the lawlessness on the left is only going to increase."

Read: Whistleblower Magazine, May, 2011

© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Posted by Jerome S. Kaufman on May 11, 2011.


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